View Full Version : Mike - a little help por favor

09-01-2000, 01:43 AM
I want to eliminate the sub that requires the admin to actively log in to the control panel every browser session. I have it protected with .htaccess, I don't really need it protected with the native login routine. I've searched all the scripts in the /forums/admin directory, but haven't been able to locate that section. Since the page is /forums/admin/index.php you would think that it would be in the index.php script, but apparently it's not.

Do you know offhand which script it's located in, and would I have to do anything else but eliminate that routine? I mean, would it conflict with anything anywhere else?

Thanks bud


09-01-2000, 07:41 AM
I think it's in global.php....somewhere :)

09-01-2000, 10:18 AM
global.php, look for

if ($bbuserid==0) {
<head><title>Forums admin</title>
<p>You are either not a valid administrator or have not logged in. Please log in now:</p>
<form action="index.php" method=post>
<input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="<?php

if (GETENV("REQUEST_URI")!="") {
} else {
echo $PHP_SELF;


that entire if should be deleted.

09-01-2000, 01:37 PM
Thanks Menno & doron -

Found it - works beautifully! :)


[Edited by JimF on 09-01-2000 at 10:40 AM]