View Full Version : Experience needed for VB Suite?

07-16-2012, 09:42 PM
I have some basic knowledge of HTML and web design, and I was wondering just how easy it is with VB Suite to modify the design. I can't find a demo of the admin system so I'm really not sure if its a super simple drag and drop kind of thing or something more complicated.

For example, I would like to modify the default vbulletin design and make it very minimalistic like the following website: http://ehealthforum.com/health/health_forums.html

Is this something someone with my basic knowledge can do, or will I require an advanced coder to do this?

Thank you!

07-16-2012, 10:00 PM
You can setup a demo here:

Changing colors is literally "point and click" with the built in style generator.

To make the changes needed to be similar to the site in your link would be involved edits of the templates and CSS. Not difficult if you know what you are doing but time consuming for sure.