View Full Version : RSS {feed:content} problem

07-09-2012, 08:19 PM
Hi guys,

I would like to add a new RSS Feed onto my board but I have a problem.
First of all, this is my feed :

My RSS Feed doesn't have any tag like this :
{feed:content:encoded} or {feed:description}

I have only these tags : {feed:content} and {feed:title} and others but I don't care.
My question is how can I replace content by content:encoded or content by description ?

Thank you all for your help.


07-09-2012, 08:41 PM
I'm not sure what you're asking - is that link you posted a link to your site, or is it a site that you want to get the feed from?

You are asking about {feed:content:encoded} and {feed:description}, those are tags you use when you add a feed in the "RSS Feed Manager", so you can use whichever tags you need. (Probably I don't understand the question).

07-10-2012, 11:31 AM
Yes, you don't understand the question :)

I would like to add this RSS Feed :

I would like to catch every titles and content for every articles in this feed.

If you look forward in this link you'll see this arborescence :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xml:lang="fr-fr">

I need only 2 tags for my board :


Unfortunately, when I go in Admincp > RSS Feed Manager > Add new RSS Feed the result when I configure everything was not good.

In title model field I put : {feed:title} => It works !

But when I add {feed:content} in body model field => Doesn't work !

More info here : http://i.imgur.com/nDnpJ.jpg

The problem might by the attribute because Vbulletin allows only these followings :

You see, in my RSS Feed I have {feed:content} but not {feed:content:encoded}.

How can I force vB to use {feed:content} instead of {feed:content:encoded} ?

Thank you

07-10-2012, 12:47 PM
Ok, I think I see the problem but I don't know what to do about it. It seems that if a feed is going to contain some html (of a forum article, for instance), then there are two basic ways it can be in the feed - as CDATA, in which case it's just a string to the xml parser, or else it can be part of the xml document, since html tags can be parsed like xml (I guess this is called xhtml). This second way is what's in your feed as the <content>, but I don't think the vbulletin feed reader can handle that option (or if it can, there's something about your feed that isn't working right). The result is that the value of feed:content is a big array containing the html data, and the rss poster doesn't know how to display that.

Sorry, I know this isn't very helpful. I might have more time to look for a solution later, if no one else comes up with anything.