View Full Version : How i can fix the power reputation to all?

07-04-2012, 04:00 PM
Hello bros ,

i dont understand , som members , when they up reputation to someone , he get 7+ reputations
i want to fix all click to 1 only reputation per click to all members !

i dont found where

someone can help?


07-05-2012, 01:24 PM
I don't really the use reputation system myself (so I'm not too familiar with it), but, if you go to "User Reputation Options" in the adminCP, there's a setting called "Reputation Point Factor". Maybe if you set that to something very high, then users won't gain any reputation power. I'm not sure if setting it will reset existing users' power, but you can check by looking at the users' info in the adminCP.

07-05-2012, 06:25 PM
oh but i dont found :( , i want juste fix the power reputation to 1 to all groupes

idea ? :(

i'am on 4.1.5

07-05-2012, 06:31 PM
I don't have 4.1.5 to look at, but the same settings are in vb3 so I assume there's in vb4.1.5. And looking at it again, there are several settings that affect a users' power (other than the one I mentioned above), like "Register Date Factor", "Post Count Factor", etc (maybe those are the only other 2). I don't know if there's any way to simply set everyone's power to 1. Maybe someone else will have an idea.

07-05-2012, 09:54 PM
oh i see , thanks i will wait others answers then

thank you anyway and hope to get help ^^