View Full Version : Looking for two mods !!

Reef Man
07-03-2012, 09:04 PM
Hi, I am looking for two mods:

1.- Information to be filled in a thread.
I have a forum that we use to sell and buy.
I want to establish in this forum, some fields that must be filled to permit the post to be published, like:
-New or used
-Time of usage

It must be just for that forum. I remember I saw a mod here in the past to do this, but I cannĀ“t find it.

2.-Do not permit 2 active post in same forum
This is for the same forum, where a person can not publish a new post if he/she already has one post open in that forum.

Thanks in advance for the help !

07-06-2012, 12:14 PM
In the 2nd mod, do you mean 1 thread per user, or 1 post?

Reef Man
07-06-2012, 04:49 PM
Thread. He can post any answers he want in the threads.
Just open one, and until it is closed, can create another one.

07-06-2012, 05:33 PM
The first one exists, but I don't remember the name. Try a search on mods with "thread*" in the title, or maybe "form*" in the title.

07-08-2012, 05:13 PM
Hi, I am looking for two mods:

1.- Information to be filled in a thread.
I have a forum that we use to sell and buy.
I want to establish in this forum, some fields that must be filled to permit the post to be published, like:
-New or used
-Time of usage

It must be just for that forum. I remember I saw a mod here in the past to do this, but I cann?t find it.

2.-Do not permit 2 active post in same forum
This is for the same forum, where a person can not publish a new post if he/she already has one post open in that forum.

Thanks in advance for the help !

you can use this for number 1 right upto the latest 4.2 I think it may be the mod Lynne speaks of as well :up:
