View Full Version : copy/paste lock

09-20-2001, 02:01 AM
how can i prevent users from copying from certain forums, as i don't want them to take the text.

same wise, to lock save/save as/showing the text in print friendly page.

its java script rather than php.

but anyone has the instructions?

09-20-2001, 07:27 AM
well if you don't want the print friendly page at all, just remove the link from the templates.

As for copying using the clipboard I'm not really sure :confused:
I know for images put them as a table background or put a layer with a transparant gif in on top of them makes it harder to pinch - but there'll always be ways around it.

09-20-2001, 03:30 PM
take a look at this,


only works in ie4+ & ns6

you'll also find other variations at the site, no right click on images, no right click, etc.


09-20-2001, 08:39 PM
My suggestion is don't bother trying. The no-select script doesn't stop someone from viewing the source of the page. No-right-click is even less effective - MSIE provides a way around it without even doing anything special, and in NS you just disable javascript to get around it.

There is no foolproof way that a semi-seasoned web surfer couldn't get around in about 30 seconds (save for maybe Flash or a quicktime movie).