View Full Version : Automatic message when you move a thread

06-21-2012, 01:31 PM
It would be awesome if the system created an automatic message when you move a thread.

Moderators take a long time moving threads around, and if they don't post saying they did, the users will never learn.

For example, I move a thread and a post from me is automatically added, saying: "Thread moved from forum x to forum y"

I added this suggestion to the vb system. If you are interested, post here and vote for it:


06-21-2012, 03:11 PM
There's already an option to leave a permanent or expiring redirect, which seems like a better idea since it would be displayed where you'd expect the thread to be. Where would your post go?

06-22-2012, 11:25 AM
The post would go on the thread, so that the users would know that it was moved.

People usually do not check their threads in the forum list, they go to "new posts" or "activity stream"