View Full Version : Changing the most members online ever amount

06-20-2012, 06:37 PM
Can someone tell me how I can edit the number shown of the most members online ever at the botttom of the board? Thanks.

06-20-2012, 07:00 PM
I don't think there's any way to do it without changing the database. You could use phpMyAdmin and look at the datastore table where the title is 'maxloggedin' and change the 'data' column. It's in serialized format, but if you just find the current number and change it to what you want, it should work.

If you don't have phpMyAdmin or equivalent, you could do it with a query like:

UPDATE datastore
SET data=REPLACE(data, 'a:2:{s:9:"maxonline";i:XXX', 'a:2:{s:9:"maxonline";i:YYY')
WHERE title='maxloggedin'

where you would replace XXX with the current number and YYY with the one you want.

06-20-2012, 10:03 PM
Thanks. I had a huge spike in bots or something and now the number just looks stupid. I will try with my limited server/database management experience