View Full Version : Sponsor or featured page mod?

06-14-2012, 05:34 AM
I'm looking for something that i can use as a sponsor page.
Right now i use an html dreamweaver template inside the "Web Templates" mod, but id like to have something more fitting, & functional.

For example:
If a site was to be a sponsor for a racing team, we would want to be able to give the team a page they can use to showcase their race vehicle, any racing dates, other sponsors links, pretty much anything that they might want to add.. videos, images, links, etc.
All nice & pretty in a vB mod. :)

Is there a mod somewhere that does this or something similar.?
Thanks in advance

06-14-2012, 01:56 PM
What about the Use of Groups For each Sponsor you have mate that could work with all the things you have stated above

06-14-2012, 04:19 PM
Hmm, i hadn't thought of that. I'll try it.!!



Yea it could work, but its no improvement over the html i have now.
It's missing links (to promote for the teams other sponsors)
Also it needs more front page images, trophy's, banner, etc.

But i do like the image album, & secluded forum.

Thanks for the idea, but it just needs more. :)

06-14-2012, 06:02 PM
Would you be happy to edit the Page your end and update etc as needed ????

Throw me a pm and i have something you can use for it I am sure