View Full Version : Blocking a users post visibility from another user?

06-12-2012, 03:18 PM
Is it possible to block a user from seeing another users posts?

For instance if two members don't get along and one wishes to be "invisible" to the other member so they don't follow them around and comment on their posts, can one block the other from seeing anything they post on the forum?

06-12-2012, 09:08 PM
You might try doing a search for "ignore" in all mod titles, if you haven't already. I tried but didn't look at all the results. I did find this: www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=109543 which looks like what you want but has some posts saying that it doesn't work with vb4, but I was thinking that it may just be that the plugin code needs

global $vbulletin;

as the first line. (And if you try it and get it to work, post that in the mod thread).

Of course you probably realize that a user will always be able to log out and see the other user's posts, so there isn't any good way to completely hide them (unless your forum isn't public).