View Full Version : Can you Identify this Medal, Badge, Reward System?

06-09-2012, 09:04 AM
Hey guys, I'm new to this whole mod situation. none the less i have been scouring for a few hours now trying to find a certain mod that is used on pbnation.com

im trying to find the mod/addon/ect that i can buy or download that will allow me to assign badges to users under their reputation or avatar.

if you take a look at this thread (http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?t=3820671)
and you look at each user, they all have certain badges that show what they support.

If you look at gsaxon42 the guy who made the thread he has 4 badges ( Living legends 5, Geo Owner, PBN video and Level 3) Can anyone identify what that system of badges is called?
