View Full Version : Report reputation

06-08-2012, 12:17 PM
I'm wondering if someone could make/point to/release a mod that allows users to report reputation they have received. Reputation would be reported from the UserCP, whereby a new thread is generated in the default forum for post/PM reports detailing the recipient, sender, comment and rep weighting. For convenience a link to /admincp/adminreputation.php?do=list would also be useful.

I'm surprised this hasn't been released already or that I've been unable to find it, so I doubt that this request will come to something, but nevertheless a massive thanks in advance to anyone who may decide to take this up! :)

06-13-2012, 02:48 PM
This is something I'd been curious about for awhile, so I went ahead and took some time to whip up something. At least until such a feature is added to the vBulletin core (I did see a request for it in JIRA when I was looking through it earlier).