View Full Version : Help moving servers

06-05-2012, 12:08 PM
Would anyone be willing to maybe conference call w me and show me how or write a step by step...i might even be willing to pay someone for their time helping me.

I have a 3.8.6 site that i need to extract all db table info and move it to a new server running 4.x.x.

Every time I attempt to export all or a portion of the db from old server through phpmyadmin there inevitable is some piece of erroneous data that causes the IMPORT on new server to error...

I'm not savvy enough to know what all the phpadmin export settings mean, ive tried a few different combo's...

I think the problem is that in the old db there are table entries of crap that need to be ignored or extracted...

Hope what I'm saying makes sense to someone...:)

appreciate the feedback

06-05-2012, 12:32 PM
If you have a medium size to big forum then it will be better to export/import your database through ssh instead. That is if your host allows you such access. If it doesn''t then you can use another third party tool like musqldumper. It can be used for both importing/exporting a database.

Also after you have moved the db and forum files in the new server, do not forget to update the config.php file with the new db info.

Now at the new server, you want to use the newest version of vb 4.x or do you want to merge the contents of the 3.8.6 to an existing vb 4x forum?

06-05-2012, 01:00 PM
thanks for the reply...ill look for the third party tools u suggested and give it a try.

Yes, i'm aware of the config file, thank you.

On the new server I already have the newest vb4 installed and ready to go, I really just want all the data/contents from the 3.8...its a new domain name.

make sense?...or maybe it would be easier to just UPGRADE the 3.8 forum where it is...and then move the data to the new server later?...


06-05-2012, 01:41 PM
In that case I think it would be faster to restore/import your 3.8.6 database to the vb 4 in the new server and then run the upgrader. That would take care to bring the db up to date as well with the forum files.