View Full Version : adverts ? profit?

06-02-2012, 09:18 PM
Hi everyone,

Can someone tell me please. On my VB forum i can have google ad sence i think its called. How does it work and what sort of earning can i make?

I have looked but im computer stupid so if someone can give me a reply i can understand will be great.

What i want is ads on my VB forum. But i obviously want to earn money off them. I have outlayed thousands over the years so would like money back .

Can i have your views of what the best way is please

Many thanks in advance.

Fergal C
06-05-2012, 10:27 AM
Adsense, known as Google Adsense is Google's ad network. When you sign up for Adsense you decide what type of ads you want to display on your forum and then get some code from Google to display on your site. Google will then display ads on your forum and they will try to ensure that those ads are relevant to your site's visitors.

Your members may not be impressed when you start placing ads on the site, so it might be a good idea to advise them in advance that you plan on placing those ads. Then start the ads off gently, perhaps start off with one ad slot that is not too intrusive.

There is no financial cost to you and it is a good way to start earning some revenue from your site.

06-10-2012, 09:06 PM