View Full Version : vBulletin Forum Sideblocks - vFcoders - Activity Stream (Sideblock)

05-31-2012, 10:00 PM
.::vFcoders - Activity Stream (Sideblock)::.

What is it?
This mod will display activitystream in sideblock and uses AJAX technology to filter the contents.


1. All Features which is there in vB Default Activity Stream.
2. Uses AJAX technology so user don't have to refresh to filter contents.
3. No Template Edits.


New Installation Instructions
1. Unzip vFcoders - Activity Stream.zip File.
2. Upload the contents of "UPLOAD" Folder to forumroot.
3. In the Product Manager in AdminCP, import the product XML file inside "XML" Folder

1. Uninstall the product from the Product Manager in the AdminCP.

Mod History:

v1.0 : 01 June 2012 : First Release.

vFcoders - Activity Stream (Widget) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=283859)

-> Click On Mark As Installed If You Have Installed This Mod.
-> You Can Nominate it also for Mod Of The Month.
-> If u like my work, you can Donate (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?p=2335457&nojs=1#gtdonate) me also.

06-01-2012, 04:20 PM
Installed & voted :)

06-01-2012, 04:31 PM
Nice :)

I not sure if it's pulling Blogs? Anyone notice If it pulls them...?

Are there permissions settings for Usergroup?

06-01-2012, 04:42 PM
Great mod installed

06-01-2012, 04:50 PM

06-01-2012, 04:55 PM
Nice :)

I not sure if it's pulling Blogs? Anyone notice If it pulls them...?

Are there permissions settings for Usergroup?

have you tested this mod on your demo forum with no new blog entry?
if yes, then obviously it won't display as cutoff time is 180 Days (set in admincp)

06-01-2012, 05:08 PM
Great to see that finally out of all the new activity stream side block mods being made that this one actually makes it a true activity "Stream" Nice work will install when I get home..........Appreciate your time and effort!!!

06-01-2012, 05:59 PM

06-01-2012, 06:41 PM
This is great! Thanks!

How would I change the font on the sidebar to match the font of my other sidebars? Appreciate it.


06-01-2012, 07:09 PM
Very nice, installed

06-01-2012, 07:24 PM
Possible to make a cms widget?

06-01-2012, 07:42 PM
Excellent. Thanks so much.
Was waiting for this....

Looks great but I just want so save some space and therefore would like not to show to avatar.
Which template should I edit to remove the Avatar.


06-01-2012, 07:58 PM
Thanks its working.Good job.

06-01-2012, 07:59 PM
Ran into a problem, it wont display for some reason. I am using the Everywhere sidebar mod, do you think that is it?

It shows up like the other blocks in the admincp, just not on the forumhome.

Thanks again,


06-02-2012, 12:28 AM
Possible to make a cms widget?

ya will make it today.

BTW, i forgot to tell that there is option in admincp -> settings -> activity stream to change number of default items to be displayed in Sideblock.

06-02-2012, 12:38 AM
This is great! Thanks!

How would I change the font on the sidebar to match the font of my other sidebars? Appreciate it.


Open actstream_sideblock.css template

font-size:{vb:stylevar activitystreamcontent_font.fontSize}{vb:stylevar activitystreamcontent_font.units};

font-size: 11px; /* Adjust it as per your forum */

Excellent. Thanks so much.
Was waiting for this....

Looks great but I just want so save some space and therefore would like not to show to avatar.
Which template should I edit to remove the Avatar.


Open actsream_sideblock.css Template

li.activitybit .avatar {
float:{vb:stylevar left};
padding-{vb:stylevar right}:{vb:stylevar padding};
width: 30px;

Replace it With:
li.activitybit .avatar {
float:{vb:stylevar left};
padding-{vb:stylevar right}:{vb:stylevar padding};
width: 30px;
display: none;

li.activitybit .content.hasavatar {
margin-{vb:stylevar left}: {vb:math 60 + {vb:stylevar padding}};

Replace it With:
li.activitybit .content.hasavatar {
margin-{vb:stylevar left}: {vb:stylevar padding};

06-02-2012, 01:14 AM
Thanks so much for your quick reply.
Works perfect!!

06-02-2012, 01:48 AM
Ran into a problem, it wont display for some reason. I am using the Everywhere sidebar mod, do you think that is it?

It shows up like the other blocks in the admincp, just not on the forumhome.

Thanks again,


Ya if you are using everywhere sidebar mod then it won't display.
I quickly gone through everywhere sidebar code and found a way for this problem.

Open Plugin "sidebar_global"

Find: (3 times)
$fullblockid = str_replace('sgdiscussions', 'sgnewdiscussions', $fullblockid);

Add After it:
$cccache = unserialize($block['configcache']);
if (strpos($cccache['html_template'], 'block_activitystream') !== false)
$fullblockid = 'block_activity';

06-02-2012, 01:55 AM
It worked! Thanks!

06-02-2012, 08:28 AM
It's showing up on the top of the sidebar. Anyway I can make it show second? As I wish for something else to show first in the sidebar.

06-02-2012, 08:32 AM
It's showing up on the top of the sidebar. Anyway I can make it show second? As I wish for something else to show first in the sidebar.

Forum Block Manager. (change the displayorder)

06-02-2012, 11:20 AM
Haha, my bad. Sorry. I didn't think the plugin would actually add a new sideblock as well so I never noticed this. I wonder if the avatar can be different like avatar icons. I've decreased the size of the avatars within the css code, but it doesn't go smaller beyond a certain size.

06-02-2012, 05:41 PM
Hot to resize the avatar width in side block automatically, i mean where(templete) i can set default avatar width for this?

06-02-2012, 06:03 PM
Hot to resize the avatar width in side block automatically, i mean where(templete) i can set default avatar width for this?

Open actstream_sideblock.css Template

Add At Bottom:

li.activitybit .avatar img {
width: 30px;

To Move Texts to left side:

li.activitybit .content.hasavatar {
margin-{vb:stylevar left}: {vb:math 60 + {vb:stylevar padding}};

Replace 60 with 30

06-03-2012, 04:54 AM
Open actstream_sideblock.css Template

Add At Bottom:

li.activitybit .avatar img {
width: 30px;

To Move Texts to left side:

li.activitybit .content.hasavatar {
margin-{vb:stylevar left}: {vb:math 60 + {vb:stylevar padding}};

Replace 60 with 30

its working! it should be default, i think thanks.

06-03-2012, 12:10 PM
Mine is not properly styled for some reason?

06-03-2012, 12:30 PM
Mine is not properly styled for some reason?

as i said earlier in (poll in sideblock) thread that "Forum Sideblock" coding for your skin is sightly different from vB Default.

You will need to edit "block_activitystream" template to make it match with other sideblocks.

06-03-2012, 01:42 PM
Please help me out as I cannot figure it out, not to mention your mod is causing all other blocks to disappear when enabled.

I'm using this modified code now

<script type="text/javascript" src="includes/vfc_as_block/js/vfc_as_block.js"></script>
{vb:cssfile actstream_sideblock.css}
<script type="text/javascript">
var activity_stream_options = {
'type' : 'home',
'mindateline' : '{vb:raw actdata.mindateline}',
'maxdateline' : '{vb:raw actdata.maxdateline}',
'minscore' : '{vb:raw actdata.minscore}',
'minid' : '{vb:raw actdata.minid}',
'maxid' : '{vb:raw actdata.maxid}',
'count' : '{vb:raw actdata.count}',
'totalcount' : '{vb:raw actdata.totalcount}',
'perpage' : '{vb:raw actdata.perpage}',
'sortby' : '{vb:raw actdata.sortby}',
'time' : '{vb:raw actdata.time}',
'show' : '{vb:raw actdata.show}',
'newcontent' : '{vb:raw actdata.new}',
'refresh' : '{vb:raw actdata.refresh}'
// -->
<div class="block smaller">
<div class="vbcat"><div class="vbcat_left"><div class="vbcat_right">
<h4 class="blocksubhead">
<a class="collapse" id="collapse_block_activity" href="{vb:raw relpath}#top"><img alt="" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/collapse_40b.png" id="collapseimg_activity"/></a>
<span class="blocktitle">{vb:raw blockinfo.title}</span>
<span class="activitystream" style="margin:0px;float:right;display:block;" id="streamfilter">
<div class="popupgroup">
<div class="popupmenu">
<a href="javascript://" class="popupctrl" id="filterpopup">{vb:rawphrase filter}</a>
<table class="popupbody popuphover filter">
<th>{vb:rawphrase sort_by}</th>
<th>{vb:rawphrase time}</th>
<th>{vb:rawphrase show}</th>
<tr id="vfc_filters">
{vb:raw filters}
<div class="widget_content blockbody floatcontainer">
<div id="block_activity" class="blockrow">
{vb:raw content}
<div class="vbcat_bottom"><div class="vbcat_bottom_left"><div class="vbcat_bottom_right">&nbsp;</div></div></div>
<div class="underblock"></div>
</li>This is a copy for example of the block tag cloud

<div class="block smaller">
<div class="vbcat"><div class="vbcat_left"><div class="vbcat_right">
<div class="blocksubhead">
<a class="collapse" id="collapse_block_tagcloud_{vb:raw blockinfo.blockid}" href="{vb:raw relpath}#top"><img alt="" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/collapse_40b.png" id="collapseimg_tagcloud_{vb:raw blockinfo.blockid}"/></a>
<span class="blocktitle">{vb:raw blockinfo.title}</span>
<div class="widget_content blockbody floatcontainer">
<div id="block_tagcloud_{vb:raw blockinfo.blockid}" class="blockrow">
{vb:raw tagcloud}
<div class="vbcat_bottom"><div class="vbcat_bottom_left"><div class="vbcat_bottom_right">&nbsp;</div></div></div>
<div class="underblock"></div>

06-03-2012, 02:18 PM
Try This

<script type="text/javascript" src="includes/vfc_as_block/js/vfc_as_block.js"></script>
{vb:cssfile actstream_sideblock.css}
<script type="text/javascript">
var activity_stream_options = {
'type' : 'home',
'mindateline' : '{vb:raw actdata.mindateline}',
'maxdateline' : '{vb:raw actdata.maxdateline}',
'minscore' : '{vb:raw actdata.minscore}',
'minid' : '{vb:raw actdata.minid}',
'maxid' : '{vb:raw actdata.maxid}',
'count' : '{vb:raw actdata.count}',
'totalcount' : '{vb:raw actdata.totalcount}',
'perpage' : '{vb:raw actdata.perpage}',
'sortby' : '{vb:raw actdata.sortby}',
'time' : '{vb:raw actdata.time}',
'show' : '{vb:raw actdata.show}',
'newcontent' : '{vb:raw actdata.new}',
'refresh' : '{vb:raw actdata.refresh}'
// -->
<div class="block smaller">
<div class="vbcat"><div class="vbcat_left"><div class="vbcat_right">
<div class="blocksubhead">
<a class="collapse" id="collapse_block_activity" href="{vb:raw relpath}#top"><img alt="" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/collapse_40b.png" id="collapseimg_activity"/></a>
<span class="blocktitle">{vb:raw blockinfo.title}</span>
<span class="activitystream" style="margin:0px;float:right;display:block;" id="streamfilter">
<div class="popupgroup">
<div class="popupmenu">
<a href="javascript://" class="popupctrl" id="filterpopup">{vb:rawphrase filter}</a>
<table class="popupbody popuphover filter">
<th>{vb:rawphrase sort_by}</th>
<th>{vb:rawphrase time}</th>
<th>{vb:rawphrase show}</th>
<tr id="vfc_filters">
{vb:raw filters}
<div class="widget_content blockbody floatcontainer">
<div id="block_activity" class="blockrow">
{vb:raw content}
<div class="vbcat_bottom"><div class="vbcat_bottom_left"><div class="vbcat_bottom_right">&nbsp;</div></div></div>
<div class="underblock"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/vbulletin_activitystream.js?v={vb:raw vboptions.simpleversion}"></script>

06-03-2012, 02:22 PM
Is there anyway this can be expanded to also show in the activity stream when a new person registers for the site as well?

06-03-2012, 02:28 PM
Is there anyway this can be expanded to also show in the activity stream when a new person registers for the site as well?

well what you are asking is different mod which i am making. (actually done)

Apart From New User, it will show
Latest Videos Posted in Posts and few more things..

06-03-2012, 07:42 PM
This is great! Thanks!

How would I change the font on the sidebar to match the font of my other sidebars? Appreciate it.


Open actstream_sideblock.css template

font-size:{vb:stylevar activitystreamcontent_font.fontSize}{vb:stylevar activitystreamcontent_font.units};

font-size: 11px; /* Adjust it as per your forum */

I didn't have any luck with this change. The font remained the same in the activity stream sidebar (matches the activity stream page font instead of other sidebar fonts.)

06-03-2012, 09:01 PM
Try This

<script type="text/javascript" src="includes/vfc_as_block/js/vfc_as_block.js"></script>
{vb:cssfile actstream_sideblock.css}
<script type="text/javascript">
var activity_stream_options = {
'type' : 'home',
'mindateline' : '{vb:raw actdata.mindateline}',
'maxdateline' : '{vb:raw actdata.maxdateline}',
'minscore' : '{vb:raw actdata.minscore}',
'minid' : '{vb:raw actdata.minid}',
'maxid' : '{vb:raw actdata.maxid}',
'count' : '{vb:raw actdata.count}',
'totalcount' : '{vb:raw actdata.totalcount}',
'perpage' : '{vb:raw actdata.perpage}',
'sortby' : '{vb:raw actdata.sortby}',
'time' : '{vb:raw actdata.time}',
'show' : '{vb:raw actdata.show}',
'newcontent' : '{vb:raw actdata.new}',
'refresh' : '{vb:raw actdata.refresh}'
// -->
<div class="block smaller">
<div class="vbcat"><div class="vbcat_left"><div class="vbcat_right">
<div class="blocksubhead">
<a class="collapse" id="collapse_block_activity" href="{vb:raw relpath}#top"><img alt="" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/collapse_40b.png" id="collapseimg_activity"/></a>
<span class="blocktitle">{vb:raw blockinfo.title}</span>
<span class="activitystream" style="margin:0px;float:right;display:block;" id="streamfilter">
<div class="popupgroup">
<div class="popupmenu">
<a href="javascript://" class="popupctrl" id="filterpopup">{vb:rawphrase filter}</a>
<table class="popupbody popuphover filter">
<th>{vb:rawphrase sort_by}</th>
<th>{vb:rawphrase time}</th>
<th>{vb:rawphrase show}</th>
<tr id="vfc_filters">
{vb:raw filters}
<div class="widget_content blockbody floatcontainer">
<div id="block_activity" class="blockrow">
{vb:raw content}
<div class="vbcat_bottom"><div class="vbcat_bottom_left"><div class="vbcat_bottom_right">&nbsp;</div></div></div>
<div class="underblock"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/vbulletin_activitystream.js?v={vb:raw vboptions.simpleversion}"></script>

Thanks, but this is how its showing up now. Also, can we try to center the photos too?

06-04-2012, 03:05 AM
Thanks, but this is how its showing up now. Also, can we try to center the photos too?

Try This Code:

<script type="text/javascript" src="includes/vfc_as_block/js/vfc_as_block.js"></script>
{vb:cssfile actstream_sideblock.css}
<script type="text/javascript">
var activity_stream_options = {
'type' : 'home',
'mindateline' : '{vb:raw actdata.mindateline}',
'maxdateline' : '{vb:raw actdata.maxdateline}',
'minscore' : '{vb:raw actdata.minscore}',
'minid' : '{vb:raw actdata.minid}',
'maxid' : '{vb:raw actdata.maxid}',
'count' : '{vb:raw actdata.count}',
'totalcount' : '{vb:raw actdata.totalcount}',
'perpage' : '{vb:raw actdata.perpage}',
'sortby' : '{vb:raw actdata.sortby}',
'time' : '{vb:raw actdata.time}',
'show' : '{vb:raw actdata.show}',
'newcontent' : '{vb:raw actdata.new}',
'refresh' : '{vb:raw actdata.refresh}'
// -->
<div class="block smaller">
<div class="vbcat"><div class="vbcat_left"><div class="vbcat_right">
<div class="blocksubhead">
<a class="collapse" id="collapse_block_activity" href="{vb:raw relpath}#top"><img alt="" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/collapse_40b.png" id="collapseimg_activity"/></a>
<span class="blocktitle">{vb:raw blockinfo.title}
<span class="activitystream" style="margin:0px;float:right;display:block;" id="streamfilter">
<div class="popupgroup">
<div class="popupmenu">
<a href="javascript://" class="popupctrl" id="filterpopup">{vb:rawphrase filter}</a>
<table class="popupbody popuphover filter">
<th>{vb:rawphrase sort_by}</th>
<th>{vb:rawphrase time}</th>
<th>{vb:rawphrase show}</th>
<tr id="vfc_filters">
{vb:raw filters}

<div class="widget_content blockbody floatcontainer">
<div id="block_activity" class="blockrow">
{vb:raw content}
<div class="vbcat_bottom"><div class="vbcat_bottom_left"><div class="vbcat_bottom_right">&nbsp;</div></div></div>
<div class="underblock"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="clientscript/vbulletin_activitystream.js?v={vb:raw vboptions.simpleversion}"></script>

06-04-2012, 03:12 AM
Thanks, but it still looks exactly the same.

06-04-2012, 03:13 AM
I didn't have any luck with this change. The font remained the same in the activity stream sidebar (matches the activity stream page font instead of other sidebar fonts.)

Change 11 to 10 (or maybe 9)

06-04-2012, 03:14 AM
Thanks, but it still looks exactly the same.

try increasing sideblock size (10-20 px more) so that filter dropdown can come next to collapse button.

06-04-2012, 03:26 AM
Isn't the filter drop down supposed to be left aligned?

06-04-2012, 03:30 AM
Isn't the filter drop down supposed to be left aligned?

its supposed to be left of collapse button not below it. (see the pic which u posted in this thread)
anyway if you are ok with position, so its fine then.

06-04-2012, 04:08 AM
well what you are asking is different mod which i am making. (actually done)

Apart From New User, it will show
Latest Videos Posted in Posts and few more things..Oooooo, when will it be posted? :D

06-04-2012, 11:42 AM
Yeah, can't wait to see that would breathe new life into the forums, much more vibrant with videos!

08-25-2012, 03:13 PM
Great add-on. Is it possible to make a Streaming Activity Monitor, so that way it could stream 15 events but it would slowly scroll through them so you could keep it the same size but see new things.

Rik Brown
08-25-2012, 08:13 PM
I see in the description for this mod an image showing "reviews_listings." We would love to integrate the activity from our review system using jReviews for Joomla into the vBulletin activity stream. Just wondering if the mod author is doing that or something similar?

Thanks -- Rik

09-03-2012, 02:40 PM
Fantastic mod, thank you - looks great. :)

PS: Is it possible to change the colour of the 'Filter' text on the side block column? Mine needs to be white to contrast with my skin. Thanks.

09-07-2012, 12:59 PM
I've installed and uploaded the files, but nothing seems to be changed. I have the option in the admincp ->activity stream section though...

The main forum page is just like it was before, without any sideblock whatsoever. :( how can I fix this ?? :)

I've noticed that the option to turn on sideblocks was....OFF..Hehe..

It works and it works good! Nice addon, I'm surely gonna vote for this one ;)

09-16-2012, 02:44 PM
works like a charm. What would be really nice is if the activity filter remains the same when browsing through the forum. as of now, it resets to default with any click.

09-16-2012, 10:19 PM
I am using Sidebar Anywhere by BOP5. When this block is active, i get an error message on the edit pages if I want to leave the page or not. I disable this block and i dont get that error message. This happens when i click on submit or save button. I get the error but if i choose to ignore and say "leave page", my message is posted/updated.

10-06-2012, 04:33 AM
Really like this sideblock but is there any way to make it to it takes you the first unread post in a thread instead of just the thread?

10-11-2012, 08:07 AM
I am using Sidebar Anywhere by BOP5. When this block is active, i get an error message on the edit pages if I want to leave the page or not. I disable this block and i dont get that error message. This happens when i click on submit or save button. I get the error but if i choose to ignore and say "leave page", my message is posted/updated.
Same problem!

11-11-2012, 04:19 AM
hello. i just want to minimize the avatars on the block. How can i do it can i you help me please?

[email protected] vbmenu_register("postmenu_2381692", true);
11-16-2012, 07:15 PM
will this allow me to add my activity stream to my footer instead of a sidebar?