05-30-2012, 12:39 PM
It seems as thou potential community members think the Registration Password box is glitched or messed up, and they say they can not register. I have attached an image showing a gray highlighted line around the Password Input Field and I can not remember if that has always been like that. I noticed today on some other vBulletin sites it is the same. However; when clicking in that field to set the courser you don't see the courser, and the * which represent the text are really hard to see. I could see this as potential for possible members to believe the Password box has something wrong with it. Is this suppose to be like this? I have disabled plugins and checked and still the same. I have even disabled all plugins individually and still the same. I have checked in over 4 different browsers, PS3, and mobile and still the same. I have even replaced the register.php file with original install php file and still the same. Someone let me know if this is normal please!! I have attached the before text was entered and after text was entered.