View Full Version : 4.2.x error on WP Bridge after upgrade

05-29-2012, 08:22 PM

I use the plugin 'vbulletin-wordpress bridge' which has worked great from 3.x to 4.1.12. However with the upgrade to 4.2.x we're suddenly getting error.

Just curious if you can help out and figure out why the error below is now appearin on the wordpress site. :

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class vB in /home/halkum1/public_html/vb/vb.php on line 30

Also at the top of the file (vb.php) is this single line. I don't recall it before but never looked either.

<?php if (!defined('VB_ENTRY')) die('Access denied.');

Is it due to this that a plugin for wordpress no longer can properly call the vbulletin files/sessions?

Any ideas would be great!
-I have also asked the modification/bridge developer but he doesn't use 4.x at all so isn't clear to what changed.


05-30-2012, 12:21 AM
Without having any idea how that bridge works, I'd guess that maybe the bridge code defines a class vB, and it's conflicting with the one defined by the vb code. But assuming that's true, I don't know why it would only have started causing a problem with the latest version.

05-30-2012, 12:40 AM

Yeah we got that figured out earlier today. Seems VB4.2 introduced class VB in vp.php? As that is the one being used on the Bridge all this time. Changing the class from VB to something else, like WPVB, in all instances and calls, fixed it. :)