View Full Version : Any way to CLEAN the Admincp out?

05-28-2012, 10:13 PM

I like most of you have installed modifications on our forums over the years. Up until last August however I was just the designer/coder/admin, while the site owner did what he pleased. I had not realized that he installed a ton of modifications previously which are still showing up in menu's on the Admin CP . Not to mention over ftp, but that's a different story.

As these are no longer in the products or plugins section of vbulletin, is there a certain file or DB entry I can edit to slim down the admin cp of defunct plugins? :)

Edit: Oh right, my board is Vbulletin 4.2.0
Thanks and happy Memorial Day!

05-28-2012, 10:25 PM
Can't you just log in and uninstall them through the admin cp? Plugins and products /Manage Products then just uninstall the ones that you no longer require?

05-28-2012, 10:32 PM
Nope. As I mentioned they aren't present in plugins/products sections any longer. Some of the ones in the menu's are broken to the point where instead of the title (from phrases) you get something like:

Heh, I'd just love to clean all this out since they are pointless and probably from vb3 and early 4.0 knowing the previous setups'.

05-28-2012, 10:45 PM
My bad guess I should pay attention more when reading lol. Sorry about that!!!!

05-28-2012, 10:53 PM
Haha, no problem. I've shifted through different files but other than the calls to the information I'm not seeing where the actual content is stored to show up in the admincp.

Just hoping even a mod developer can enlighten me on this.

The database is huge to crawl through without a direction! :D

07-07-2012, 01:14 PM
Those are because there ar left over xml files in your /includes/xml/ folder that need to be deleted- that should have been deleted at the time your mod(s) were uninstalled.

You can go to Maintenance -> Diagnostics -> Suspect File Check in Admin CP to get a list of files in each directory that aren't default vbulletin files. The trick will be figuring out which may be from mods you still have installed and which are for ones you've uninstalled.

07-07-2012, 06:24 PM
Hi BirdOPrey5,

Thank you for responding to this. Not sure how you found it 2 months later :D. I'll def clean up that folder than.

As for the Suspect File Check feature. That hasn't worked since VBulletin 4 was released, or perhaps back with 3.x. As it constantly says files aren't with the expected contents. Even after a fresh upgrade and full knowledge that file just uploaded should be coming off as okay. :/ It is quite odd, but don't really pay it much attention since there are no problems.

07-07-2012, 10:22 PM
I was searching for something else and came across this thread... it was old but not so old so I figured I'd answer it. :)

Suspect File Check does work, in general- if you've updated files via patches though (or manually of course) you will get that error.

Regardless however you would be looking for the "File not recognized as part of vBulletin" messages and can ignore the unexpected contents for the purposes described here.

07-07-2012, 10:36 PM
Cool. Thanks again man :)
Hate taking over without knowing just what all the previous owner had installed and didn't properly uninstall... among other things lol.