View Full Version : I'm new to Vbulletin and I need some help

05-28-2012, 12:26 AM

I need some help. Please Help?:up:

I would like to be able to create subforums to one category or forum and then copy the subforums to other categories or forums. It would take me weeks or months to create a subforum for each category or forum for what I'm trying to do.
Example; let's say I have a forum for cars, My main category is Cars, Subforum would be Tires, Paint, Seats, Engine. What I need to be able to do is copy Tires, Paint, Seats, Engine to Category/forum Cars1, Category/forum Cars2, Category/forum Cars3 and so on, instead of manually having to enter all the subforums to each main forum. It would be for about 10000 to 15000 subforums.


05-28-2012, 12:31 AM
I'm looking for a plugin. This is not a plugin. I just selected the wrong category.. Sorry for the mistake.

05-28-2012, 02:11 AM
hmmm, 1 member installed.

05-28-2012, 02:20 AM
hmmm, 1 member installed.

Installed what? I could really use a plugin that could copy subforums and list them on other categories, I have been searching this board and can't seem to find anything. After searching google and this board, it seems that I'm not the only one who could use a plugin like this. Could be a really useful tool for Vbulletin owners. If you know how this can be done please let me know.


05-28-2012, 02:20 AM
lol.. wasnt me

05-31-2012, 11:47 PM
I could really use a plugin that can help with adding subforums to categories. Please let me know if you have seen one and where I can get one.:up:

06-01-2012, 12:25 AM
I have not seen what what you are looking for, you will have to added each manually.
I would recommend posting in the Paid Request forum to see if someone is willing to do this for you if it can be done for a fee. Seems like it would be a great deal of work & may cost you more then what you would be willing to pay to cover coders time.

06-03-2012, 04:48 PM
I have not seen what what you are looking for, you will have to added each manually.
I would recommend posting in the Paid Request forum to see if someone is willing to do this for you if it can be done for a fee. Seems like it would be a great deal of work & may cost you more then what you would be willing to pay to cover coders time.

Hey Blind-eddie, thank you for your response. I will have to post my request in the paid request forum. Thanks for your suggestion.:up: