View Full Version : Javascript required on Vbullentin 4.1.12?

05-18-2012, 06:32 PM
Web sites are at elevated risk of being hacked (often by data center internals),
I prefer to use Javascript-blocking in my web browser to use them.

Is JavaScript considered a ***requirement*** to participate on your site or is Javascript merely recommended to used the vBulletin bells and whistles?

This is a question I received from a member. I am not a programmer and know very little how dependent Javascript is on VBull.

Does anyone know the answer to this?


05-18-2012, 11:25 PM
javascript is not a threat anymore on the web... hackers and spoilers use other means now... so if someone deactivate the javascript for that reason, it's pointless...

javascript is just another mean to add features to the site... if they are deactivated, they are replaced by something less interesting, and people have less interesting interaction with the software... but it is usable.