View Full Version : rgaming looking for some newer gaming mods

05-13-2012, 12:22 AM
Hey guys, our clan repercussiongaming.com just happily came to the vbulletin community. we enjoy this great product and the range of customization to it is absolutely amazing. The more and more that I learn about it the more that I see it is fully customizable.

Version of VB i am running: 4.1.12

My question is what are some good mods for gaming that I could add to my site that would make my site more user friendly?

we have the ladder/tournament mod, and a couple others that add new pages. but as far as for gaming goes on the xbox for mw3 and other games what would be some cool mods out there that I could add on there?

thanks so much for any tips on new mods, and pls if this isnt the right place for this thread to go let me know and I will try to delete it or request it to be moved to the correct spot!

05-13-2012, 01:38 PM
You might be interested in this:

Although, I'm not sure if you already have it.

05-18-2012, 04:02 AM
awesome, was looking for something like this.

05-19-2012, 04:53 AM
awesome, was looking for something like this.

~Just make sure to look at the changes and posts by Hippy for a smooth running mod