View Full Version : User / Post admin screen mod

05-11-2012, 10:56 AM
I am looking for a mod to be able to find users and then check all / select unselect boxes next to the search users screen and Delete or (operations on the selected only)

Same for posts...


Do a search on a field from user account: (anyone withe SEO in their title for example) or a link in their signature. (http) for example
Or another search criteria is all users from XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX ip
The be able to select All/ unselect some if they are exceptions and then delete users with (2 options) delete while removing all their posts. Or delete and make their posts appear as unregistered users.

The same would apply for posts (if possible)


05-11-2012, 06:14 PM
As a work-around, some of that can be done by using a db query to find the users and change the usergroupid field to a temporary user group. Then use Prune / Move Users to delete them.

Simon Lloyd
05-11-2012, 06:43 PM
There's a good multi select dropdown php code here http://www.phpro.org/tutorials/Dropdown-Select-With-PHP-and-MySQL.html#4 that coupled with Kevin's suggestion and a couple of radio buttons for delete users post then delete user or just delete user (all posts go as guest then) could work :)

Or collect the users in an array then explode the results back in to a query to delete then from the database.