View Full Version : Error Messages

05-08-2012, 11:09 AM
I just uploaded the files to my website and went to install/install.php and entered my customer # and got this error message:

Startup Errors
Due to the following errors, the install/upgrade can not continue:

The database has failed to connect because you do not have permission to connect to the server. Please confirm the values entered in the includes/config.php file
Error description: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) /home/content/c/a/f/cafauver/html/mywashingtondcrealtor/forum/includes/class_core.php on line 317

Install system is 4.1.12

Any help? I believe I edited config file correctly but possibly where did I go wrong?

05-08-2012, 11:18 AM
Is this the first time you're setting it up on this server? Recheck the $config['MasterServer']['servername'] (and port, username, password) in your includes/config.php file, and if it still doesn't work you'll probably need to contact your host to make sure the settings are correct.

05-08-2012, 12:09 PM

It is referencing line 317 which is

function db_connect($servername, $port, $username, $password, $usepconnect, $configfile = '', $charset = '')
if (function_exists('catch_db_error'))

// catch_db_error will handle exiting, no infinite loop here
$link = $this->functions[$usepconnect ? 'pconnect' : 'connect']("$servername:$port", $username, $password);
while ($link == false AND $this->reporterror);


if (!empty($charset))
if (function_exists('mysql_set_charset'))
$this->sql = "SET NAMES $charset";
$this->execute_query(true, $link);

return $link;

05-08-2012, 12:26 PM
OK, I'm not sure what you're saying. That line is the one that connects to the database server, so if it's failing it means you're passing it the wrong values (and those values come from the config.php file), or else the server isn't running. The message seems to say it's a permission problem, but it also says it can't connect to the socket which I think would mean that it's not a problem with the mysql user/password or permissions.

05-08-2012, 12:50 PM
check username or password this is the problem as it is wrong

05-08-2012, 01:01 PM
check username or password this is the problem as it is wrong

I don't think so. When you run install.php with an incorrect username or password the error message says "(1044) Access denied for user ''@'server' to database 'xxxxxxxx'". I think the error message above is saying that it couldn't connect to the server at all.

05-08-2012, 02:22 PM
I still say it is the username or password have seen this error before and this is what the problem was
Yes there is a chance it could be something on the host side blocking it

05-08-2012, 02:37 PM
I suppose it's possible that the error you get from an incorrect user/password depends on some server configuration.

In any case the solution's the same - recheck the values in config.php and then contact the host.

05-09-2012, 12:43 PM
Yes it was b/c 'localhost' was not acceptable as the Master Server.. had to login to phpMyAdmin and find it was something obscure.. GoDaddy.com hosting.. blah..

05-09-2012, 03:37 PM
if i knew it was godaddy I could of told you right away what the problem was

Walt Gekko
06-26-2012, 11:04 PM
Apparently, this is now a problem with vBulletin 4.x forums as well:

I originally posted both here (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=284885) and in the other vBulletin forum (https://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php/403530) my problems since this past Friday of getting "500 Internal Server Error" messages when I try to get the message board I have (http://www.toosmarttofail.com/forums) whereas I don't have these problems on the rest of the site (http://www.toosmarttofail.com).

This seems to be a specific problem between GoDaddy and the vBulletin 4.x forums for some reason that can't be easily explained. This problem has been noted in another thread over on the other vBulletin forum at: https://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php/403503

I'm in the middle of writing up a service ticket to GoDaddy noting these problems.

06-27-2012, 12:11 AM
I have no problem with any links in the above post but i did notice this on your forums check picture to understand