View Full Version : 0 post usergroup

05-06-2012, 12:33 PM
I am trying to use a custom usergroup for members with 0 posts called the "lurkers" usergroup.

It is identical to registered users usergroup.

To achieve this I created a promotion from Registered to Lurkers using post as the promotion for those with 0 posts.

In the Lurker group I created another promotion from lurkers to registered for those with 1 post.

The problem is now, everytime the user promotions task runs users are moved back and forth from lurker to registered.

I think the best way to do this would be to change the default registered group to lurkers so there is no promotion needed. instead all users start out as lurkers and when they reach 1 post, they get promoted to a custom group called "registered".

But my question is, if I do it this way, assuming both the default and custom groups are exactly the same in terms of permissions, will this affect anything else I may not be thinking of?


05-06-2012, 12:35 PM
The only thing I can think of is that users are automatically added to user group 2 (Registered users) when they register, so you'd have to change that, or else use group 1d 2 as your Lurkers group.

05-06-2012, 01:08 PM
OK I just tried this:

I kept registered users as it is...

Created a new group called "contributing users".

Added a promotion for registered users for posts = 1. (i assume this means all users with posts 1 or greater will be promoted). So far though, all members went into the new group including 0 post users. Any idea why?

05-06-2012, 01:12 PM
So far though, all members went into the new group including 0 post users. Any idea why?

I don't know - it sounds like that should have worked. Are you sure you got the promotion settings right?

ETA: I did a test - I created a new usergroup from Registered Users and called it Contributing Users. Then I created a promotion with Usergroup "Registered Users", Posts 1, Promotion Strategy "Posts", Promotion Type "Primary User Group", Comparison "Greater or Equal to", and "Move User to Usergroup" Contributing Users. Then I ran the Promotions Scehduled Task and it seemd to work OK (moved all Registered Users with 1 or more posts to Contributing Users).

05-06-2012, 01:16 PM

it seems so?

05-06-2012, 01:20 PM
Yeah, as I added above I did a test with exactly those settings and it seemed to work for me. Assuming that's the only promotion you have, I don't know why it would have moved all users. I guess you could delete the promotion, move everyone back to registered user and try again.

05-06-2012, 01:29 PM
That worked! Thank you. :)