View Full Version : RSS feed - can I have an RSS feed based on a search?

04-28-2012, 12:02 PM
Posted over at vbulletin.com --> https://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php/400332-RSS-feed-can-I-have-an-RSS-feed-based-on-a-search

Example: on my site (alpinezone.com) users post trip reports for ski resorts.

On that ski resort's profile page, I'd like to post that trip report so visitors can see the most recent X number of trip reports.

is there a way to enable an RSS feed for a particular query (e.g. "Sugarbush" in the title) in a particular subforum (e.g. Trip Reports).

I was told this isn't baked into VB 3 or 4. I am on 3 presently but planning on upgrading to 4. Any mods that can make this happen?
