View Full Version : Miscellaneous Hacks - IFRAMEr (Free) by BOP5 - Easily create IFRAMEs in your forums to external pages (VB3)

04-18-2012, 10:00 PM
Brought to you by BirdOPrey5
www.Qapla.com (http://www.qapla.com/mods/)

Version 1.3.1

Fully compatible with VB 3.8 & 4.x versions.

This is a free version of this mod. The Gold Version is available at:
IFRAMEr Gold by BOP5 at Qapla.com (http://www.qapla.com/mods/showthread.php/350-IFRAMEr-Gold-by-BOP5-Add-unlimited-IFRAMEs-as-forum-pages)

The FREE version is just like the GOLD version except limited to 3 Admin Created IFRAMEs. The GOLD version allows for unlimited IFRAME pages.

Live Demos:
VB4 Demos-
Photo Editor - Qapla.com Forum by BOP5 (http://www.qapla.com/mods/iframer4.php?page=photoedit) - Photo Editor
Radar Map - Qapla.com Forum by BOP5 (http://www.qapla.com/mods/iframer4.php?page=radar) - Radar Map

VB3 Demos-
321 Cheese - JUOT - Joe's Ultimate Off Topic (http://www.juot.net/forums/iframer3.php?page=321cheese) - 321Cheese.com (Take your own photo)
Photo Editor - JUOT - Joe's Ultimate Off Topic (http://www.juot.net/forums/iframer3.php?page=photoedit) - Photo Editor


The IFRAME tag is a powerful tag that lets you embed any webpage in any other webpage. It is used all over in places you'd never expect like "Like Buttons" and even in vBulletin's Human Verify templates.

This mod is designed to provide the admin with one large IFRAME on a vBulletin powered page that the admin can easily assign and setup via the Admin CP.

This will allow admins to provide a familiar and local interface for external content.

PLEASE BE AWARE NOT ALL WEBSITES "ALLOW" YOU TO FRAME THEM. Please read the site's "Terms of Service" before you place their content into an IFRAME on your page. Some sites specifically forbid this, though it is mostly through the "honor system." Very few use JavaScript code that can detect them being framed and "break out" of them automatically. Still, please do your due diligence before framing anyone else's content. There a number of sites you are allowed to frame such as the photo editor in the demo links (a popular choice), usually any scientific/government sites like weather maps, forecasts, or NASA sites. Wikimedia/Wikipedia allow for framing as well.

This mod also allows you to choose if you want to link to each or any of the IFRAME pages via the "Quick Links" drop-down forum menu. However, this mod is intended to create the FRAME pages- linking to them in a better way is up to you. May I suggest a (Free) Qapla.com ExQlusive mod : Navbar Buttons Builder by BOP5 (http://www.qapla.com/mods/showthread.php/181-Navbar-Buttons-Builder-for-VB4-by-BOP5) - For easy inclusion of IFRAME links in the navbar or drop-down lists.

You must give each IFRAMEr page a title, a navbits title, and an optional extended description. Each of these options may be entered directly into the IFRAMEr manager OR can instead be created as phrases to allow translation to multiple languages for multi-language sites. In the latter case you specify the "use phrases" and enter the phrase name in the settings box instead. A convenient link is included to the Phrase Manager pre-loaded to show your custom IFRAMEr phrases (if any.)

Finally the mod also allows you to choose which usergroups can see each IFRAME link and page. By default all usergroups can see each IFRAME page, but you can restrict it to specific groups or member's only (preventing guest access.)

Please Mark as Installed if you use this. :)
Donations Always Appreciated. :up:

04-19-2012, 03:15 PM

04-19-2012, 04:49 PM
Thanks for the great mod BirdOPrey5

We (http://www.logect.com/) have some useful web tools that is iframe ready designed, please feel free to use them if you found it useful :)

Google Pagerank button checker (http://www.logect.com/content.php?r=262)
iframe url: http://www.logect.com/tools/pr/

Keyword Density Checker tool (http://www.logect.com/content.php?r=196)
iframe url: http://www.logect.com/seo/tools/keyw...nsity-checker/ (http://www.logect.com/seo/tools/keyword-density-checker/)

Link Analyser tool (http://www.logect.com/content.php?r=150)
iframe url: http://www.logect.com/seo/tools/link-analyzer/

Link extractor (http://www.logect.com/content.php?r=165)
iframe url: http://www.logect.com/seo/tools/link-extractor/

Keyword extractor tool (http://www.logect.com/content.php?r=189-Keyword-Extractor-Extract-keywords-from-any-website)
iframe url: http://www.logect.com/seo/tools/keyword-extractor/

Meta tag generator tool (http://www.logect.com/content.php?r=162)
iframe url: http://www.logect.com/seo/tools/meta-tag-generator/

No-Follow finder tool (http://www.logect.com/content.php?r=169-No-Follow-Finder-logect-seo-tools)
iframe url: http://www.logect.com/seo/tools/no-follow-finder/

Email to image converter tool (http://www.logect.com/content.php?r=272-Email-to-Image-Converter)
iframe url: http://www.logect.com/seo/tools/email-to-image/

Robots.txt checker tool (http://www.logect.com/content.php?r=177-Robots.txt-Checker-logect-seo-webmaster-tools/)
iframe url: http://www.logect.com/seo/tools/robots-txt-checker/

Multiple PageRank Checker tool (http://www.logect.com/content.php?r=277-Multiple-PageRank-Checker)
iframe url: http://www.logect.com/seo/tools/mult...erank-checker/ (http://www.logect.com/seo/tools/multiple-pagerank-checker/)

HTTP Header Extractor (http://www.logect.com/content.php?r=279-HTTP-Header-Extractor)
iframe url: http://www.logect.com/seo/tools/http-header-extractor/

04-19-2012, 10:04 PM
Thank you, nice mod!

i heard its bad for your seo. is that true?

04-19-2012, 10:13 PM
I don't think so.

What I heard was that using YouTube as an IFRAME player wasn't as good for SEO as using the <embed / object> code because the IFRAME code has less keywords in it (none in fact) whereas the <embed> code does,

I don't see how an IFRAME can be bad for SEO, just not AS GOOD as other alternatives if available. IFRAMEs are used all the time on pages that people never know.

04-24-2012, 12:50 PM
Updated to Version 1.1

Added option to use "Absolute" URLs for Links in Quick Links. These are only necessary if your blogs or CMS (or 3rd party CMS) is in a different directory than your main forums. Using Absolute URLs will prevent file-not-found errors when clicking on the links from outside the forum directory.

07-11-2012, 08:13 PM
Minor update to 1.3.1- A fix was added in case you accidentally add HTML into the URL field- previously the HTML entered would likely corrupt the IFRAMEr Manger page display in admin cp.

The only file actually changed is the bop5_iframer.php file in the /admincp/ directory. No need to re-install if you don't want to.

07-12-2012, 05:45 PM
nothing happens when i installed it

07-12-2012, 06:13 PM
Is it listed in product manager? Is there an IFRAMEr group in Admin CP?

03-02-2013, 03:52 PM
So, this is different from Iframe BBcode ? . It looks cool, but is there a way to integrate this into a bbcode, so i can post anywhere I want ?

03-03-2013, 12:31 PM
This is different from a BBCode because BBCodes can only be used in posts. this is its own page,

The bigger problem with a BBCode is it is very dangerous (security wise) to give your users access to put arbitrary URLs inside an IFRAME- it defeats the entire purpose of not allowing users to use HTML code in posts.

An IFRAME bbcode is simple enough- just a very bad idea. If you still want it:

Replacement Code in BBCode Manager:

<iframe src={param}" width="100%" height="500">Your browser does not support IFRAMEs</iframe>

Then you would just use it like http://www.vbulletin.org.

05-18-2013, 05:05 PM
Very nice, thank you. Using it to show web cams that will not allow embedding in a post. May buy the full version.

05-19-2013, 08:20 AM
There is no difference in functionality between the paid and free version, the free version just has a limit on the number of IFRAMEs allowed.

The web cam site was an example, after you take a snap shot they show a box that has code you can copy to paste into a forum, it does not automatically embed in a post, you need to paste the code in.

06-22-2014, 02:35 PM
does this work with vb5?

06-22-2014, 07:08 PM
No, but it is not necessary with VB5. VB5 has the "Static HTML" module on site builder so you can easily create your own IFRAME pages on VB5 without any mods.

Check out this How-To blog here: http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/blogs/joe-d/3932613-

12-23-2016, 08:27 PM

I have the paid version for a couple of years now. I use iframer to display webcams. Recently many stopped displaying giving the error below. Any ideas on how to fix? Chrome doesn't show anything at all. IE displays the iframe fine.

"Blocked by Content Security Policy

This page has a content security policy that prevents it from being loaded in this way.

Firefox prevented this page from loading in this way because the page has a content security policy that disallows it."

03-24-2017, 07:00 PM
My site uses ssl and i can't load pages over http. Any workaround for this problem?

03-24-2017, 10:10 PM
There's no workaround- the point of SSL is everything must be secure. The ability to load HTTP pages in an iframe of an SSL page would defeat the purpose of having SSL. Sorry, but there's no way that would ever be allowed. You'd need some kind of proxy that retrieves pages via HTTP and re-serves them from an HTTPS protected server. It would be beyond the scope of this mod.