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Christos Teriakis
04-16-2012, 10:00 PM
A Yahoo Answers Clone

by ChrisTERiS (http://www.vbulleton.com)

Compatible with 4.2.0
but you must download the file Disucss_1_4_0.zip

1. Why we need a discussion mod:confused:

Maybe sounds crazy to have a powerfull forum and to install this AddOn. But this is not true. I do agree that vB has tons of features for any type of discussions. But from the other point Yahoo Answers (and dozens of similars sites) became famous, because they offer a simple way to users to get replies. Short questions, with a couple of replies. Why to go in a complicated system for this? And why to add dozens of extra categories, subcategories etc etc, just for this? This is the reason that you need it.

2.- How it works?

Very simple, so easy to use by novice users too. A member is posting a question in any of your categories (unlimited level are supporting) and then is waiting other members to post a reply. Reads the replies, chooses the best and that's all. There is no need for discussion here.

3.- Installation
Download, unzip and upload all files from the "upload" folder where your vb installation is (you can't install in different directory).
Goto you admincp and import the product-discuss.xml
That's all:)4.- Configuration

Configuration is very easy and is like all other addons here. You need to follow the steps below, and soon you'll be ready:
First of all goto Usergroup permissions and set what each usergroup can do or not do.
Goto Discuss General setting, check the default values and change them if you want
PM Templates. I believe that the predefinied text is ok for most of you. But if you want you can change them. Please don't touce the variables (anything inside {}). The available variables are:
{questiontitle} : Title with link
{questiontitle_nolink} : As above but without link
{category} : Category name with link
{category_nolink} : Category without link
{questionowner} : The author's username with link
{questionowner_nolink} : As above, no link
{description} : 200 chars from the question body
{username} : This is the "To:" value. eg Dear {username},
{postdate_short} : Post date in format that you've set as long dates
{postdate_long} : Same as above in long date format
{signature} : Anything that you've set in your settings
Last step is to set your categories.5.- Copyright

In the footer of each page there is a link back to my site vBulletON.com. Even if it easy to remove it, please avoid doing it. Respect if you want to be respected. That's the only that I can say.

6.- PRO version

Currently there is no one. I don't use to build an addon, and then remove 90% of its features to make a free version. No. This is all that I've done. Sure there are dozens of more features that I can add. If I see that this mod becomes popular then I'll add them but as commercial version.

7.- Live Demo


demouser1 / demopass1
demouser2 / demopass2
demouser3 / demopass3


04-17-2012, 06:15 PM
Cool looking mod, I could use this, thanks, I'll test it now.

04-17-2012, 06:28 PM
Just wondering, rather than emailing the user, would it be possible to send them a PM instead?

Also maybe a notification for staff in a specified forum or via PM to a specified Admin or Moderator to alert them of questions pending approval.

04-17-2012, 06:29 PM

Thank you very much Chris.
Installed & Nominated

Christos Teriakis
04-17-2012, 06:29 PM
Just wondering, rather than emailing the user, would it be possible to send them a PM instead?

They're PMs and not emails.

Thank you

Christos Teriakis
04-17-2012, 06:31 PM

Thank you very much Chris.
Installed & Nominated

Thank you:) To be honest, I liked it too. A lot!!. Maybe because I like the way that Yahoo Answers (and similar sites, like Experts-Exchange.com) are working.


04-17-2012, 06:37 PM
They're PMs and not emails.

Thank you

Excellent, give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done, Installed and rated 5 and nominated for MOTM, also.

Installation is so easy for such a major mod.

04-17-2012, 06:56 PM
There is problem with discuss main template, I think it doesn't call "Additional.css" template.

I've resolved this problem temporarily by adding additional.css template content inside discuss/css/discuss.css file

Thank you,

04-17-2012, 06:57 PM
Very nice. Although it would also be cool if you could turn a forum section into a q&a

04-17-2012, 07:17 PM
Another small problem is the mod isn't using all the stylevars for custom styles, could this be addressed as it looks a bit messy on styles other than the default one.

Would it be possible for you to edit the discuss.css file to use stylevars, rather than pre determined colours, otherwise this mod is useless for anybody who does not use the default style.


04-17-2012, 07:18 PM
jawbreaking... i hope it does what it shows... :)

if yes, you will be FAMOUS... AAHAAHAHAHAHAHHAH


04-17-2012, 07:55 PM
Superb mod and a great add on thats needed for us!
Thanks so much superb work

04-18-2012, 02:35 AM
This has super potentials!

Installed + Nominated!

04-18-2012, 04:54 AM
WOW, this looks fantastic. Have not installed it yet, as I see there are a bit of issues with non-default skins. So I hope that you will be able to resolve that. I will then most definitely install!

Christos Teriakis
04-18-2012, 05:52 AM
There is problem with discuss main template, I think it doesn't call "Additional.css" template.

I've resolved this problem temporarily by adding additional.css template content inside discuss/css/discuss.css file

Thank you,

As I found that vB has some bugs loading additional.css template I decided to have my style in a seperate file. I think that is easier to modify it. The file is at:

Christos Teriakis
04-18-2012, 05:57 AM
Another small problem is the mod isn't using all the stylevars for custom styles, could this be addressed as it looks a bit messy on styles other than the default one.

Would it be possible for you to edit the discuss.css file to use stylevars, rather than pre determined colours, otherwise this mod is useless for anybody who does not use the default style.


I've tried it with some 3nd party commercial templates that I've and works fine, even with dark backgrounds. If I understood well you've add the content of discuss.css to additional.css. I think is better to revert it and let the mod works as is planed to.

I'm using "blockbody", "blockhead", "blocksubhead", "blockrow" stylevars which are common ones.

Sorry but I'm not a designer and thus I can't help you more.


04-18-2012, 05:58 AM
As I found that vB has some bugs loading additional.css template I decided to have my style in a seperate file. I think that is easier to modify it. The file is at:

I really like this mod but that's so inconvenient and a hassle if you have multiple skins.
Oh well, gotta just live with it....for now.

04-18-2012, 06:15 AM
Looks awesome Chris, but the fb buttons are not properly aligned.


Christos Teriakis
04-18-2012, 06:45 AM
Looks awesome Chris, but the fb buttons are not properly aligned.

The code for FB is as I got it from FB site. I've installed it many times and always appear ok, except the case that even if their width is set to 90px, they never align right, but always there is an empty space from the right edge. But never seen them in different place.

I'll look to find another solution for sharing features.


Christos Teriakis
04-18-2012, 06:47 AM
I really like this mod but that's so inconvenient and a hassle if you have multiple skins.
Oh well, gotta just live with it....for now.

Sorry but is not that I don't want to do it, but I don't have the designing knowledge to do it.


04-18-2012, 07:07 AM
Looks pretty sweet :up:

Ahmet Turan
04-18-2012, 07:11 AM
I can not edit categories.

Thanks this for plugin

Christos Teriakis
04-18-2012, 07:22 AM
I can not edit categories.

Thanks this for plugin

Just tried it. I was able to edit the name, and the usergroups who can post. So it works. What are you trying to change and is not working? Are you getting any error message?


04-18-2012, 07:22 AM
it is possible to rewrite url for vbseo user?

Ahmet Turan
04-18-2012, 07:23 AM
but I do not know how to add a category. I wanted to add a page has been deleted or there is not an admin panel

Christos Teriakis
04-18-2012, 07:37 AM
but I do not know how to add a category. I wanted to add a page has been deleted or there is not an admin panel

If you installed it correct, then you must see a menu block like in the attachment, in your admincp. From there you can add categories.


Christos Teriakis
04-18-2012, 07:56 AM
it is possible to rewrite url for vbseo user?

I dont use to support commercial addons, especially vbseo. For 6 years now I'm paying them to renew my license, and when some months ago I asked them a license to use in my developer site (closed for registrations), so I can test my mods, they said me to buy another license.
In another release I'll include normal (htaccess) rewrite rules. Meanwhile, if someone wants to release vbseo rules for this mod, is free to do it. But not me.


Ahmet Turan
04-18-2012, 08:00 AM
Yes, I see. Question Categories page will not turn on I say. Page does not get a warning in the form of

Christos Teriakis
04-18-2012, 08:10 AM
Yes, I see. Question Categories page will not turn on I say. Page does not get a warning in the form of

When you click on Discuss category for first time, you'll see a grey page on the right. There is a button there saying "Add New Category". Click it and you'll see the form to add a category.


Ahmet Turan
04-18-2012, 08:26 AM
Admin panel:



04-18-2012, 08:29 AM
Interesting. I live this.

Christos Teriakis
04-18-2012, 08:46 AM
Admin panel:

Please upload this file again. Don't know why the link is not working. Upload the file at:


Ahmet Turan
04-18-2012, 08:52 AM
add my ftp this xml file.

not open. discuss_admin.php?do=categories can not open this link. tries to display pages

Christos Teriakis
04-18-2012, 08:59 AM
add my ftp this xml file.

not open. discuss_admin.php?do=categories can not open this link. tries to display pages

discuss_admin.php file exists in your admincp/ directory?

04-18-2012, 09:12 AM
I really like this mod, it will be huge, and that is the concern.

Years down the road will it be supported?

Do you have a plan to allow others to take over this work if something happens to you or you get tired of doing updates as Vbulletin rolls out version after version?

Ahmet Turan
04-18-2012, 09:13 AM
my admin panel name: sude/


was changed


Christos Teriakis
04-18-2012, 09:26 AM
I really like this mod, it will be huge, and that is the concern.

Years down the road will it be supported?

Do you have a plan to allow others to take over this work if something happens to you or you get tired of doing updates as Vbulletin rolls out version after version?

Do you know many people ready to spend time for free? Maria gaves full rights to anybody who wanted to port her mods for xenForo, but as a rule to post them for free. She even gave the ability to the new owners to have an income by selling the copyright notice. As I know only one shown interest, but later on he was asking permission to have a commercial version.

About me now. As you can see in the photo I'm not that young anymore, running on my 56. Day be day (and not year by year as you said), many things are changing in my life. Nobody knows how I'll be feeling after some months.

I'm willing to give rights to other coders to continue my work. I'm not asking money, or anything in exchange. Just the promise that what they will get for free, will continue giving if for free. If you find one, I advice you to bet on the next Lottery. Seems that you're a lucky person:)


04-18-2012, 09:42 AM
I am using a custom template and after I added this mod the template images are broken in the Discuss section. This occurred because the the template I use is fixed and the the mod is fluid/100% of the page. How can I change this?

Christos Teriakis
04-18-2012, 09:50 AM
I am using a custom template and after I added this mod the template images are broken in the Discuss section. This occurred because the the template I use is fixed and the the mod is fluid/100% of the page. How can I change this?

My templates are using 100% of the available space. They don't interact in anyway with the doc width that is specified in any template. Normally the {headinclude} loads the additional.css template, in case that your custom style is using it. If not test the homepage, by modifying the template discuss_main

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{vb:var vbcsspath}additional.css" />

below of:

{vb:raw headinclude}

If it works you need to repeat this step for other templates too. But really I don't understand how this bug appeared to you. I'm also using fixed template at 960px width and works fine.


04-18-2012, 10:00 AM
My templates are using 100% of the available space. They don't interact in anyway with the doc width that is specified in any template. Normally the {headinclude} loads the additional.css template, in case that your custom style is using it. If not test the homepage, by modifying the template discuss_main

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{vb:var vbcsspath}additional.css" />

below of:

{vb:raw headinclude}

If it works you need to repeat this step for other templates too. But really I don't understand how this bug appeared to you. I'm also using fixed template at 960px width and works fine.


I modified the template with the above code but with no luck. I do appreciate your support and quick reply.

Christos Teriakis
04-18-2012, 10:06 AM
I modified the template with the above code but with no luck. I do appreciate your support and quick reply.

You can help me if you post a link here and try to understand your issue by reading the code from the page.


04-18-2012, 10:09 AM
You can help me if you post a link here and try to understand your issue by reading the code from the page.



Christos Teriakis
04-18-2012, 10:11 AM

give permissions to guests to see the page, and when I'll finish you can turn it off

04-18-2012, 10:16 AM
give permissions to guests to see the page, and when I'll finish you can turn it off

Permission granted. Also, this there any way to change it to a dark template?

Christos Teriakis
04-18-2012, 10:30 AM

I think that you need to contact your designer. I'm using only the space in the red block (see the attachment) and I can't find there anything messed.


04-18-2012, 10:33 AM
Okay, thanks again for your support. I really do appreciate it.

04-18-2012, 01:14 PM
Great mod idea - planning to give it a go later in the week!

04-18-2012, 01:17 PM
Hello again,

I've a question. Is it possible for a user to choose to hide his question from members but not moderators when he/she creates a new question?

If there is no such feature, I am willing to pay for this extra feature.

Thank you,

Christos Teriakis
04-18-2012, 01:57 PM
Hello again,

I've a question. Is it possible for a user to choose to hide his question from members but not moderators when he/she creates a new question?

If there is no such feature, I am willing to pay for this extra feature.

Thank you,

Currently a user can Hide/Activate a question. This works for all in public listings. But if someone know the link, he can still see the question.


04-18-2012, 03:13 PM
Thank you chris,
And when the question is hidden (can moderators see the question and answer it?)

Christos Teriakis
04-18-2012, 03:54 PM
Thank you chris,
And when the question is hidden (can moderators see the question and answer it?)

Everybody can see it if the know the direct link. The problem is how to know the direct link. As Hide/Activate is an short time action (otherwise the use will delete it), I'm hidding it only from the listings. There is no usergroup permission check in listings. It can be, but only by modifying the code. In this case usergroup A can see only the active questions while usergroup B can see all.


04-18-2012, 03:57 PM
For those with multiple styles, this is what you need to do.

1. First of all locate the file discuss.css from the files you have downloaded on here. It is located in discuss/css.

2. Next make a copy of the file and rename it to whatever you want, for the purpose of this tutorial I'm going to call it custom.css.

3. Now to edit the new CSS file.

I've made this image to get the novices started, however it's taken me a bit of time just to knock this demo up, so if you want to do all the pages your either going to have to work it out or ask for help with the CSS.


4. So, now you've edited your CSS file and are happy with it, upload it to root/discuss/css.

5. Next go to Admin CP-->Styles & Templates-->Style Manager, now select Edit Templates from the dropdown menu in the style you want to edit. Scroll down the list until you find discuss Templates, double click and look for discuss_main.

Now find discuss/css/discuss.css and change the path to point at your new CSS file, in this case it would be discuss/css/custom.css.

Hit save and you should be all done.

If you find that you need to make further edits, you can usually do this on the fly via your FTP Client.

If you need any help with this just ask.

Good luck.

04-19-2012, 12:04 AM
For those with heavy edited styles, where some parts of the page are completely looking out of whack. Add this:

{vb:cssfile additional.css}

to the bottom of these discuss templates:


There might be more, but those are the ones I could find quickly.

04-19-2012, 12:14 AM
Hi Chris, is the members who answered avatars suppose to show here? See screenshot.
I am just seeing the default at this stage. Thanks.


On the main discuss page too:


04-19-2012, 04:11 AM
Can't find how to delete questions. Delete or admin questions are not a feature on this mod? Thanks.

04-19-2012, 05:24 AM
questions and answers to show up in 'whats new' search... now that would be epic

Christos Teriakis
04-19-2012, 06:14 AM
Can't find how to delete questions. Delete or admin questions are not a feature on this mod? Thanks.

Goto My Questions and choose Delete from the droplist on the right


Christos Teriakis
04-19-2012, 06:21 AM

I just released ver.1.1.0. In this version you'll find:

Bug Fixes
Missing values of questions, replies, won answers at "About Author" block.
Missing avatars in most listings
Missing ...listings in browse categories:eek:
New Features
PM user for any new reply
PM winner for the best answer
Two new PM templates added in admincp-> Discuss-> PM TemplatesHow to upgrade:

Donwload and unzip version 1.1.0
Upload discuss.php at your installation folder
Import product-discuss.xml from your admincp, choosing "Overwrite".Regards

04-19-2012, 06:41 AM
Thank you for the quick update. Avatars are still not showing for me on the main page though. On the other places it does.

Christos Teriakis
04-19-2012, 06:58 AM
Thank you for the quick update. Avatars are still not showing for me on the main page though. On the other places it does.

Sorry, I forgot that there are avatars in the homepage too. Actually it was a typo in the variable name. Please upload this file.


04-19-2012, 07:03 AM
Sorry, I forgot that there are avatars in the homepage too. Actually it was a typo in the variable name. Please upload this file.


Thank you! That did it. :):up:

04-19-2012, 07:09 AM

Just when I am happy with the sidebar parts colors on the main page:


Then it reverts back to the default colors on the questions page:


Is there somewhere else I must change this?

Thank you!

Christos Teriakis
04-19-2012, 07:13 AM

Just when I am happy with the sidebar parts colors on the main page:

Then it reverts back to the default colors on the questions page:

Is there somewhere else I must change this?

Thank you!

Really don't know what to say. Actually the code the sidebar is cope & paste from the homepage to all other pages that need it. And the stylevars for sidebar are on file discuss.css at discuss/css/


04-19-2012, 07:23 AM
Really don't know what to say. Actually the code the sidebar is cope & paste from the homepage to all other pages that need it. And the stylevars for sidebar are on file discuss.css at discuss/css/


Yeah that is why it is so strange. I edited it in the discuss.css file, but for some reason it will not take the changes on that page. :erm:

I'll play around with it some more. Thank you.

EDIT: Figured it out. I created a custom.css file for my dark forum skins, and forgot to change the names from discuss.css to custom.css after the upgrade.

Christos Teriakis
04-19-2012, 07:25 AM
Yeah that is why it is so strange. I edited it in the discuss.css file, but for some reason it will not take the changes on that page. :erm:

I'll play around with it some more. Thank you.

Try to clear your browser's cache. Sometimes helps and maked ...miracles:rolleyes:

04-19-2012, 07:33 AM
Try to clear your browser's cache. Sometimes helps and maked ...miracles:rolleyes:

I edited my previous post. I found it. Thanks again Chris.

04-19-2012, 07:37 AM

Thanks for the Best Modifciation I have ever came accross, Can you please tell me how I can enable a guest to post a topic there. Its difficult for me to understand I am trying my best to search but unable to do so.


Christos Teriakis
04-19-2012, 08:08 AM
For those who are seeing it as a business tool for their site (yes, it can be a business tool) and not as an additional toy in their collection, I've started a project in my site:

Please note that you must register to be able to post.

Thank you

Christos Teriakis
04-19-2012, 08:11 AM

Thanks for the Best Modifciation I have ever came accross, Can you please tell me how I can enable a guest to post a topic there. Its difficult for me to understand I am trying my best to search but unable to do so.


The common rule in forum software is that guests can only read content and not post content. Sure it can be done by setting in usergroup "Unregistered/Not login" permission to post. Just keep in mind that many things should not work. eg to whom to send a PM for a new reply? ...or what to show when someone clicks on the username.


Christos Teriakis
04-19-2012, 08:14 AM
I edited my previous post. I found it. Thanks again Chris.

You welcome. As I said in a previous post, my design knowledge is minimal. It's not bad to say it. Coding is different that design. So this post is going to DaVinchi too. If you have a final css version that works, I can add it to the distribution file, to avoid all these changes after a new release.

Thank you both of you.


04-19-2012, 09:27 AM
The common rule in forum software is that guests can only read content and not post content. Sure it can be done by setting in usergroup "Unregistered/Not login" permission to post. Just keep in mind that many things should not work. eg to whom to send a PM for a new reply? ...or what to show when someone clicks on the username.


Can you please tell me how to edit the article in discuss mods, I am unable to search the options for the same ? Is there any paid module available for this I would like to buy.

Christos Teriakis
04-19-2012, 09:43 AM
Can you please tell me how to edit the article in discuss mods, I am unable to search the options for the same ? Is there any paid module available for this I would like to buy.

1.- Article?? Could you please add a screenshot to understand what you want to change?

2.- Not yet, but I'm planing to do if there is interest from other member. In this case is better to goto:
to post any feature request that you maybe have.


04-19-2012, 10:04 AM
1.- Article?? Could you please add a screenshot to understand what you want to change?

2.- Not yet, but I'm planing to do if there is interest from other member. In this case is better to goto:
to post any feature request that you maybe have.


I am not able to delete answer and question of the user post in dicuss, can you please help where is the option located there ?

Christos Teriakis
04-19-2012, 10:13 AM
I am not able to delete answer and question of the user post in dicuss, can you please help where is the option located there ?

Pleace have patience and don't make double posts. First of all I've already replied to this question, and if I remember well it was yours. Second you send me a PM which I already replied. And now I'm finding this post.

Please understand that if everyone posts 3 times for the same issue, soon I'll give up.

Thank you for your understanding

04-19-2012, 10:21 AM
Database error in vBulletin 4.1.11:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM user WHERE userid= LIMIT 1;

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'LIMIT 1' at line 1
Error Number : 1064
Request Date : Thursday, April 19th 2012 @ 04:44:24 PM
Error Date : Thursday, April 19th 2012 @ 04:44:24 PM
Script : http://www.indiagarage.com/discuss.php?do=savereply
Referrer : http://www.indiagarage.com/discuss.php?do=viewquestion&questionid=3
IP Address :
Username : Rockzer
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.95-community-log

04-19-2012, 11:01 AM
Database error in vBulletin 4.1.12:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM vb_user WHERE userid= LIMIT 1;

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'LIMIT 1' at line 1
Error Number : 1064
Request Date : Thursday, April 19th 2012 @ 08:01:09 AM
Error Date : Thursday, April 19th 2012 @ 08:01:09 AM
Script : http://xenogamers.org/discuss.php?do=savereply
Referrer : http://xenogamers.org/discuss.php?do=viewquestion&questionid=5
IP Address :
Username : silence
Classname : vB_Database_MySQLi
MySQL Version : 5.1.61-cll

04-19-2012, 11:47 AM
nice work as always Chris :)

I just wonder if the questions and replies added to the post count of the user? I think we need if it is not added to show it in user profile and user posts too :).

04-19-2012, 12:08 PM
Installed with thanks ... :)

Nicely done .. has interesting potential for our site ...

I'm not a programmer, so where do I find the settings to clean up and better color match the pages against our native color scheme?

Thanks for any feedback ... :)


ps: Even though the usergroup setting..

Can Access Discuss?
If set to No, members of this usergroup will not be able to see even the Discuss Homepage NO

..is set to NO, the users of this group still see the TAB marked Questions. Unfortunately, that just creates a pile of private PM's asking why they can't access it. Wouldn't it be simpler to just not show the TAB id the usergroup isn't allowed access?

04-19-2012, 12:25 PM
Well asked a question and tried to answer it myself ... :D

Used XXX's to preserve some privacy ... ;)

Database error in vBulletin 4.1.3:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM user WHERE userid= LIMIT 1;

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'LIMIT 1' at line 1
Error Number : 1064
Request Date : Thursday, April 19th 2012 @ 09:22:54 AM
Error Date : Thursday, April 19th 2012 @ 09:22:54 AM
Script : http://www.xxxx.com/discuss.php?do=savereply
Referrer : http://www.xxxx.com/discuss.php?do=viewquestion&questionid=2
IP Address :
Username : Tester
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.95


04-19-2012, 12:49 PM
Also ... :)

Seem to have a cosmetic issue with Facebook buttons appearing in the middle of other fields, over writing stuff that's there? :confused:

We don't use Facebook and all the vBulletin options for it are turned OFF ...



Christos Teriakis
04-19-2012, 01:51 PM
Database error in vBulletin 4.1.11:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM user WHERE userid= LIMIT 1;

Is missing the userid. Where exactly did you met this? Does this question have post from a registered user?


Christos Teriakis
04-19-2012, 01:52 PM
Database error in vBulletin 4.1.12:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM vb_user WHERE userid= LIMIT 1;

Is missing the userid. Where exactly did you met this? Does this question have post from a registered user?


Christos Teriakis
04-19-2012, 01:55 PM
Also ... :)

Seem to have a cosmetic issue with Facebook buttons appearing in the middle of other fields, over writing stuff that's there? :confused:

We don't use Facebook and all the vBulletin options for it are turned OFF ...



Another one user has the same problem (around in the 2nd page here). Don't know why it appears there. Maybe a custom style issue. In anycase I'll try to find another solution for sharing option. I dont like it too, not because is not working for me, but because it leaves a wide space from the right side. But this is the official FB plugin.


Christos Teriakis
04-19-2012, 01:56 PM
nice work as always Chris :)

I just wonder if the questions and replies added to the post count of the user? I think we need if it is not added to show it in user profile and user posts too :).

Thank you. As I said in my main post, this is still a basic version. If I see that there is interest from users, I'll start adding things.


04-19-2012, 02:09 PM
You welcome. As I said in a previous post, my design knowledge is minimal. It's not bad to say it. Coding is different that design. So this post is going to DaVinchi too. If you have a final css version that works, I can add it to the distribution file, to avoid all these changes after a new release.

Thank you both of you.


Best thing I can think of is to try and use existing stylevars in the CSS file, for instance, EG:

On the default skin, the stylevar {vb:stylevar forumhead_border} matches the colour #5A7F97 but only has a border of 1px.

So in the discuss.css the original category menu decleration looks like this.

div.categoriesmenu {
width: auto;
background: #C9D6DE;
border: 2px solid #5A7F97;
padding: 10px;

A possible replacement could be,

div.categoriesmenu {
width: auto;
background: {vb:stylevar forumhead_background};
border: {vb:stylevar forumhead_border};
padding: 10px;

The theory is that a Style designer shouldn't make any clashes with colours within the theme and the stylevars will be inherited through all styles.

The problem is finding the correct stylevars. I haven't found a stylevaro that matches the colour #C9D6DE, so without doubt some of the colours would need to be changed.

You may also need to make a new CSS template rather than a file, to use the stylevars, it's been so long since I done any styling I can't remember, I would need to experiment to be sure.

04-19-2012, 02:20 PM
Is missing the userid. Where exactly did you met this? Does this question have post from a registered user?


This happens when I try to reply to a question. I am a registered user.
Here is the full error:
Database error in vBulletin 4.1.12:

Invalid SQL:

Warning: mysqli_query() [function.mysqli-query]: (42000/1064): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'LIMIT 1' at line 1 in [path]/includes/class_core.php on line 1391

SELECT * FROM vb_user WHERE userid= LIMIT 1;

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'LIMIT 1' at line 1
Error Number : 1064
Request Date : Thursday, April 19th 2012 @ 11:19:05 AM
Error Date : Thursday, April 19th 2012 @ 11:19:05 AM
Script : http://xenogamers.org/discuss.php?do=savereply
Referrer : http://xenogamers.org/discuss.php?do=viewquestion&questionid=5
IP Address :
Username : silence
Classname : vB_Database_MySQLi
MySQL Version : 5.1.61-cll

Christos Teriakis
04-19-2012, 06:17 PM
This happens when I try to reply to a question. I am a registered user.
Here is the full error:
Warning: mysqli_query()

hmmm.. are you using mysqli? Let me check it, but I think that you must change to mysql in config file


04-19-2012, 06:35 PM
hmmm.. are you using mysqli? Let me check it, but I think that you must change to mysql in config file


As noted in my post above, I consistently get exactly the same error while replying to a post... ;)

Used XXX's to preserve some privacy ...

Database error in vBulletin 4.1.3:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM user WHERE userid= LIMIT 1;

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'LIMIT 1' at line 1
Error Number : 1064
Request Date : Thursday, April 19th 2012 @ 09:22:54 AM
Error Date : Thursday, April 19th 2012 @ 09:22:54 AM
Script : http://www.xxxx.com/discuss.php?do=savereply
Referrer : http://www.xxxx.com/discuss.php?do=v...n&questionid=2
IP Address :
Username : Tester
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.95

UserID of original post starter was 2 and UserID of reply poster is also 2 ...


04-19-2012, 06:35 PM
Another one user has the same problem (around in the 2nd page here). Don't know why it appears there. Maybe a custom style issue. In anycase I'll try to find another solution for sharing option. I dont like it too, not because is not working for me, but because it leaves a wide space from the right side. But this is the official FB plugin.


Thank you very much... appreciate it ... :)


04-20-2012, 02:17 AM
Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM _vbuser WHERE userid= LIMIT 1;

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'LIMIT 1' at line 1
Error Number : 1064
Request Date : Thursday, April 19th 2012 @ 08:13:09 PM
Error Date : Thursday, April 19th 2012 @ 08:13:10 PM
Script : http://www.XXX.com/XXXX/discuss.php?do=savereply
Referrer : http://www.XXX.com/XXXX/discuss.php?do=viewquestion&questionid=1
IP Address : XXX.83.16.XX
Username : Jerry
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.92-log

Same issue.

04-20-2012, 04:53 AM
Is missing the userid. Where exactly did you met this? Does this question have post from a registered user?


Yes, I am getting the error message from registered user, while submitting the question or answer. Give us the complete right to use this product, Moderators and Admin cannot delete a users answer and question @ all.

Christos Teriakis
04-20-2012, 05:23 AM
Version 1.2.0 has the following changes:

Not showing avatar in Latest/Popular questions ... Fixed...
MySQL error trying to send PM after a new reply ... Fixed...
discuss.css file moved to templating system as discuss.css template. From now on any changes must be done on that template and not on the file.To upgrade to 1.2.0

Upload the files:
Import product-discuss.xml. Don't forget to check "Overwrite".Chris

04-20-2012, 06:52 AM
Dear Sir,
I really like this mod,
hence I installed it and nominated for MOTM
but today when I try to reply a question I go the following error.
Can you look in to this asasp?
Database error in vBulletin 4.1.11:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM brahmins_user WHERE userid= LIMIT 1;

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'LIMIT 1' at line 1
Error Number : 1064
Request Date : Friday, April 20th 2012 @ 07:47:52 AM
Error Date : Friday, April 20th 2012 @ 07:47:52 AM
Script : http://www.brahminsnet.com/forums/discuss.php?do=savereply
Referrer : http://www.brahminsnet.com/forums/discuss.php?do=viewquestion&questionid=3
IP Address :
Username : bmbcAdmin
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.1.58-1ubuntu1

The resulting url is:

Christos Teriakis
04-20-2012, 07:38 AM
Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM brahmins_user WHERE userid= LIMIT 1;

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'LIMIT 1' at line 1

Please download and upgrade to 1.2.0. Has fixed. The bug was after saving the reply when the system was trying to send a PM to question's owner.


04-20-2012, 08:30 AM
How Do you mark a Question as Resolved??

04-20-2012, 08:34 AM
Dear Author,
today after getting the update
I hope the above database problem is solved.
It should be checked with more answers later.

04-20-2012, 08:38 AM
Dear Author,
is it possible to add other social book mark buttons also as we have in our postbit?

04-20-2012, 09:47 AM
Version 1.2.0 has the following changes:

Not showing avatar in Latest/Popular questions ... Fixed...
MySQL error trying to send PM after a new reply ... Fixed...
discuss.css file moved to templating system as discuss.css template. From now on any changes must be done on that template and not on the file.To upgrade to 1.2.0

Upload the files:
Import product-discuss.xml. Don't forget to check "Overwrite".Chris

Thank you very much for the update Chris .. :)

I can confirm this update solved our SQL error reply issue and I received a PM as well ...

Do you do contract work? In other words, referring to my previous post, can you be hired to better match the product's color use to our site? See pic from previous post.


04-20-2012, 10:53 AM
Also ... :)

Seem to have a cosmetic issue with Facebook buttons appearing in the middle of other fields, over writing stuff that's there? :confused:

We don't use Facebook and all the vBulletin options for it are turned OFF ...



Chris.... :)

Note: problem of Facebook buttons in cosmetically messing up display disappeared under 1.20. They now appear in a separate area just below "views" and "replies" banners. I'm not sure why they are appearing at all, since we have Facebook options turned OFF in vBulletin. :confused:

Is there some way of turning these buttons off so they don't display? :)


Christos Teriakis
04-20-2012, 10:53 AM
Thank you very much for the update Chris .. :)

I can confirm this update solved our SQL error reply issue and I received a PM as well ...

Do you do contract work? In other words, referring to my previous post, can you be hired to better match the product's color use to our site? See pic from previous post.


Hello Doug,

Thank you for you offer, but I can guarantee you that hiring me for design work, should be a 100% waste of your money. Sorry but my design level is just acceptable. Nothing more. If I knew how to do a better color combination or design, be sure that I should have included it for free. I believe that you must look for a designer by profession.


04-20-2012, 11:02 AM
Version 1.2.0 has the following changes:

discuss.css file moved to templating system as discuss.css template. From now on any changes must be done on that template and not on the file.

Da-Vinci... :)

How does this change affect your post here:


Thanks ....


Christos Teriakis
04-20-2012, 11:04 AM
How Do you mark a Question as Resolved??

In question view page, in the section of Answers. Any answer (NOT BELONGING TO AUTHOR), has a button "Best Answer". Click it and that's all. If you want to cancel it, then you need to go to "My Questions", find the question in the list, and select "Re-Open". This will cancel your previous selection.


04-20-2012, 11:18 AM
So we have to register to view the live demo.

Christos Teriakis
04-20-2012, 01:35 PM
So we have to register to view the live demo.

No.. There are 3 demo accounts to check it. See my main post.


04-20-2012, 01:53 PM
In question view page, in the section of Answers. Any answer (NOT BELONGING TO AUTHOR), has a button "Best Answer". Click it and that's all. If you want to cancel it, then you need to go to "My Questions", find the question in the list, and select "Re-Open". This will cancel your previous selection.


Thanks Chris Superb Work on this mod

04-20-2012, 04:44 PM
Should there be a TAB for "Solved" besides the ones for "Just Asked" and "Most Replied"?

Thanks .. :)


Christos Teriakis
04-20-2012, 05:29 PM
Should there be a TAB for "Solved" besides the ones for "Just Asked" and "Most Replied"?

Thanks .. :)


Step by step :) I just released it for vB3. A good way to remember the old good days:erm:


04-20-2012, 06:27 PM
Step by step :) I just released it for vB3. A good way to remember the old good days:erm:


Thank you .. :D

I'll watch for it here ..


04-20-2012, 11:24 PM
Problem 1: With Sub-Categories !

First, I would like to mention, this is an excellent mod. I like it.

Now to the problem. When there are sub-categories inside the main-category;

1st Main Category
>> 10 Sub Categories

On /discuss.php ->
5 Sub-Categories are are shown below the Main Category, rest are shown as (.......)
That's good as all the sub's wont be cluttering.


When I click the Main Category, It redirects to the 5th Sub-Category.
When I click any other Sub-Categories, It redirects to the Home page (CMS).

Note: Using VBSEO. In the previous posts I read ChrisTERiS mentioning about vbseo (license).

Problem 2: Sidebar !

Pl refer the screenshot - Top Margin, Center, Right Padding ..


Found Solution for Problem 2: (for my theme)


#sidebar_container {
float: right;
margin-bottom: 3em;
padding: 17px 0;
width: 270px;

#sidebar_container > ul {
background: url("images/gradients/top-highlight.png") repeat-x scroll left top #F1F1F1;
border: 1px solid #C1C1C1;
border-radius: 5px 5px 5px 5px;
box-shadow: 0 0 0 #C8C8C8;
float: left;
width: 99%;

#sidebar_container .underblock {
width: 250px;


#sidebar_container .blockbody {
padding: 10px;
width: 228px;


Christos Teriakis
04-21-2012, 05:03 AM
Problem 1: With Sub-Categories !

First, I would like to mention, this is an excellent mod. I like it.

Now to the problem. When there are sub-categories inside the main-category;

1st Main Category
>> 10 Sub Categories

On /discuss.php ->
5 Sub-Categories are are shown below the Main Category, rest are shown as (.......)
That's good as all the sub's wont be cluttering.

To be honest, is the first time that I didn't checked the categories/subcategories functionallity as the code is the same in all my mods and works for years. I'll do a check and I'll come back with a fix if I find something wrong there.


04-21-2012, 06:50 AM
why should ya install this when you have google :)

04-21-2012, 08:44 AM
why should ya install this when you have google

Looks a damn good mod in my opinion and the "in house" Q&A is a more friendly "relative" way to integrate members within the site.

Kudos to Chris

04-21-2012, 09:46 AM

We have kicked out your Modification from our site, You don't even how to delete and edit articles, I am going to pay for a new mod and install it in on my website. Same modification without any copyright voliation. Useless modification made by a dumb fellow.


Don't make excuses... be honest and simply own up to what you did and continue to do with other authors' work ... ;)

It's pretty obvious from looking at your site, that you plagiarize everyone's work for free, including even removing vBulletin's copyright. :rolleyes:

I stand to be corrected, but I believe that violates your license agreement with vBulletin, so maybe someone should pass that information onto them? :D

Although, given your location, no copyright protection would ever be enforced anyway, so I'm not sure it's worth the effort except for the public embarrassment factor, which doesn't seem to bother you anyway. :p


04-21-2012, 10:06 AM
It really completely disturbs my peace when I see people with so little respect for others work! David R....what you do on your site is really a disgrace. But OK, fortunately good always prevails over bad. So, in future, when things don't go to well, you might think of this thread.

04-21-2012, 11:39 AM
Personal disputes removed from this thread. Please keep it on topic and if you have a personal issue with someone PM them with your concerns. Personal insults do not belong on vBulletin.org no matter the reason.

Christos Teriakis
04-21-2012, 02:17 PM
Personal disputes removed from this thread. Please keep it on topic and if you have a personal issue with someone PM them with your concerns. Personal insults do not belong on vBulletin.org no matter the reason.

Personal disputes? It's not. It's a legal dispute. As I know, the copyright laws are same worldwide. He did something out of law, and he admit that he did it!! How I can keep myself calm? Have you count how many times I gave support to this member? Do you like to check how he was bombing me with continues post in forums and PMs? And after all, he shows his appreciation by removing my copyright link. In a site full of banners my 2 small phrases were making his site appearing ugly??

And what about my report? Does this member continue "walking" on this site? I need to know the moderator's decision for my report. I think that I've the right to know it.

Thank you

04-21-2012, 04:23 PM
The personal insults were too much. Legal or personal, it does not matter, that is not what this site is about.

You said you reported it to your local police then follow up with them. Personally I hope you can find sort of resolution that you would be happy with, but in any case we do not allow the attacking of another member whether you feel it is justified or not- sorry.

I have no access to PMs nor did I count anything because whether you helped him once or 100 times does not make the act of removing a copyright notice any better or worse.

IF the violation was still occurring I would suggest you contact his web host and file a DMCA complaint, but it is my understanding he has removed the mod so there is nothing I can think of left to do.

Also vBulletin license details are not public but we do offer a branding-free license so sites without vBulletin branding MAY be completely legit.

Christos Teriakis
04-21-2012, 04:44 PM
You said you reported it to your local police then follow up with them. Personally I hope you can find sort of resolution that you would be happy with, but in any case we do not allow the attacking of another member whether you feel it is justified or not- sorry.

Yes I did reported him to the police station, but this is something totally different, and it takes time. When I was reported him here I was expecting that should be an action from your side. He admit that he removed my copyright, something that is phohibited as I'm saying in my main post. He didn't said "No, You're wrong". He said "Yes I removed it". In this case you look like that you don't care for my rights. So, if the community doese cares for me, I'll not care for the community too.

Thank you
Christos Teriakis

04-21-2012, 04:58 PM

I don't know what action would make you happy but he removed the mod. Even if someone was found to be using vBulletin without their branding they don't immediately revoke their license and report them to the police- they simply send an email reminding them of their license agreement and if they agree to restore the copyright or remove vBulletin then the case is considered resolved.

Best I can tell you called him out and he removed the mod. Even if he didn't vBulletin.org does NOT take sides in disputes. That would lead us down a very dangerous path. We are all volunteers here and we have neither the time nor desire to act as judge and jury between member disputes.

Christos Teriakis
04-21-2012, 05:11 PM

I don't know what action would make you happy ....

Simple one. Ban him even for 1 day, just to make clear to him that by getting something for free, does not means that he is free to do anything he likes (eg removing the copyright).

If you can see my issue (even for a moment) as developer that you're and not as moderator, then you can understand how I'm feeling now.

Thank you and lets end it here.


04-21-2012, 05:36 PM
excellent mod great work ChrisTERiS :thumbsup:

Christos Teriakis
04-21-2012, 06:12 PM
Tomorrow I'll try to add some more features. Don't know what. Maybe SEO urls, maybe voting or both.


04-21-2012, 06:28 PM
Tomorrow I'll try to add some more features. Don't know what. Maybe SEO urls, maybe voting or both.


Thanks Chris ... :)

Resolved Tab?


ps: Left a question for you in your other mod as well... :)


Christos Teriakis
04-21-2012, 06:42 PM
Thanks Chris ... :)

Resolved Tab?


ps: Left a question for you in your other mod as well... :)


Ok, and resolved tab :)
I seen your question, I forgot to use "implode", but let it better for tomorrow morning to give you the full example. Today was not my lucky day, so is better to go to sleep. Maybe in my dreams I'll see a world full of love, respection among people, and of course without wars and financial crisis.


04-22-2012, 03:57 AM
OMD, I can't put in 4.1.12

Please update it for 4.x.x

Thanks :)

Christos Teriakis
04-22-2012, 04:03 AM
OMD, I can't put in 4.1.12

Please update it for 4.x.x

Thanks :)

It was developed in 4.1.12 so works fine with this version. If you click on the demo link you'll see that my site is running 4.1.12 and the mod works.


04-22-2012, 11:32 PM
testing this Chris... looking pretty good, In order of priority.. some issues :)

1. The ability to edit/delete answers - by the person answering and also mod/admin
2. You can enter no text into the editor and submit it and it will reply
3. On the view question page, editor functions such as smilies, insert link, insert image dont work
4. A 'resolved' tab on the main page to show latest resolved questions would be good.
5. A recipient user for the auto pm's as members will no doubt try and reply to the auto pm's

Christos Teriakis
04-23-2012, 06:23 AM
testing this Chris... looking pretty good, In order of priority.. some issues :)

1. The ability to edit/delete answers - by the person answering and also mod/admin
2. You can enter no text into the editor and submit it and it will reply
3. On the view question page, editor functions such as smilies, insert link, insert image dont work
4. A 'resolved' tab on the main page to show latest resolved questions would be good.
5. A recipient user for the auto pm's as members will no doubt try and reply to the auto pm's

I'll check the bug reports (I've already fixed one with wrong link in subcategories) and I'll release an update later today. As for the suggestions, please notice what I've wrote in my main post (PRO version): "...then I'll add them but as commercial version.". Actually I've already added some more features eg the tab that you're talking about, a seperate tab in user profile, and details in postbit template. But this version will not release here.


04-23-2012, 07:53 AM
great add-on ChrisTERiS

I have this problem with the design like the avatar not shown. am missing something?

Christos Teriakis
04-23-2012, 09:09 AM
great add-on ChrisTERiS

I have this problem with the design like the avatar not shown. am missing something?

Hello Saudi Arabia:) For one year I was next to you at Kuwait.
As for your issue now. As I seen it's a broken link. Are you sure that the avatar.png exists in the folder discuss/images/ ??


04-23-2012, 09:58 AM
Don't behave like a dumb kid here... you are a old man you want to protect your mods.. check all websites, they might have remvoed your name from the footer. You helped me.. dude I reported that your mod is breaking, You are old guy with no brians... rofl.

Banned him for a day hahahahah sounds funny to me,


Christos Teriakis
04-23-2012, 10:14 AM
Banned him for a day hahahahah sounds funny to me,

Can you please be kind and let this thread alone? As I said you don't have my permission to use any of my mods (not only this) in Indiagarage.com. So, there is no reason to post anything.

Thank you for your understanding

04-23-2012, 10:38 AM
If David_R continues to insult anyone in this thread please DO NOT RESPOND, simply use the "Report Post" option. He has been given an infraction and I will ban him if he continues his insults anywhere on this forum.

04-23-2012, 10:56 AM
Hello Saudi Arabia:) For one year I was next to you at Kuwait.
As for your issue now. As I seen it's a broken link. Are you sure that the avatar.png exists in the folder discuss/images/ ??


I hope you enjoyed being there, especially the hot weather..

am sure that i did every thing correct. but style structure for the main and adding question messed up, also in the default one.


04-23-2012, 11:13 AM
Can you please be kind and let this thread alone? As I said you don't have my permission to use any of my mods (not only this) in Indiagarage.com. So, there is no reason to post anything.

Thank you for your understanding


As you told me to remove your mods, I have did that, so there was no need for you to abuse anyone of this site. I am not interested in using your modification on my site. If you think are good a developer so its good for you. Even I said I am ready to pay for your modification if there is any pro version available for the same. But you just know to abuse members on this forums, for copyright voilation.


04-23-2012, 11:15 AM
If David_R continues to insult anyone in this thread please DO NOT RESPOND, simply use the "Report Post" option. He has been given an infraction and I will ban him if he continues his insults anywhere on this forum.


Please check the entire conversation, between me and Chris, he abused me for copyright voilation. Before coming to any conclusion check both end what is happening. I am not trying to justify myself here, I was testing he modification completely what all changes we can do, but before listening to anything chris jumped he filed a case aganist me to his nearest police station, it just piss me off completely. There are more modification on this site, but I don't think any developer abused anyone like this before on vbulletin.


04-23-2012, 01:12 PM
What part of the discussion being over do you not understand? Don't answer that- it's rhetorical. You removed the copyright from his mod without permission. There is no defense or excuse, but that is between him and you. vBulletin.org doesn't punish users in disputes like this. What we will enforce is rules against personal insults and trolling. Also that decision of the moderators is final- and I have said this discussion is over. Do not open it again.

Christos Teriakis
04-23-2012, 02:26 PM
I hope you enjoyed being there, especially the hot weather..

am sure that i did every thing correct. but style structure for the main and adding question messed up, also in the default one.


I read the output code of your page. Ths links seems to be wrong. It says:

so something is missing between vb//vb, or something is duplicated. Are you storing avatars as files?


04-23-2012, 02:56 PM
I read the output code of your page. Ths links seems to be wrong. It says:

so something is missing between vb//vb, or something is duplicated. Are you storing avatars as files?

Yes, avatars as files

04-23-2012, 03:05 PM
I don't mean to be rude about this mod, But could in theory just make a section of the forums and just name it "question and advice"?

Christos Teriakis
04-23-2012, 04:28 PM
I don't mean to be rude about this mod, But could in theory just make a section of the forums and just name it "question and advice"?

By saying your opinion doesn't means that you're becoming rude. If you read my main post I'm trying to explain the reason that push me to code this mod.

Yes sure you can make a forum working as you said. But for how many categories? eg if you have 5 main categories with 5-10 subcategories each, forum should works fine. But if you've more? vBulletin has limitations on how many categories-> subcategories can hadle (categories = forums).

But even if you don't reach this limitations, why to add them there, while you can have them seperate, with much less queries than vB has in forums? Another point is the interface, even if this is a personal touch, so maybe I'm wrong. I like the interface that I did (comparing with the forums interface).

Last thing is, that usally a question of this style is not a discussion. Is a simple question with 5-10 answers. Why to waste the resources of a full thread of it. Also (in my opinion) has a disadvantage. Actually I don't like the quotes as most users are loosing the meaning. Also posts like "Thank you", or "I agree", even if they're very polite, are making a long thread without special reason. Again here, is just a question and just the answers to the question.

Again in no way you're rude. It was a logic question.


Ahmet Turan
04-25-2012, 12:07 PM
that was the color distortion on the site

I dont see CSS code please help

04-25-2012, 02:22 PM
Nice mod but I think the CSS is broken completely in custom skins. If you do not use the default skin this mod looks a lot different then what you see here...

A few examples:

No BG colors as show in demo

Tabs do not show up

Format does not look same as seen in demo

How do you edit these rules ??

Nice mod nonetheless.. guess I will remove it from our main site for now and try customizing it on our test board, when I get time.

Also seems like info.png is missing from the file uploaded here ?

04-29-2012, 12:20 AM
Another small problem is the mod isn't using all the stylevars for custom styles, could this be addressed as it looks a bit messy on styles other than the default one.

Would it be possible for you to edit the discuss.css file to use stylevars, rather than pre determined colours, otherwise this mod is useless for anybody who does not use the default style.


I do agree that only the default style can be with the box, boxing the Ask and Answers. I used custom style and I donot have that box. How can I edit the .css for getting it?


04-29-2012, 12:45 AM

It is a great mod; however, I could not create sub-categories for the main ones. Every time I do that, it just deletes it. Wondering what I did wrong!

Victor :up:

05-01-2012, 03:25 AM
Do new entries come up in What's New?

This looks awesome Chris.

05-01-2012, 10:12 AM
Thanks ...

Where can I change this one : Place your rules here.......................
and how can i delete others questions

We ask some test Questions and know Must be Delete them

thank again

05-03-2012, 05:00 AM

i have DB error when i tray to give user group promotion to use it .

Please kindly how i can fix that ?
thank you in advance .

Christos Teriakis
05-03-2012, 05:26 AM
Do new entries come up in What's New?

This looks awesome Chris.

You know that I'm not using forum engine in my mods:D


Christos Teriakis
05-03-2012, 05:27 AM

i have DB error when i tray to give user group promotion to use it .

Please kindly how i can fix that ?
thank you in advance .

Can you post the db error?


Christos Teriakis
05-03-2012, 05:30 AM
Thanks ...

Where can I change this one : Place your rules here.......................
and how can i delete others questions

We ask some test Questions and know Must be Delete them

thank again

1.- You must edit the file terms.php at disucss/includes/
2.- Turn on "Approve questions" and the edit them to place it in moderation. Then you can delete (reject) the question. In an upcoming release I'll add a delete button for admins at fronend.


Christos Teriakis
05-03-2012, 05:32 AM

It is a great mod; however, I could not create sub-categories for the main ones. Every time I do that, it just deletes it. Wondering what I did wrong!

Victor :up:

No, the bug is not there. You can create subcategories, but the link toi those subcategories in frontend is wrong. I'll fix it.


05-03-2012, 10:13 AM
Thank you for your replay , I tray to uninstall the products and reinstall it before i read your replay .

now when i tray to import it I also get db error :
MySQL Error : Duplicate column name 'discuss'
Error Number : 1060

05-03-2012, 10:31 AM
also now without the products i tray to edit usergroup and i get db error it dont give this error before .

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'akvbghsfs_akismet_permissions' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054

realy sorry for all that and thank you very much for your help

Christos Teriakis
05-03-2012, 01:42 PM
also now without the products i tray to edit usergroup and i get db error it dont give this error before .

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'akvbghsfs_akismet_permissions' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054

realy sorry for all that and thank you very much for your help

This error is not coming from my product, but from something similar to Akismet antispam protection.


05-03-2012, 02:17 PM
You know that I'm not using forum engine in my mods:D

Maybe as an addon to DigitalPoints Sphinx?

This mod is great, but my users ignore anything thats not in the whats new feed.

05-04-2012, 03:51 AM
Thank you for all your help .
please kindly I uninstall the products and i want to reinstall it .
when i tray to reinstall it I get db error : Duplicate column name 'discuss'

please how i can fix this to reinstall the products ?

Christos Teriakis
05-04-2012, 04:29 AM
Thank you for all your help .
please kindly I uninstall the products and i want to reinstall it .
when i tray to reinstall it I get db error : Duplicate column name 'discuss'

please how i can fix this to reinstall the products ?

For some reason your previous uninstallation failed and left behind a filed in the usergroup table. My advice is to remove this field manually with phpMyAdmin. Must be the last field on table usergroup. Its name is: "discuss". After removing it, you can process to a new installation.


05-04-2012, 05:18 AM
Thank you a lot , can you help me please how to do that ?

05-04-2012, 05:35 AM
I delete it and now i have this error :
Invalid SQL:
ALTER TABLE user ADD discuss_questions INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL;

MySQL Error : Duplicate column name 'discuss_questions'
Error Number : 1060

and i dont fiend it in phpmyadmin to delete it

05-04-2012, 05:46 AM
@ last i delete it from all my DB and now it is work fine , thank you very much for the good products and for your support .

Thank you again

05-04-2012, 01:44 PM
Problem when translate to other language. Mess code showed up.

Christos Teriakis
05-04-2012, 02:15 PM
Problem when translate to other language. Mess code showed up.

Your post is very general. Which phrase you tried to translate, and what did you enter there? Currently is tranlated in languages with special characters and works fine (German, Norwegian, Greek).

05-04-2012, 02:27 PM
Your post is very general. Which phrase you tried to translate, and what did you enter there? Currently is tranlated in languages with special characters and works fine (German, Norwegian, Greek).

Thanks Chris, here I give more detail:

I tried to translate your product to Chinese.

This is what I did: I went into phrase manager, Phrase Type: discuss, then I got a list of phrases. I started to translate from the first phrase, after about 10 phrased were translated, I checked the work by refreshing my discuss page, and I saw the mess code (like this:!^$#%$@^%&@$%@#%!)

This happens to some other products as well. Any chance for you to look into this problem and get it solved?

Thanks Chris for your brilliant work.

Christos Teriakis
05-04-2012, 02:37 PM
This happens to some other products as well. Any chance for you to look into this problem and get it solved?

Thanks Chris for your brilliant work.

If it happen to other products too, then something is wrong with your language settings. The only that I can think right now is to try to edit some phrase directly to product-discuss.xml and then import this file (don't forget to check overwrite). Then check again the page.


05-04-2012, 02:39 PM
Very good idea and thank you very much Chris. Good man.

I tried to use word pad to edit and re imported this file, another style of mess code showed up. I am still very thankful for your help.

05-05-2012, 04:38 AM

I just fined some thing wrong in my Discuss plugin today .
in internet explorer it work fine but in firefox it is big coz it start after global banner how i can fix that please .



05-05-2012, 07:16 AM
As another member suggested, it would be very useful if questions and answers could show up in what's new.

05-06-2012, 09:14 PM
Thanks for the mod. Nominated!
Delete option for admin will be handy and usefull.
And also need a sender id . Like Discuss as sender.

05-07-2012, 01:02 AM
is has issue with Latest 30 pms on acp.
its showing erorr on admincp/index.php line 948, which is
($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('admin_index_main1')) ? eval($hook) : false;

And latest 30 pm code is-
<title>Latest 30 PM Admin Index</title>
print_table_header("Latest 50 PM",3);

echo "<tr valign=\"top\"><td class=\"tcat\">From -> To</td><td class=\"tcat\" >Title</td></tr>";

$resultpm = $db->query_read("SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pmtext ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT 0, 50");

require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_bbcode.php');
$bbcode_parser =& new vB_BbCodeParser($vbulletin, fetch_tag_list());

$vb4 = 1;
while ($pmxread = $db->fetch_array($resultpm))

$mesaj = $bbcode_parser->parse($pmxread['message'], 0, 0,1);

// a:1:{s:2:"cc";a:1:{i:12503;s:10:"contrast61";}}

$users = unserialize($pmxread['touserarray']);
// $kim = $pmxread['touserarray'];

foreach($users AS $key => $item)
if (is_array($item))
foreach($item AS $subkey => $subitem)
$username = $subitem;
$userid = $subkey;
$username = $item;
$userid = $key;
echo "<tr><td class=\"alt$vb4\" nowrap=\"nowrap\" width=\"150\">".$pmxread['fromusername']." ---> ".$username."</td><td class=\"alt$vb4\"><b>".$pmxread['title']."</b><br />$mesaj</td></tr>";

I am giving this because i like both mods. And want to use both of them. I think there is a bug with your pm system or something else. Because when someone approve best answer, the expert has a pm. And dont know why when one other member register on forum he too get the same pm. I mean winning pm.

How to solve this?

05-07-2012, 01:10 AM
Great mod ..
thanks installed...

05-07-2012, 01:15 AM
i got that error when I try to access script :
Administrator, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

05-07-2012, 08:11 AM
Hi Christeris

The CSS seem dont work properly when Store CSS Stylesheets as Files. I keep the CSS by add the content of discuss.css to the template additional.css

I start with this problem when Upgrade discuss from 1.0.0 to 1.2.0

Can you check?

05-07-2012, 08:13 AM
i got that error when I try to access script :

You have to give permission from Usergroup.

Christos Teriakis
05-07-2012, 08:31 AM
Hi Christeris

The CSS seem dont work properly when Store CSS Stylesheets as Files. I keep the CSS by add the content of discuss.css to the template additional.css

I start with this problem when Upgrade discuss from 1.0.0 to 1.2.0

Can you check?

I've corrected it already. Maybe I need to check if I've released it (everything is possible:D)


05-08-2012, 05:03 AM
Thank you a lot my dear for all your help .

what i can do for my tamplet please ?

05-08-2012, 10:19 PM
I've corrected it already. Maybe I need to check if I've released it (everything is possible:D)


Hi again Chris.

If help, i notice that this image: http://www.christeris.com/testvb4/discuss/images/info.png is missed in the actual package.
Also the css is calling some strange url's like: reviews/images/bottom-shadow.png what are not being used.

kind regards!

05-09-2012, 04:46 AM
Another issue: I cannot reinstall after I uninstall this add on, system tells me there is a database error that there are some tables already existing.

05-09-2012, 09:16 PM
Great mod, thank you, we are testing it now. I see once a question is answers it seems to disappear? There is no link to it or doesn't appear under just asked or most replied. Also there are icons or something missing on the ask question page where user fills out the question, these are next to Category, Title, Keywords.. there broken images. Any advice.
Again very nice, thank you for giving it out for free.

Edit: Ok, so the resolved questions showed up after a long delay, but seems to only show up when I click on the what's new, but not on the home page? But the pics are still missing.
Again, thank you for your time supporting this free mod.

05-10-2012, 07:26 AM

I edited the tamplet my self since it have many error in it , now i have many Q and answers in my forum , but I cant set any answer as best answer , no meter if i have all permission set to yes , still cant set best answer .

it is realy a good plugin but it need a lot of work to bring it to work .

thank you

05-10-2012, 09:04 AM
some RTL style bugs

05-10-2012, 05:18 PM
I can't seem to find a way to set permissions to remove this from the menu NavBar. I have one user group who I wish not to see this option. Looked in the user group and can't find anything to limit view on navbar. I have all the options in the usergroup for Discuss set to no. Suggestions?

Christos Teriakis
05-10-2012, 05:25 PM
I can't seem to find a way to set permissions to remove this from the menu NavBar. I have one user group who I wish not to see this option. Looked in the user group and can't find anything to limit view on navbar. I have all the options in the usergroup for Discuss set to no. Suggestions?

Sorry there is no such usergroup permission option and I have never seen something similar in other mods. If you need to place such restriction you must manual edit:
AdminCP-> Plugins & Products-> Plugins Manager-> Discuss-> Discuss NavTab


Christos Teriakis
05-10-2012, 05:27 PM
some RTL style bugs

Sorry but really I can't understand what's wrong.


05-11-2012, 01:45 PM
Hello, when i click on "Best Answer":
"you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

Log Out Home "

Can you tell me about fix it?

05-13-2012, 05:21 AM
Forget Mod of the month, this is Mod of the Year caliber ... once it's out of beta.

I would really need custom theme support and would pay to have it incorporated with my style. Just fyi.

Christos Teriakis
05-13-2012, 05:42 AM
Forget Mod of the month, this is Mod of the Year caliber ... once it's out of beta.

I would really need custom theme support and would pay to have it incorporated with my style. Just fyi.

I've hired a designer to teach me the secrets of stylevars. As I wrote many times by being coder, doesn't means that I'm also designer, especially in vB4 which has so many stylevars. Till now I learned everything related to usercp templates and styles, and I like a lot the new changes. I also bought a dark style so I'll be able to test my mods with dark backgrounds etc. I know that there are free dark styles here, but I wanted them to be upgrading to the latest version, something that only a commercial style can has.


05-14-2012, 01:27 PM
Well, you clearly are onto something very strong with this mod, and I applaud the idea of bringing in a designer to work with. I am planning to install this mod on a smaller site with the default template this week and if it works well I'll consider it for some larger sites. Hopefully the mod can continue to grow and develop as you get more feedback - and I make sure to $$ support developers and encourage others to do so as well.

I have some mocked-up drafts of changes to some of my sites, and I just added in samples from your mod with ideal layouts that I would like. I don't expect you to make any changes to your mod, but I can share with you if you're interested in understanding my ideas for how your mod could help my members, if for nothing else.

Once again, great idea and I appreciate the level of activity you're putting in on this project! It's not gone unnoticed.

I've hired a designer to teach me the secrets of stylevars. As I wrote many times by being coder, doesn't means that I'm also designer, especially in vB4 which has so many stylevars. Till now I learned everything related to usercp templates and styles, and I like a lot the new changes. I also bought a dark style so I'll be able to test my mods with dark backgrounds etc. I know that there are free dark styles here, but I wanted them to be upgrading to the latest version, something that only a commercial style can has.


05-14-2012, 05:52 PM
Why I like Discuss!! so very much: One of the biggest problems of any online forum is the chit-chat that goes on back-and-forth in a threaded message, and even in a blog post to a lesser degree. For example, this thread I am responding to was hijacked with a bunch of off-topic conversation that had to be moderated with many posts deleted! However, with the "Answers" concept, all of that goes away and only the most relevant answers to a question are shown at the top. I'm not saying that we don't need both, but for a good Q&A software package, it's just brilliant!

My Initial Observations / Questions / Suggestions
I have installed this at www.couponforum.org and I like it. I tried to customize it for this community and I think it's going to work pretty well. My thoughts are all mixed together. I actually did read almost all of the pages in this thread (a first for me!) so please pardon me if I touch on something that has been dealt with.

- Any ability to change navbar "Questions" to something else?
- I'd like to require user to choose a category when posting a new question.
- I'd like to be able to edit any question or answer. Permission based for Admin, Moderators and Original Posters.
- I'd like to see enhancements to the way [Resolved] items appear on the landing page, maybe keep them alive longer so they don't drop off the page.
- SEO request - Change the tags for Title and Meta Descriptions tag for each page. Also turn the Question into a H1 tag instead of basic text.
- Not sure how the [Best Answer] concept works, but I'd like every member (by permission level) be able to vote and have the system calculate the most popular answer.
- Allow question "Status" to be edited with admin-defined categories instead of just stock "Resolved" and "Open", plus change [Winner Answer] to something else.
- I know this is a big design change, but I'd rather see the About Author information in the upper-left of the question, just helps draw attention to it.
- I just installed today and all of the Facebook buttons (for all questions) show 2 Likes [(F) Likes] [2] [O Send], so it must be pulling the likes from a different source that the unique question that is asked.
- Apostrophe Bug (?) - When I ask a question with an apostrophe, it adds a slash in front. "What's the best way ..." shows up as "What\'s the best way ..."
- I can't figure out where I can add in the "Place your rules here ..." text in the Terms of Use box.
- All three of the icons for Category / Title / Keyword are broken. They are trying to pull "/discuss/images/info.png" and that image does not exist for me.

That's it for now. I'm not trying to dump on you with a bunch of stuff, I'm just very excited to see this unique, flexible and powerful add-on to vBulletin. Thanks again.

Christos Teriakis
05-14-2012, 06:14 PM
Oppssss........ Too long to reply now... After a full day of coding my mind doesn't works ...lol.. I'll say just this: "That's why I coded it. First for my own use. As I've been frustated of out off topics post, or just Thank you (even if I count them as a polite reaction)".
But the best of all is that there is "Just One Question". Not like in threads, where most users are posting something like "I've a similar problem ...bla...bla...bla...".
Wait my rest comments tomorrow... And yes, I know that this post is something not acceptable in Discuss :-))


05-23-2012, 11:07 PM
Ill be adding this to my magic forum, as it will be ideal on helping magicians who need answers to an effect, or move

05-27-2012, 02:28 AM
Uninstalling is leaving things behind that when you try to re-install spits out SQL errors because it never properly uninstalled. This is on a stock VB 2.4. Errors which have been posted previously in the past few or so pages. Is there an SQL command that can help rid the sql database of content left behind by this plug-in?

05-27-2012, 04:30 AM
There is an issue with permissions. When set for guests to be able to ask questions, however moderate them, it post questions without moderation queue. Please resolve.

Also, would be great to have a widget for cms with latest questions.

Awesome mod though.

05-27-2012, 11:41 PM
Uninstalling is leaving things behind that when you try to re-install spits out SQL errors because it never properly uninstalled. This is on a stock VB 2.4. Errors which have been posted previously in the past few or so pages. Is there an SQL command that can help rid the sql database of content left behind by this plug-in?

Ditto. It leaves behind the discuss_categories, discuss_questions, discuss_replies, and discuss_watch tables. If you don't, you will get database errors if you try to re-install, plus it isn't good to leave these tables anyway.

You'll need open your SQL manager and drop each of them.

BACKUP first!

Christos Teriakis
05-28-2012, 04:13 AM
Ditto. It leaves behind the discuss_categories, discuss_questions, discuss_replies, and discuss_watch tables. If you don't, you will get database errors if you try to re-install, plus it isn't good to leave these tables anyway.

You'll need open your SQL manager and drop each of them.

BACKUP first!

It does not leaves back anything. A simple look in product-discuss.xml can prove it:

$vbulletin->db->query_write("DROP TABLE
`". TABLE_PREFIX ."discuss_categories`, `". TABLE_PREFIX ."discuss_questions`,
`". TABLE_PREFIX ."discuss_replies`, `". TABLE_PREFIX ."discuss_watch`

Just now I tried once more to install and uninstall it, checking the database with phpMyAdmin. Tables created correctly and removed after uninstallation.
Please look somewhere else to find the reason that the tables didn't removed.


05-28-2012, 05:44 AM
It does not leaves back anything. A simple look in product-discuss.xml can prove it:

$vbulletin->db->query_write("DROP TABLE
`". TABLE_PREFIX ."discuss_categories`, `". TABLE_PREFIX ."discuss_questions`,
`". TABLE_PREFIX ."discuss_replies`, `". TABLE_PREFIX ."discuss_watch`

Just now I tried once more to install and uninstall it, checking the database with phpMyAdmin. Tables created correctly and removed after uninstallation.
Please look somewhere else to find the reason that the tables didn't removed.


Posting xml coding doesn't prove that its uninstalling anything. Especially on newer software.

Yes the software uninstalls from the forum. BUT when the software is re-installed, the sql errors are spit out because of the sql tables being left behind. It's not mine or VBulletins fault. I simply just do the uninstall from VBulletin. So who else could we talk to?

So even though mine was done on a stock version of the VBulletin 4.2 software, and obviously VB won't support this, then who else does since it's obvious you feel hassled to.

What version of VBulletin did you test this on? Is this 100% confirmed to be 4.2 compliant? For future reference.

Your post almost seems to blame us. What's funny is you are saying this is supported above, yet tell us to go somewhere else to get support. Amusing.

When mine was done on STOCK (no other mods or template edits at the time and using the stock skin) VBulletin 4.2 software I uninstalled it because the navbar link was not showing up so I figured if I uninstall and re-install it maybe it would be fixed. When I went to re-install it is when the sql errors occured. And that is when I found out from coming back here and searching in this thread that another user or 2 posted with the same problem, and I saw for myself, was the sql code was left behind.

Also, its leaving a 'discuss' in the usergroups that that SQL coding is obviously also not removing. Because if you remove those by themselves....the 'discuss' entry is still left in the Usergroups. When you delete it it stays gone. That is until you try re-adding this plug-in. Once you try re-adding this plug-in it automatically re-adds those sql.

Keep in mind this is the ONLY plug-in I have had this issue with.

Christos Teriakis
05-28-2012, 06:32 AM
Posting xml coding doesn't prove that its uninstalling anything. Especially on newer software.

Posting the xml code (and of course checking that really this code exists in your file, proves that there is no coding error.

Yes the software uninstalls from the forum. BUT when the software is re-installed, the sql errors are spit out because of the sql tables being left behind. It's not mine or VBulletins fault. I simply just do the uninstall from VBulletin. So who else could we talk to?
Even a simple server down at the time of uninstallation can be the reason that uninstallation fails.

So even though mine was done on a stock version of the VBulletin 4.2 software, and obviously VB won't support this, then who else does since it's obvious you feel hassled to.
You post at 03:41am my time (hope that you're permitting me to sleep at nights), and I replied at 08:12am, which means 13 minutes after the time that I came online. So I'm supporting you.

What version of VBulletin did you test this on? Is this 100% confirmed to be 4.2 compliant? For future reference.
If you give a minute to read the details, you'll find out that says: "vB Version: 4.1.11". Not even 4.1.12. So don't asking if its confirmed for 4.2 compliant.

Your post almost seems to blame us. What's funny is you are saying this is supported above, yet tell us to go somewhere else to get support. Amusing.
My second reply to your questions shows that I'm supporting it. But for issues that are coming from wrong code etc. Not for issues that you maybe have in your server, or in your vb installation, or (most probably this is the issue) from the vb version that you're using.

I uninstalled it because the navbar link was not showing up so I figured if I uninstall and re-install it maybe it would be fixed.
All mods here which are using tabs and menus are having incompatibilities with 4.2 as vb is using a totally different way for navbar in this version. I'm working on this, just keep in mind that I've more than 10 mods to fix.

When I went to re-install it is when the sql errors occured. And that is when I found out from coming back here and searching in this thread that another user or 2 posted with the same problem, and I saw for myself, was the sql code was left behind.
Also, its leaving a 'discuss' in the usergroups that that SQL coding is obviously also not removing. Because if you remove those by themselves....the 'discuss' entry is still left in the Usergroups. When you delete it it stays gone. That is until you try re-adding this plug-in. Once you try re-adding this plug-in it automatically re-adds those sql.

Keep in mind this is the ONLY plug-in I have had this issue with.

If the uninstallation failed, then ALL the database changes left behind. For your refference (but only if you're familiar with phpMyAdmin), there are 4 tables and 3 fields to remove:

1.- Tables


2.- Fields

a] Discuss in table usergroups
b] discuss_questions in table user
c] discuss_replies in table user


05-28-2012, 06:44 AM
Even a simple server down at the time of uninstallation can be the reason that uninstallation fails.

Which would be great but the server has never been down and has never experienced problems with SQL. EVER. While it's not impossible, it's pretty unlikely.

You post at 03:41am my time (hope that you're permitting me to sleep at nights), and I replied at 08:12am, which means 13 minutes after the time that I came online. So I'm supporting you.

But telling us to go somewhere else for the answer is NOT supporting us after telling us it uninstalled and re-installed fine for you. Anyone can give a vague or simple answer. Especially to just go elsewhere for help.

Actually helping figure out why its only your plug-in that I have used that is experiencing this issue would be support. While 4.2 may be the issue...there are other 'not quite yet updated' plug-ins that have installed and uninstalled just fine on 4.2 for me and not experienced the same problem with them.

If you give a minute to read the details, you'll find out that says: "vB Version: 4.1.11". Not even 4.1.12. So don't asking if its confirmed for 4.2 compliant.

And I was clear in my first post that I was using 4.2 stock at the time. When you responded you never stated what version of VB you used to do your test on. And you never stated 4.2 was the likely problem. But to just go somewhere else for support.

My second reply to your questions shows that I'm supporting it. But for issues that are coming from wrong code etc. Not for issues that you maybe have in your server, or in your vb installation, or (most probably this is the issue) from the vb version that you're using.

While my issue was with 4.2....I can't vouch the others with the same issue what VB version they were using, but they at a minimum experienced the same things left on the server after uninstall. But I was not the only one.

All mods here which are using tabs and menus are having incompatibilities with 4.2 as vb is using a totally different way for navbar in this version. I'm working on this, just keep in mind that I've more than 10 mods to fix.

Fair enough.

If the uninstallation failed, then ALL the database changes left behind. For your refference (but only if you're familiar with phpMyAdmin), there are 4 tables and 3 fields to remove:

1.- Tables


2.- Fields

a] Discuss in table usergroups
b] discuss_questions in table user
c] discuss_replies in table user

Thank you. I had already deleted the Tables...just gotta dig up the Fields but those will have to wait until tomorrow as it's too late tonight for me to get rid of them.

05-30-2012, 05:03 AM
I don't know about all of that. I installed as instructed & then uninstalled. I then re-installed, and started getting database errors that tables already existed. I found that the uninstaller had left all 4-tables behind. Believe me or not, it's a fresh 4.2 test environment.

Christos Teriakis
05-30-2012, 05:13 AM
Please don't try it in vB4.2. I haven't checked it there. The max checked and compatible version is 4.1.12


05-30-2012, 03:51 PM
Great addons ChrisTERiS but please try to update release compatible with vb4.2, thanks for your time :)

05-30-2012, 04:40 PM
Looks very cool. But I want to upgrade to 4.2 next week and because of that, I will wait until this mod is compatible before installing it.

06-02-2012, 06:28 AM
Looks like a great mod - one of the best in a while really.

I installed it on V4.1.12 p2. There is a conflict - at least for me - with DragonByte Tech: vBEditorTabs (Lite) Clicking on Answers on the nav bar displays all the smilies. Disabling VbEditor Tabs they go away. Hopefully that info helps you some.

I have four different styles and it doesn't display correct on any of them - including VB default. I did get a 4.2 style to work for a few minutes but I am not running 4.2.

If the display of this mod is repaired I think it would be a mod of the year contender. Thanks for developing this mod and I look forward to the updates.

06-02-2012, 05:08 PM
Hi Chris
thanks for your mod its fantastic mod
I saw your signature on the top "... not install VBB 4.2"
but i tried it
1 bug i found myselft is navbar is not show "discuss" the rest of them seems to be okay to me, and i have an question is how can i add the term of use

thanks for advance,

Christos Teriakis
06-02-2012, 05:23 PM
By not showing the navtab is an incompatibility, right? :-). I know how to change it, just need to find some free time to do it.
For the terms you need to edit the file at: discuss/includes/terms.php
HTML is allowed there, but better use simple tags only (eg bold, headline etc).


06-02-2012, 06:29 PM
thanks Chris

one more thing i acknowledge that is the editor box for "Post your Answer.." all icon it not show and arrange as order tool editor too, it replace by red x icon

again, thanks

06-03-2012, 11:58 AM
Excited about this MOD and looking for 4.2 version.

06-03-2012, 03:02 PM
hello all
by the article for new navbar code on VB 4.2
after i install this mod i went to navigation manager to add the Discuss for Navbar
it worked fine!

thanks Chris to share a great mod for us,

note: you can also add subtitle on the navbar too, such as discuss_modcp or discuss_usercp all of them worked fire to me :))

Christos Teriakis
06-03-2012, 03:12 PM
hello all
by the article for new navbar code on VB 4.2
after i install this mod i went to navigation manager to add the Discuss for Navbar
it worked fine!

thanks Chris to share a great mod for us,

Just now I'm working on the navigation:). Yes, everyone can add any type of menu to link anything. But its good to have it done automatically.


Christos Teriakis
06-03-2012, 05:27 PM

I just released the file discuss_1_2_5_vB4_2_0.zip which is compatible with vB 4.2.0. To upgrade you must import the product-discuss.xml and upload the files discuss.php, discuss_usercp.php and discuss_modcp.php

For those who have manually build a navigation menu, I suggest to remove it and add my own, as it has permissions on what menu options are visible to whom.

Thank you

06-03-2012, 06:09 PM
absolutely, I will … Chris
thanks for your time and again that is a great mod

one more thing should I ask you Chris
it is not compatible with mobile style on vB 4.2.0
the issue is a blank page when I switch from default style to mobile style
do you still have time to play around with it right Chris. :-)

well, I have no luck.... update the new file and re-install the newest version that you just released
no navbar show at all

Christos Teriakis
06-03-2012, 07:55 PM
absolutely, I will … Chris
thanks for your time and again that is a great mod

one more thing should I ask you Chris
it is not compatible with mobile style on vB 4.2.0
the issue is a blank page when I switch from default style to mobile style
do you still have time to play around with it right Chris. :-)

well, I have no luck.... update the new file and re-install the newest version that you just released
no navbar show at all

Have you deleted your old navigation menu? Even if I used unique names for it, the whole menu is assigned to Discuss product, and I suppose that every product can has only one tab.
You can see it working at: http://www.christeris.net/vb42/discuss.php

Edited: Also clear your browser's cache.


Christos Teriakis
06-03-2012, 08:05 PM
it is not compatible with mobile style on vB 4.2.0
the issue is a blank page when I switch from default style to mobile style
do you still have time to play around with it right Chris. :-)

Haven't checked the mobile style. The reason is that I'm coding seperate versions for mobile users, to eliminate the amount of queries. Its not good approach to use the same code for mobile users, as not all features are needing.

Here is an example of my Classifieds mobile version:

and here from my Gallery Mobile:

as you can see even the menus are different, using buttons and dropdowns.


06-04-2012, 01:59 AM
I am getting database error while trying to import the product through admincp in my 4.2 VB

06-04-2012, 03:10 AM
Hey, nice mod!

Just installed, but my interface looks far different from yours.

edit: I confirm same issue with default VB skin

Christos Teriakis
06-04-2012, 04:29 AM
I am getting database error while trying to import the product through admincp in my 4.2 VB

Please post the database errors, otherwise how I can understand what's going wrong?


Christos Teriakis
06-04-2012, 05:28 AM

A new version for vB4.2.0, with new features is available for download.

1.- Added a tab "Resolved Questions" in homepage
2.- Added a Tab "Questions" in user profile
3.- Added some info in postbit
4.- Fixed some design errors especially in sidebar

Maybe there are other features too, but is almost 2 months that I have added them, and don't remember them.

To upgrade please upload ALL the files, and import product-discuss.xml


06-04-2012, 05:37 AM
Please post the database errors, otherwise how I can understand what's going wrong?

Here are the error messages:
Database error in vBulletin 4.2.0:

Invalid SQL:
ALTER TABLE brahmins_usergroup ADD discuss INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL;

MySQL Error : Duplicate column name 'discuss'
Error Number : 1060
Request Date : Monday, June 4th 2012 @ 06:34:48 AM
Error Date : Monday, June 4th 2012 @ 06:34:48 AM
Script : http://www.brahminsnet.com/forums/admincp/plugin.php?do=productimport
Referrer : http://www.brahminsnet.com/forums/admincp/plugin.php?do=productadd
IP Address :
Username : bmbcAdmin
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.1.58-1ubuntu1

Christos Teriakis
06-04-2012, 05:50 AM
Here are the error messages:
Database error in vBulletin 4.2.0:

Invalid SQL:
ALTER TABLE brahmins_usergroup ADD discuss INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL;

MySQL Error : Duplicate column name 'discuss'
Error Number : 1060
Request Date : Monday, June 4th 2012 @ 06:34:48 AM
Error Date : Monday, June 4th 2012 @ 06:34:48 AM
Script : http://www.brahminsnet.com/forums/admincp/plugin.php?do=productimport
Referrer : http://www.brahminsnet.com/forums/admincp/plugin.php?do=productadd
IP Address :
Username : bmbcAdmin
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.1.58-1ubuntu1

This means that you have did an unsucessfull uninstallation before, and the field discuss in usergroup table left behind. My opion is to uninstall the product, and the check if any of the fields below are still there:
Table: usergroup ... field: discuss
Table: user ... fields: discuss_questions, discuss_replies, discuss_winner
If you find any of them, remove it. Then try a new installation.


06-04-2012, 06:09 AM

A new version for vB4.2.0, with new features is available for download.

Hello Chris. New version still works with vb 4.1.12? Or it's for vb 4.2 Only ?

Thank you !

Christos Teriakis
06-04-2012, 06:15 AM
Hello Chris. New version still works with vb 4.1.12? Or it's for vb 4.2 Only ?

Thank you !

No, it does not!!. All new updates from now on, are for vB4.2.0+. If you try to install it on earlier version, you'll get a warning message.


06-04-2012, 12:10 PM
Hey, nice mod!

Just installed, but my interface looks far different from yours.

edit: I confirm same issue with default VB skin

Still having same problem after upgrade.

Christos Teriakis
06-04-2012, 01:32 PM
Still having same problem after upgrade.

My installation is at: http://www.christeris.net/vb42/discuss.php
If you're seeing something different, then something is wrong with your styles. In any case you can change the discuss.css to see if something changes. Also clear your browser's cache.


06-04-2012, 02:31 PM
It looks great! Thanks a lot.

06-04-2012, 04:28 PM
My installation is at: http://www.christeris.net/vb42/discuss.php
If you're seeing something different, then something is wrong with your styles. In any case you can change the discuss.css to see if something changes. Also clear your browser's cache.


Nothing wrong with my styles. I confirmed with you same issue with default vb style. I cleared my cache, did a hard refresh, flushed system cache too.

Hope we can figure this out together as I'd love to use your mod my friend

Christos Teriakis
06-04-2012, 04:42 PM
I confirmed with you same issue with default vb style.

What do you mean? That my installation has problem? What exactly? As I seen in your screenshot, the difference is on the Ask block, the tabs below and the sidebar. Am I right?
Also I need you url to check it.

06-04-2012, 04:56 PM
Not your installation, but something on my end is not working the right way. I'm running 4.2.0 VB (release not beta). I just noticed that the vb style does work right on my end now after clearing system cache. The custom style doesn't though. Frustrating a bit.

My site is in maintenance mode, but what info can I give you to check this please?

Christos Teriakis
06-04-2012, 05:27 PM
Not your installation, but something on my end is not working the right way. I'm running 4.2.0 VB (release not beta). I just noticed that the vb style does work right on my end now after clearing system cache. The custom style doesn't though. Frustrating a bit.

My site is in maintenance mode, but what info can I give you to check this please?

Just the URL is enought. I have a thought that you're using something incompatible. eg prototype.js in most cases conflists with jquery used by vB and my mod.

06-04-2012, 05:41 PM
I searched for prototype.js and all I got was a few results from search templates

<input type="submit" class="button" name="doprefs" value="{vb:rawphrase go}" tabindex="1" id="save_searchprefs" onclick="vB_AJAX_SearchPrefs.prototype.form_click"/>Any other idea? I heard VSA plugins cause conflicts too.

Then again, its not conflicting in the default vb style.

Christos Teriakis
06-04-2012, 05:54 PM
I searched for prototype.js and all I got was a few results from search templates

Any other idea? I heard VSA plugins cause conflicts too.

Then again, its not conflicting in the default vb style.

The last that I can suggest you is to copy the content fo discuss.css to vbulletin.css in case that vB does not loads it.
As for the default style. vB uses a minimalist version of juqery just for lightbox, while I'm using the normal version.


06-04-2012, 08:07 PM
Thanks, that worked 99%. The only thing is trying to replicate the rounded corner cat strips on the mods sideblock. I'll see if I can figure this out.

Thank you so much for your awesome mod and great support!

06-04-2012, 08:13 PM
I realize I won't figure this out on my own :D sorry

This is a sample code for default tagcloud sideblock. How can I replicate the look to your mods sideblock? Thanks in advance.

<div class="block smaller">
<div class="vbcat"><div class="vbcat_left"><div class="vbcat_right">
<div class="blocksubhead">
<a class="collapse" id="collapse_block_tagcloud_{vb:raw blockinfo.blockid}" href="{vb:raw relpath}#top"><img alt="" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/collapse_40b.png" id="collapseimg_tagcloud_{vb:raw blockinfo.blockid}"/></a>
<span class="blocktitle">{vb:raw blockinfo.title}</span>
<div class="widget_content blockbody floatcontainer">
<div id="block_tagcloud_{vb:raw blockinfo.blockid}" class="blockrow">
{vb:raw tagcloud}
<div class="vbcat_bottom"><div class="vbcat_bottom_left"><div class="vbcat_bottom_right">&nbsp;</div></div></div>
<div class="underblock"></div>

06-05-2012, 05:07 AM
This is an awesome Mod! I just recently installed it, workiing fine but the avatars are not showing up.

the discuss page is here: http://tsikot.com/forums/discuss.php

The image file link seems to be off... it is


when it should be: http://tsikot.com/forums/customavatars/avatar1092_2.gif

which template/file should i edit to remove the additional /forums? i guess this is the only bug that i am seeing so far. Thank you in advance!

Christos Teriakis
06-05-2012, 05:54 AM
which template/file should i edit to remove the additional /forums? i guess this is the only bug that i am seeing so far. Thank you in advance!

I also seen that double "forum" in the link, but its not something wrong from my side (code or template). I'm using the correct coding to get the useravatar and the correct call to the forum directory. That's why it works in my site. Check your vB settings for Forum URL and in Avatars section for the link to your avatar folder.


06-05-2012, 11:13 AM
Thanks Chris! problem solved. The URL to avatars (Relative to your forums home page) setting in the User Picture Storage Type was wrong.

I also seen that double "forum" in the link, but its not something wrong from my side (code or template). I'm using the correct coding to get the useravatar and the correct call to the forum directory. That's why it works in my site. Check your vB settings for Forum URL and in Avatars section for the link to your avatar folder.


06-05-2012, 02:50 PM
Expanded moderation tools would be a huge boon here, ideally I'd like to see everything that the main forum product allows one to do (edit, soft delete, hard delete, infract, close, and report questions/answers), but I'd currently be happy just for the ability to delete. The forum I help moderate is testing this mod for a crowdsourced support desk of sorts, and the lack of policing ability is currently a huge turn-off point. While I'm sure it'd be mostly trivial for me to modify the code to allow this sort of thing, I have better uses of my time plus I'm sure many other users would desire this feature as well.

Christos Teriakis
06-05-2012, 03:45 PM
Expanded moderation tools would be a huge boon here, ideally I'd like to see everything that the main forum product allows one to do (edit, soft delete, hard delete, infract, close, and report questions/answers), but I'd currently be happy just for the ability to delete. The forum I help moderate is testing this mod for a crowdsourced support desk of sorts, and the lack of policing ability is currently a huge turn-off point. While I'm sure it'd be mostly trivial for me to modify the code to allow this sort of thing, I have better uses of my time plus I'm sure many other users would desire this feature as well.

Some of them will be in the PRO version. Actually by mistake I published version 1.4.0 which was to be the 1st PRO release.:eek:
I believe that current features are more than enought for the majority of users.


06-05-2012, 08:32 PM
PM settings would be nice. I would think getting 1 per answer would get a bit annoying.

06-06-2012, 08:19 PM
I see that there is a place in the usergroup permissions to choose whether or not to moderate posts, but I do not see of an area to moderate comments.

Is there a way to enable moderation of comments as well to prevent potential spam?

06-07-2012, 12:45 AM
Before someone posts a question, they have to read and agree to the Terms of Use.

Is there a way to disable the requirement for someone to agree to the ToS? Currently, they are forced to check the box before the "Submit" button appears. It may be nice to disable this feature altogether.

06-07-2012, 12:54 AM
Also, to be clear here, is it the case that it is impossible to remove/delete answers?

That is, is it the case that there is ZERO moderation capability with this mod (other than the initial approval)? So far, it seems as if we want to have any control over the questions or the answers, it must go through the approval queue...but after it has been approved, there is nothing we can do to edit or remove the questions or posts OTHER than the user being capable of editing/deleting the question (but not a mod/admin)...is this accurate?

06-07-2012, 01:05 AM
Other issues with 4.1.12 version:

1) More of a question...are the #'s in the category counter (0/0) updated w/ the cron? It doesn't seem to appear to increase the #'s as soon as the questions are given (or resolved). If it is dependent upon the cron, that explains the issue I'm having. If they are supposed to appear immediately, they aren't.

2) Using a sub-category doesn't work well. If you click on that sub-category (as a link), it takes you to the forum home page (instead of the sub-category page). Also, when a category has a sub-category...clicking on that category will take you to its sub-category.

btw, I've tested out all these issues with 2 styles: my custom, but also the vb 4.1.12 default. I'm using the 1.2.0 version of the mod on a 4.1.12 vb board.

06-08-2012, 06:15 AM
Hi Chris!

Thanks for this mod, is fantastic!

I permitted to translate it to Italian; here attached the xml.
Please let me know if it's ok!

06-08-2012, 03:11 PM
Can someone please help me fix the sidebar to make it look consistent with forum sideblock?

It has no purple background, proper padding, borders, etc.

This is a sample code of the default block_html template

<div class="block smaller">
<div class="vbcat"><div class="vbcat_left"><div class="vbcat_right">
<div class="blocksubhead">
<a class="collapse" id="collapse_block_html_{vb:raw blockinfo.blockid}" href="{vb:raw relpath}#top"><img alt="" src="{vb:stylevar imgdir_button}/collapse_40b.png" id="collapseimg_html_{vb:raw blockinfo.blockid}"/></a>
<span class="blocktitle">{vb:raw blockinfo.title}</span>
<div class="widget_content blockbody floatcontainer">
<div id="block_html_{vb:raw blockinfo.blockid}" class="blockrow">
{vb:raw content}
<div class="vbcat_bottom"><div class="vbcat_bottom_left"><div class="vbcat_bottom_right">&nbsp;</div></div></div>
<div class="underblock"></div>

Code Geass
06-08-2012, 09:28 PM
i have proplem in instull

Database error in vBulletin 4.2.0:

Invalid SQL:

MySQL Error : Duplicate column name 'discuss'
Error Number : 1060
Request Date : Friday, June 8th 2012 @ 04:27:30 PM
Error Date : Friday, June 8th 2012 @ 04:27:30 PM
Script : http://www.gta-arab.com/gt/***/plugin.php?do=productimport
Referrer : http://www.gta-arab.com/gt/***/plugin.php?do=productadd
IP Address :
Username : R9a9~
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.1.61-community-log

plz help me

06-09-2012, 06:00 PM
nice module!

06-10-2012, 11:56 AM
Hi Chris!

Thanks for this mod, is fantastic!

I permitted to translate it to Italian; here attached the xml.
Please let me know if it's ok!

06-10-2012, 11:59 AM
Fantastic Mod! Nominated!
Only this: how can i close one question?


06-21-2012, 07:06 AM

I know that is possible be notified if a new question is made under a category that you follow, but if someone is not smart enough to put the question under a category, I (the admin) will not be notified of that until I will check manually.

Can you code a method for the admin to be notified of every new question?

06-21-2012, 07:07 AM
Fantastic Mod! Nominated!
Only this: how can i close one question?


you can close it choosing the winner!