View Full Version : Adding Clock to Forum

04-05-2012, 10:49 PM
Hello everyone,

I'm just wondering how I'd add a clock to my forum that displays a specific time-zone rather than the timezone the user who is viewing the forums is currently in. You can see my forum here (http://www.truetalentgaming.com/forum/forum.php) and you'll notice I have a clock using military time in the header.

The problem is that we want to use that to co-ordinate times with each other because we have a vast array of people from different time-zones. We can't do that when it only displays local time-zone instead of one static one per say.

Any solutions to this problem?


04-07-2012, 01:54 AM
Hi Justin,

You can set the "Default Timezone Offset", the default timezone for new users & guests, in AdminCP->Settings->Date and Time Options->Default Time Zone Offset.

Warning: The following procedure will directly modify your database. BACK UP your DB before attempting. Very dangerous to do without a backup.

You can change the timezone for all current users via AdminCp->Maintenance->Execute SQL Query. Enter the query:

UPDATE [TABLE_PREFIX]user SET timezoneoffset = "[-12 through +12]"


UPDATE user SET timezoneoffset = "-12"

Doesn't directly answer your question... but it may help syncing things up.

-Nick, SEOvB Developer

04-08-2012, 12:59 AM
I don't see any clock at that link. What really jumps out at me - and other potential new users I'm sure - is gross lying concerning the stats. It says 38,000 posts, but fewer than a dozen are to be found anywhere. That's not going to fool anyone.

04-08-2012, 07:27 PM
We have a recycle bin where all old posts are moved to, as to keep the forum tidy. All posts are legitimate. Guests obviously can't see this area.

04-08-2012, 09:20 PM
Hello everyone,

I'm just wondering how I'd add a clock to my forum that displays a specific time-zone rather than the timezone the user who is viewing the forums is currently in. You can see my forum here (http://www.truetalentgaming.com/forum/forum.php) and you'll notice I have a clock using military time in the header.

The problem is that we want to use that to co-ordinate times with each other because we have a vast array of people from different time-zones. We can't do that when it only displays local time-zone instead of one static one per say.

Any solutions to this problem?

Dont see the clock in the header and the one on the footer does not show 24hr format

04-08-2012, 10:10 PM
Sorry, the clock was only on the "Oldschool" theme. I added it to the default theme now.

04-09-2012, 01:12 AM
you should change the footer clock to 24hr as well

04-09-2012, 01:33 AM
A web search shows a lot of "embeddable clocks". e.g. http://www.flash-clocks.com/

Maybe you could just paste the code in an ad location? WHat isn't real clear is what time zone the generic clocks are displaying. In that example they're all displaying my time, not UTC.

04-11-2012, 12:09 AM
A web search shows a lot of "embeddable clocks". e.g. http://www.flash-clocks.com/

Maybe you could just paste the code in an ad location? WHat isn't real clear is what time zone the generic clocks are displaying. In that example they're all displaying my time, not UTC.

That's the problem. All these clocks display the users local time. I want one to display say one general time that everyone can refer to.

04-11-2012, 12:15 AM
The clocks on that site can be customized (for a small cost) to show the timezone you want. There's also a section of "free clocks" that it looks like can be customized for free.