View Full Version : headjs for vbulletin

04-04-2012, 09:53 PM
Could somebody with skills code this wordpress plugin also for vb3 and vb4?


this framework will load all jscripts asynchronous, so the page will endup load faster for the user...

the code looks like this:

Plugin Name: HeadJS Plus
Plugin URI: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/headjs-plus/
Description: A plugin to load <a href="http://headjs.com">HeadJS</a> in Wordpress to speedup loading.
Version: 0.96.1
Author: Ramoonus
Author URI: http://www.ramoonus.nl/

// when its not declared
if (!class_exists('headJS_loader')) {
* headJS_loader is the class that handles ALL of the plugin functionality. It helps us avoid name collisions
* http://codex.wordpress.org/Writing_a_Plugin#Avoiding_Function_Name_Collisions
* @package headJS_loader
class headJS_loader {

/* Initializes the plugin and sets up all actions and hooks necessary. */
function headJS_loader() {

/* No need to run on admin / rss / xmlrpc */
if (!is_admin() && !is_feed() && !defined('XMLRPC_REQUEST')) {
$this->_pluginName = 'headjs-plus';
add_action('init', array($this, 'pre_content'), 99998);
add_action('wp_footer', array($this, 'post_content'));


/* Buffer the output so we can play with it. */
function pre_content() {

ob_start(array($this, 'modify_buffer'));

/* Variable for sanity checking */
$this->buffer_started = true;


* Modify the buffer. Search for any js tags in it and replace them with Head JS calls.
* @return string buffer
function modify_buffer($buffer) {

$script_array = array();
/* Look for any script tags in the buffer */
preg_match_all('/<script([^>]*?)><\/script>/i', $buffer, $script_tags_match);
if (!empty($script_tags_match[0])) {
foreach ($script_tags_match[0] as $script_tag) {
if (strpos(strtolower($script_tag), 'text/javascript') !== false) {
preg_match('/src=[\'"]([^\'"]+)/', $script_tag, $src_match);
if ($src_match[1]) {
/* Remove the script tags */
$buffer = str_replace($script_tag, '', $buffer);
/* Save the script location */
$script_array[] = $src_match[1];

/* Sort out the Head JS */
$headJS = '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . get_bloginfo('wpurl') . '/wp-content/plugins/' . $this->_pluginName . '/js/head.min.js"></script>';

if (!empty($script_array)) {
$script_array = array_unique($script_array);
foreach ($script_array as $script_location) {
/* Load the scripts into a .js */
if ($i != 0) { $js_files .= "\n "; }
$js_files .= '.js("' . $script_location . '")';
$headJS .= "\n<script>\nhead" . $js_files . ";\n</script>";

/* Write Head JS before the end of head */
$buffer = str_replace('</head>', $headJS . "\n</head>", $buffer);

return $buffer;

/* After we are done modifying the contents, flush everything out to the screen. */
function post_content() {
// sanity checking
if ($this->buffer_started) {

} // class headJS_loader
} // if !class_exists('headJS_loader')

* Instantiate our class
if (class_exists('headJS_loader')) {
$headJS_loader = new headJS_loader();