View Full Version : Administrative and Maintenance Tools - User Awaiting Moderation Email Notification
Trevor Hannant
03-31-2012, 10:00 PM
This modification will enable the sending of an email to the email address specified in 'AdminCP > Settings > Options > User Registration Options > Email Address to Notify About User Awaiting Moderation' when a users clicks on the Activation link in the registration email.
Go to:
AdminCP > Plugins & Products > Manage Products > [Add/Import Product]
...and import the 'product-th_moderate_user_email_1-2.xml' file.
Once installed, new options will be available within AdminCP > Settings > Options > User Registration Options allowing you to enable this setting. It will only send the email if the following settings are set to Yes:
- AdminCP > Settings > Options > User Registration Options > Moderate New Members
- AdminCP > Settings > Options > User Registration Options > Verify Email address in Registration
If EITHER of the above settings are set to No, the email will not be sent.
Go to:
AdminCP > Plugins & Products > Manage Products
...and select 'Uninstall' from the dropdown next to the Product.
The email text uses a new Email Subject Text and Email Body Text Phrase (moderatenewuser). These can be translated within the Phrase Manager into your own language if this is not English.
The AdminCP phrases used are:
- setting_TH_UAME_active_title
- setting_TH_UAME_active_desc
- setting_modnewemail_desc
- setting_modnewemail_title
Note: Although not tested in previous version, given that the code has not changed, it's likely that this will work in previous version including 3.8.x however if there are any issues with previous versions, they will not be supported. If the code changes within the vBulletin core, this product will only be updated for that version onwards.
1.3 Changed variable names in email body text to account for users ending browser sessions then completing activation.
1.2 Added separate field to allow notifications to be sent to a different address. Removed product dependency.
1.1 Corrected Email Body Text phrase to use AdminCP directory from config.php rather than hard-coded value
1.0 Initial release
Thanks to BirdOfPrey5, Lynne and Paul M for putting me right on some rank stupidity with this... :p
04-01-2012, 07:11 PM
Not compatable with 4.1.10? Many of us have stopped upgrading at 4.1.10 due to vb not supporting older browsers. 40% of my traffic uses browser that arent supported in 4.1.11
Trevor Hannant
04-02-2012, 05:56 AM
You can remove the Product Dependency from the XML if you wish - see note in original post:
Note: Although not tested in previous version, given that the code has not changed, it's likely that this will work in previous version including 3.8.x however if there are any issues with previous versions, they will not be supported. If the code changes within the vBulletin core, this product will only be updated for that version onwards.
04-02-2012, 09:56 AM
You can remove the Product Dependency from the XML if you wish - see note in original post:
Yea Im just a board owner I wouldn't know how to do that. I like the idea of the mod anyhow...
Trevor Hannant
04-02-2012, 10:02 AM
Open the XML file in a text editor and remove this line:
<dependency dependencytype="vbulletin" minversion="4.1.11" maxversion="" />
Then try the import again.
04-02-2012, 11:59 PM
Excellent, I really like it.
05-12-2012, 10:41 PM
Do all Administrators receive the email notifications?
05-13-2012, 12:20 AM
any screenshots
05-13-2012, 03:33 PM
Do all Administrators receive the email notifications?
Well, I guess the answer is 'no', at least, this morning, there were 5 new users in Users Awaiting Moderation, but I didn't get emails for any of them.
So where is the address that controls who gets notified? Can more than one administrators email address be included, or would we need to use a group email address?
Trevor Hannant
05-13-2012, 03:45 PM
any screenshots
What would you like a screenshot of? There's a single 'Yes/No' option added to the User Registration Options settings group, that's all.
Well, I guess the answer is 'no', at least, this morning, there were 5 new users in Users Awaiting Moderation, but I didn't get emails for any of them.
So where is the address that controls who gets notified? Can more than one administrators email address be included, or would we need to use a group email address?
Have you set both the following settings to 'Yes':
- AdminCP > Settings > Options > User Registration Options > Moderate New Members
- AdminCP > Settings > Options > User Registration Options > Verify Email address in Registration
If EITHER of the above settings are set to No, the email will not be sent.
You can have the emails sent to more than one address by entering additional email addresses in:
AdminCP > Settings > Options > User Registration Options > Email Address to Notify About New Members
Separate each address in that field with a space.
05-13-2012, 05:55 PM
Have you set both the following settings to 'Yes':
You can have the emails sent to more than one address by entering additional email addresses in:
AdminCP > Settings > Options > User Registration Options > Email Address to Notify About New Members
Separate each address in that field with a space.
Excellent! That was where I made my mistake - this had no email address at all. I've just corrected that and now have each of our Administrators email address, separated by a space.
Thank you!!
I marked this MOD as installed and voted it for Best MOD of the Month.
05-13-2012, 07:13 PM
Got our first email notification, but the new registrant isn't in the Users Awaiting Moderation usergroup; they are still in the Users Awaiting Email Confirmation usergroup. I thought that the MOD was triggered only after the registration email confirmation email was acknowledged, moving the registrant into the Users Awaiting Moderation usergroup.
Am I missing something that I need to check on?
05-13-2012, 07:16 PM
Got our first email notification, but the new registrant isn't in the Users Awaiting Moderation usergroup; they are still in the Users Awaiting Email Confirmation usergroup. I thought that the MOD was triggered only after the registration email confirmation email was acknowledged, moving the registrant into the Users Awaiting Moderation usergroup.
Am I missing something that I need to check on?
Apparently I'm missing nothing. Just got a second email notification (another new registrant), and now going into Moderation > Moderate Users shows both of them. So the MOD is working.
Thank you for a very useful and needed MOD.
Trevor Hannant
05-13-2012, 08:20 PM
The plugin uses the 'register_activate_process' hook location which is called within the ['do'] == 'activate' section of register.php, the only place it's called so the mails shouldn't be generating until that part of the registration process is called on.
05-13-2012, 08:34 PM
Thank you. As I've realized that 'all is working as it should', the first email that I got, and then going into Admin CP > Moderation > Moderate Users which came back with no users to moderate, must have just been a 'timing' issue. As I added to my last post, the MOD is working as designed, and I'm a happy Administrator.
05-14-2012, 02:15 AM
Well, again, hmmm.
Just got the following email notification:
There is a new user, sandroid at Kubuntu Forums . Net
To view their profile, go here:
Email Address : censored for this post
Birthday :
Referrer: N/A
IP Address:
This is a new registrant, but is not in the Users Awaiting Moderation group -- they are in the Users Awaiting Email Confirmation group.
Admin CP > Options > User Registration Options > Email Address to Notify About New Members says:
This email address will receive an email message when a new user signs up.
Signs up? Not 'when registration is confirmed'?
I don't want to receive emails for new registrants; I want email notifications when they have confirmed the registration email and are now in the Users Awaiting Moderation usergroup.
Dang it! Right after I posted this, I checked Moderate Users and there this one is! So we receive the email 'before' the user is moved into the usergroup. Why is this?
05-15-2012, 02:45 AM
Dag nabit! :)
Okay, I still think something is a miss here. I just got another email notification:
Subject: New User at Kubuntu Forums . Net
There is a new user, ZackaryxHoffman at Kubuntu Forums . Net
To view their profile, go here: for privacy here
Email Address : omitted for privacy here
Birthday :
Referrer: N/A
IP Address:
This member is NOT in the Users Awaiting Moderation usergroup. So the email notification is going out upon registration, whether or not they confirm the registration email. That's what appears to be happening. :confused:
I again point out that Email Address to Notify About New Members says:
This email address will receive an email message when a new user signs up.
Your description of the MOD says:
Once installed, a new option will be available within AdminCP allowing you to enable this setting. It will only send the email if the following settings are set to Yes:
- AdminCP > Settings > Options > User Registration Options > Moderate New Members
- AdminCP > Settings > Options > User Registration Options > Verify Email address in Registration
If EITHER of the above settings are set to No, the email will not be sent.
Both of those settings are set to Yes.
Trevor Hannant
05-15-2012, 05:00 AM
Email Address to Notify About New Members is a default vBulletin field, it's not added by this Mod - it just utilises it for the purposes of notifications.
The emails you've quoted in your posts are the default 'new registrant' emails that go out when someone registers and the admin has set an email address in that field. I'll take a look at adding a new field specifically for the purpose of receiving the 'awaiting moderation' email.
05-15-2012, 05:11 AM
I do appreciate the quick replies to my 'concerns'. Okay, so your MOD uses this field, as well as vBulletin itself. That explains why I'm getting what I'm getting.
It doesn't really make sense to have vBulletin send Administrators emails about "Users Awaiting Email Confirmation", unless perhaps, it's so we could opt to activate the user directly -- if we were to choose to do so. But that isn't optimal, IMO.
If your MOD were to add it's own email field, and use it exclusively when the registration email was acknowledged, then as Administrators, we would have a choice of receiving one or the other, both, or neither, which I would find most desirable.
Again, thank you for your good work, and for entertaining my observations and at times, confusion. ;)
Trevor Hannant
05-15-2012, 05:24 AM
Some Admins, me included, choose to get notifications of all registrations so they can act on them if needed. Receiving notifications when a user registers and goes into the 'Users Awaiting Email Confirmation' is default vBulletin behaviour - if you don't think Admins should get that email if user's are required to verify their email address then you need to request a change to the core code via an Improvement Request here:
I'll look at updating the email field to it's own but it won't likely be this week unfortunately...
05-15-2012, 05:39 AM
If you can work it in, I think it would be a useful addition to you MOD.
I don't have a problem per se, with vBulletin sending emails to Administrators on new registrations (Users Awaiting Email Confirmation). As we were not getting them prior to adding your MOD, and then finding that our Administrator email address needed to be added to the default field, I 'thought' that we would only receive email notifications when the registration confirmation email was responded to, moving the new member into the Users Awaiting Moderation usergroup.
I don't see any need to have the core code modified. But if your MOD were to include its own email field in which Administrator emails were added and used it instead, then we get the best of both worlds.
I'm a picky guy, and I like 'perfection'. Your MOD is a very useful addition to our forum, and if you incorporate my suggestion, then IMO, your MOD would be dang near perfect!
05-21-2012, 01:40 PM
I've been using Fractilizer's - Show Items Awaiting Moderation on vB 4.1.12
which shows items in the notification area - but doesn't email the moderators
Do you see any problem/conflicts running Fractilizer's and this mod together?
whoops - I was hoping this would send email to mods anytime there is something awaiting moderation
but after rereading looks like it is only for new user notification.
Any way you can adopt this to work with Fractilizer's to send email
whenever there is something in the moderation queue?
Trevor Hannant
05-21-2012, 01:52 PM
Haven't tried that one but can't think of there being any issue
05-21-2012, 02:07 PM
I wish all contributors were as quick to respond as you are :)
You responded before I had a chance to get my update in - is it possible to have it email whenever there is anything in the moderation queue?
Thnks again
Trevor Hannant
05-21-2012, 02:19 PM
It's only designed to work with the Registration process. To have a generic moderation email notification would require a different plugin
05-21-2012, 02:27 PM
dang - just what I didn't want to hear :-(
Appreciate your time though
05-23-2012, 02:30 AM
Tevor Hannant@
Thank you! Just uninstalled ver 1.1 and installed v1.2. Put our Admin emails into the 'new' field and removed them from the original. Now we will just get email notifications when a new member actually requires moderation.
Most appreciated.
Trevor Hannant
05-23-2012, 05:35 AM
No problem :)
05-24-2012, 12:42 AM
Well, there seems to be a problem.
I had removed the email addresses of our Administrators from the 'original' field and put them in the 'new' field, and ensured that Moderate New Members' AND 'Verify Email address in Registration' settings MUST be set to Yes the other day.
There were seven new members in the Users Awaiting Moderation usergroup this evening, but I had no email notifications for them.
Is there something I've missed, or is there a problem with the MOD?
Trevor Hannant
05-24-2012, 05:20 AM
Can you give me a screenshot of your User Registration Options - I can't recreate it based on what I think you've got there...
05-25-2012, 01:08 AM
As requested. I had 17 new members awaiting moderation this evening, and not a single email telling me about them.
Trevor Hannant
05-25-2012, 08:34 AM
Attachment isn't working for me - can you attach it to here rather than your own site please?
05-26-2012, 12:37 AM
Okay. I believe I've attached it now.
Trevor Hannant
05-30-2012, 03:25 PM
I've just setup the same settings as your attachment on 2 different sites and all still email me when a user activates their account. Have you enabled email logging on your install:
AdminCP > Settings > Options > Error Handling and Logging
If not, try that and see if the emails are written to the logs Ok.
05-30-2012, 06:39 PM
Working perfectly on 4.2.0! Thanks for writing this mod, it's exactly what I needed.
05-31-2012, 02:18 AM
I've just setup the same settings as your attachment on 2 different sites and all still email me when a user activates their account. Have you enabled email logging on your install:
AdminCP > Settings > Options > Error Handling and Logging
If not, try that and see if the emails are written to the logs Ok.
I created a directory (Logs) and made it writable by the server (chmod 777) and put Logs in AdminCP > Settings > Options > Error Handling and Logging > Log Emails to a File. I'll check the created .log file tomorrow and report back.
I really want to figure this one out.
I'm still wondering if it has to do with the fact that I removed the email address from:
Email Address to Notify About New Members
This email address will receive an email message when a new user signs up. Leave the option blank to disable this function.
05-31-2012, 04:37 AM
I created a directory (Logs) and made it writable by the server (chmod 777) and put Logs in AdminCP > Settings > Options > Error Handling and Logging > Log Emails to a File. I'll check the created .log file tomorrow and report back.
I really want to figure this one out.
I'm still wondering if it has to do with the fact that I removed the email address from:
I just tested the mod by removing the email addresses I had under Email Address to Notify About New Members and leaving only the email addresses under Email Address to Notify About User Awaiting Moderation, and everything worked fine. I did not get a New User notification email (expected behavior), but I did get the "A New User is Awaiting Moderation" email as expected after clicking the verification link.
It appears that this mod does not look at or care about the Email Address to Notify About New Members field. I've tested a few different options and have gotten the expected results every time. Good luck figuring out why it's not working on your forum. :up:
06-01-2012, 01:11 AM
I wish it did here. It still isn't working. I had eleven new registrants in Users Awaiting Moderation, and I received no emails on any of them. I really hope that Trevor Hannant chimes in soon.
06-02-2012, 05:50 AM
The only way that I can get emails on new members awaiting moderation is to limit to only one email address in Email Address to Notify About User Awaiting Moderation.
Before the MOD, we could put multiple email addresses in Email Address to Notify About New Members, and that worked. We should be able to blank this field and put multiple email addresses in Email Address to Notify About User Awaiting Moderation and get the emails, but apparently, this isn't the case.
Trevor Hannant - Can you look into this. Multiple email address, separate by a space, in Email Address to Notify About User Awaiting Moderation should work just as it did when putting multiple email addresses in Email Address to Notify About New Members.
06-02-2012, 05:51 PM
The only way that I can get emails on new members awaiting moderation is to limit to only one email address in Email Address to Notify About User Awaiting Moderation.
Before the MOD, we could put multiple email addresses in Email Address to Notify About New Members, and that worked. We should be able to blank this field and put multiple email addresses in Email Address to Notify About User Awaiting Moderation and get the emails, but apparently, this isn't the case.
Trevor Hannant - Can you look into this. Multiple email address, separate by a space, in Email Address to Notify About User Awaiting Moderation should work just as it did when putting multiple email addresses in Email Address to Notify About New Members.
I just tested that exact scenario (2 email addresses in Email Address to Notify About User Awaiting Moderation, no email addresses in Email Address to Notify About New Members), and it worked perfectly.
There doesn't seem to be any issues with this mod, rather something specific to your forum that you need to figure out.
06-02-2012, 06:11 PM
I just tested that exact scenario (2 email addresses in Email Address to Notify About User Awaiting Moderation, no email addresses in Email Address to Notify About New Members), and it worked perfectly.
There doesn't seem to be any issues with this mod, rather something specific to your forum that you need to figure out.
Are you using a space between the two emails?
I re-added the other Administrators email address (with a space between them). Maybe it will work now, given that I got it to work with just one email address.
If it turns out to be some quirk about our forum setup, I have not clue where to look.
06-02-2012, 06:15 PM
Yes, a single space between emails, same as we've always used in the Email Address to Notify About New Members field.
Trevor Hannant
06-03-2012, 01:22 PM
I'm still waiting on the results of you checking your email logs...
I've retested this again with the settings attached (2 email addresses in Email Address to Notify About User Awaiting Moderation separated by a single space, no email addresses in Email Address to Notify About New Members) and the mails delivered to both addresses as seen in the 2nd attachment.
Can you uninstall the modification, download a fresh copy and re-install. Then re-set the settings in AdminCP and do a test registration. Do you:
- get the emails to both addresses and
- are both emails shown in the email log
06-03-2012, 01:43 PM
Trevor -
From ACP > Administrator Notes:
Administrator: Snowhog
Created directory /srv/www/
Set Settings > Options > Error Handling & Logging > Log Emails to a File to email_logs
Added the other Admin email address to Email Address to Notify About User Awaiting Moderation, as I got the emails to work when I had just one email address in the field (mine), so maybe now it will work. If no emails are received, hopefully /srv/www/ will contain some useful information.
No one was receiving emails with 'multiple email addresses' in the field, yet we were getting Users Awaiting Moderation. The email_logs directory contained nothing.
So, again, last night, I removed all the email addresses but mine. This morning there are two Users Awaiting Moderation, and I got an email about both of them.
Okay, uninstalled the MOD (version 1.2) then downloaded the MOD again (first deleting it from my PC), extracted the product-th_moderate_user_email_1-2.xml file and imported it as suggested. Added our Admin email addresses and ensured the appropriate questions were marked Yes.
Now I wait to see if anything changes.
In case it is important, the two emails I got this morning (in the attached image) were for 'Unregistered' users?
The following user is awaiting moderation:
Please visit this link to moderate this user:
Thank you
The following user is awaiting moderation:
Please visit this link to moderate this user:
Thank you
I guess that both used 'Unregistered' as the username. Hmm. I'll add nregistered to our list of Illegal User Names.
06-03-2012, 04:24 PM
A new entry in in Users Awaiting Moderation usergroup since uninstalling/reinstalling the MOD this morning. No email has been received about it. The email_logs directory remains empty.
If this MOD is working 'as intended' for everyone else, why isn't it working for us? It only works for us if I use a single email address in the field.
We have a standard vBulletin installation. We are running version 4.2.0. There has to be a clue in the "one email address works" but "multiple email addresses don't" that can be used to point to a controlling .php file. I just need expert help in tracking this bugger down.
06-23-2012, 02:54 PM
Trevor -
I found my mistake regarding the email logging. I had the directory in the wrong location. I've put it in the 'correct' location and have put two email addresses into the field. I'm expecting that neither of us will receive any of the user awaiting moderation emails, but hopefully the log file will now be generated. If it is, I'll provide the content here for your review.
06-23-2012, 07:56 PM
A new user has replied to the new user registration email confirmation. I received no email notice, and the email_logs directory contains no .log file. So using more than one email address for this MOD does not work for our forum. I don't have to create a blank .log file in the directory to be used, do I? I wouldn't think so, but...
How in the heck do I trouble shoot this?
07-28-2012, 09:53 PM
I want to modify the email notification message to reflect the following:
The following user is awaiting moderation:
Please visit this link to moderate this user:
View member profile: $memberlink
Check IP location in Melissa:$ipaddress
Check for Spam (email):$email
Check for Spam (name):$username
Check for Spam (IP):$ipaddress
Thank you
This 'works', except that the contents of the variables $email, $username, and $ipaddress don't appear in the email that I get. Why?
08-28-2012, 11:06 PM
Worked for me. Thanks!
03-29-2015, 12:41 PM
Hi, We've opted to use this instead of the welcome email, and it works well. However I'd like to edit some of the text in this email format, where can I do that?
Trevor Hannant
03-29-2015, 01:02 PM
Hi, We've opted to use this instead of the welcome email, and it works well. However I'd like to edit some of the text in this email format, where can I do that?
The email body text can be found in the phrase 'moderatenewuser'
Trevor Hannant
03-29-2015, 01:07 PM
I want to modify the email notification message to reflect the following:
The following user is awaiting moderation:
Please visit this link to moderate this user:
View member profile: $memberlink
Check IP location in Melissa:$ipaddress
Check for Spam (email):$email
Check for Spam (name):$username
Check for Spam (IP):$ipaddress
Thank you
This 'works', except that the contents of the variables $email, $username, and $ipaddress don't appear in the email that I get. Why?
I know this is an old post - apologies that I've not seen it until now... :(
Those variables, as far as I remember, will only be populated when a user is logged in. When they register, they are effectively logged in (without a remember me option/function). If they leave that browser instance open, then when they click on the link to verify their email address, they will still be "logged in" and the variables populated and passed to the email text.
If they close their browser and then click the link in the email, they won't be logged in although the link will correctly set them from "Awaiting email verification" to "Awaiting Moderation". As such, the variables are empty and cannot be passed into the email text (hence why $bbuserinfo[username] will show as 'Unregistered' or something along that line".
If I can find some time, I'll look to see if there's another way to process these so that the details are picked up and passed to the email although I can't promise that or when...
Trevor Hannant
03-29-2015, 02:39 PM
Snowhog, if you're still using the mod, this should work for you:
The following user is awaiting moderation:
Please visit this link to moderate this user:
View member profile: $memberlink
Check IP location in Melissa:$userinfo[ipaddress]
Check for Spam (email):$userinfo[email]
Check for Spam (name):$userinfo[username]
Check for Spam (IP):$userinfo[ipaddress]
Thank you
Trevor Hannant
03-29-2015, 03:14 PM
Updated to 1.3 to change the username variable to allow for those coming back to activate in a new browser session.
03-30-2015, 12:51 PM
H'm... thanks for the quick reply. However, after some searching, discovered it under moderation_validated. Not sure if that's a recent change or edit? Anyway, looks like I'm on my way. Thanks-
Trevor Hannant
03-30-2015, 08:14 PM
'moderation_validated' isn't part of this mod, it's been a phrase in the default vB language file for a long time
06-20-2015, 09:18 PM
Snowhog, if you're still using the mod, this should work for you:
The Melissa query no longer passes the IP address - it just opens the Melissa IP Lookup page.
Check IP location in Melissa:
Anyone know of another site that would pass the IP string as Melissa used to do?
Trevor Hannant
06-22-2015, 06:20 AM
Seems most now require an account for this
06-22-2015, 10:57 AM
Actually you can use your choice of:$ipaddress$ipaddress$ipaddress
Trevor Hannant
06-23-2015, 01:42 PM
Hmmm, might add those in to it later...
08-06-2015, 08:36 AM
I've just setup the same settings as your attachment on 2 different sites and all still email me when a user activates their account. Have you enabled email logging on your install:
AdminCP > Settings > Options > Error Handling and Logging
If not, try that and see if the emails are written to the logs Ok.
One Emailadress = OK, two Emailadresses = fails...
Thu, 06 Aug 2015 12:34:40 +0200
Subject: Ein neu registrierter Benutzer warten auf Freischaltung
From: "Forum" <>
Auto-Submitted: auto-generated
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
X-Priority: 3
X-Mailer: vBulletin Mail via PHP
Der Benutzer Test11 wartet auf Freischaltung!
Username: Test11
Any Idea?
Trevor Hannant
08-06-2015, 03:57 PM
How are you separating the email addresses in the 'Email Address to Notify About New Members' field?
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