View Full Version : Newbie HELP !!!!

03-26-2012, 08:23 AM
Hi all

I recently transferred over to VB from PHP. I was a Php virgin but managed to sort out bits & bobs to make the site work.
I have recently purchased a skin which i have tried to load only for it to come up with a fault. I have tried to upload the like/thanks mod again with no luck

I have also tried to alter the CMS by following a how to but again have had no luck & am totally at my wits end

PLease Please please can someone help me out. I am coming across as thick but once i am shown i can probably sort it from there

My site is rubbish now compared to the php one unless i can get these things to work


03-26-2012, 11:04 AM
As long as you don't describe exactly what is wrong (including eventual error messages) and/or give links to the site, there's not much one can do.

03-26-2012, 11:19 AM
what PHP site do you refer to ?! because the name is not complete...

also, it can be possible that you have more problems setting a vBulletin board than others because it compile a lot more professional features that are not free on other free boards anyway... if you are not a pro on these topics, your best bet would be to hire someone to handle your forum or at least your installation/configuration...

03-29-2012, 12:53 PM
OK chaps i think i have sorted it out. I was not using the ftp upload correctly but have now learned how to use it

Thanks for the replies, i,m sure i will have more questions