View Full Version : bitfield not showing in admincp.

03-22-2012, 09:22 AM
I'm looking for some advise.

The bitfields for the modification are not showing in admincp > usergroup.

I have performed the following, i'm running 4.1.11.

Tried rebuilding them - index.php?do=buildbitfields
Disabled all but this modification.
Uninstalled, uploaded files and reinstalled (countless times)
Removed all files from includes/xml folder, but this modifications.

The modification owner informs me this is a vbuletin issue and asked me to install on a vanillaboard, which... imo seems pointless as this will prove only that the modification works on a vanilla board, my board isn't vanilla therefore pointless excerise imo.

What troubleshooting can i perform to identify why this modifications bitfields are not showing up on my board.