View Full Version : Album thumbnails

03-18-2012, 08:11 AM
Hi all,

Is there anyway i can uniform the album thumbnails so that both landscape and portrait images can fit into the same sized box? - i really dislike the way the mixture of portrait and landscape as album covers causes the alignment to go out, things need to be uniform :)

I tried fillding with #latestalbumcontainer li but this causes the potrait images to be cut off.


03-20-2012, 04:26 PM
Anyone got any wee tricks up their sleeves for this one?

03-21-2012, 01:13 PM
You have to go after the thumb image itself. Not the container. If you resize the container, like you found, it cuts off parts of the image and/or text.
Here's the formula they use also found in the album.css

#thumbnails li .picture {
width:{vb:math {vb:raw vboptions.attachthumbssize}+8}px;
height:{vb:math {vb:raw vboptions.attachthumbssize}+8}px;
padding:{vb:stylevar padding};

Pop this in to your additional.css and try changing the formulas to fixed amounts.

03-22-2012, 09:26 AM
Of course, yes.. ok will play with the math formulas.

Thank you.