View Full Version : problem with member.php

03-16-2012, 12:15 PM
I have some problem with display the statistics in profile blocks.
Someday, the statistics disappeared without any change to permissions or php code or templates and noone install any hooks.
I know that, because I have testing forum where noone have access and statistics disappeared too.
In testing forum I have debug mode turn on, and I see, than memberinfo_block_statistics is called (and it's original template, I didn't change anything in there).
Template Usage (49):

I see, then the $block_html from vB_ProfileBlock_Statistics class is just:
<!-- stats -->

<div id="view-stats" class="subsection block">


<div class="underblock"></div>

<!-- / stats -->
Is anyone know, why this is happened?

Problem "solved", it's because cache...