View Full Version : Worth upgrading to 4.1.11?

03-13-2012, 09:28 PM
My forums are currently 4.1.7 and I have a lot of modifications which I need to be working.

If I update to a higher version of vBulletin, will my modifications still work and is it reverseable of not?

03-13-2012, 10:44 PM
I think most of your modifications should work but it depends on which ones they are. If you have custom styles they could take some work to upgrade.

If you have a database backup (which you should anyway) then I think you should be able to restore the db and upload the 4.1.7 files to go back (but you'll lose any chnages since the backup, of course).

03-14-2012, 11:02 PM
Definately worth it, lots of improvements and bug fixes.

However any custom styles will be broken, it took me a week to fix and still some issues.

Most mods will work yes.

03-16-2012, 01:21 PM
Upgraded, and fixed ;) thanks guys.