View Full Version : [Re- Release of the Mood Hack Version 2.03]

09-12-2001, 10:00 PM
Seems like a fitting version for the mood hack. After the work, and re-tooling that has went in to it, i could not be more pleased.
For those who have already installed it, the only file that will not need to be reinstalled, is the vbmoodinstall.php file. (tables)

We will not support this hack, if you had previously added the mood hack, downloaded this new hack version, and tried to get the old mood hack working by making a few changes here and there based off the new information provided. No matter what, it all must be replaced except your tables from the vbmoodinstall.php file.

I know..it is going to take time..however, the new version is what we are supporting, and nothing else.
Everything needs to be replaced, which should be rather simple, considering you already have it done, and know where everything is at. :)

The instructions are in a step by step format. There are extra text files included, that will help you modify your mood5 template.
All modifications to the script are pointed out in the mood hack step one text file.
Be sure to read those instructions, otherwise you will not know that we changed the star format from a needed upload to your smilies area, to a direct hard code to the image in the functions.php file.
There are other things just like this new change...so please read everything!!

We had this working, rite out of the box, on two different servers, and one of those was baldbouncers, so I know, that we got it rite this time.:)

For those who are now just downloading the mood hack for the first time, follow the directions to the "T" and you should have a trouble free hack, rite out of the box. :)

Ok, here we go:

09-13-2001, 11:38 AM
For those contemplating whether or not you should upgrade, just keep this in mind. The new mood5.php file, does not need any user input for server information.

09-13-2001, 11:55 AM
NOTE New modifications, provided and coded mostly by Gwynar; and Tora Tora!:

Mood display modification:

The stars are now a automatic display, so do not add them into your smilieys area, or
change the code in the "rate day" area. Meaning in short,
the stars are now hardcoded so that you do not have to
code anyting into the rate day area, nor have to upload more
stars and give them code values.

##### NOTE: New modification 1:#####

The mood5.php file, no longer needs
any server info. It runs off your
vb server settings. All you need to do
is upload it to your server without
any modifications. These added changes
also provide higher security for add on hacks.

##### NOTE New modification 2:#####

Censor text. Any censors that you
have on your board, will now be
used in the user comments area.
Be sure to have your censor on, or
have the words you intend to have
censored, listed in your vb
options area.

##### NOTE New modification 3:#####

Time and date settings, are now a
automatic vbdate format, and time
format, which allows the useage of
vb time zones to be used in thier display

##### NOTE New modification 4:#####

Template redirect, and error template work
as they should, without resembling
a "stuck" on page 1 hack.

09-13-2001, 01:04 PM
i have install in my test forum looks to work without problem :)

09-13-2001, 01:18 PM
Great! Glad to hear that. :)

I think this latest release will go off without a hitch.
With the new mood5.php script, and the newest changes to the add ons and instructions, i am quite confident that the problems of the past version will be overshadowed, so that we can move on to the future add ons, or enhancements to the hack.

Many thanks to those who contributed to its newest incarnation, and a very special thanks Again to gwynar who fine tuned, and rebuilt parts of the script to comply with the origional goal of the mood hack.

09-13-2001, 01:21 PM
just 2 suggests
possibility to reset the last mood
and so just see mood when information has been put

09-13-2001, 02:37 PM
That was one of the concerns that we are possibly going to work on for future use.
The issue with resetting though, is one that i really needs a mysql backend setup...which is something that i really am not to familiar with.
Basically, it would work off the time statements, or date statements, and would flush all mood entries from a set date.

The other alternative to the display area in your post bit section, is to just have the button for mood, which would pop up the mood template, rather than enter in the post bit variables. Baldbouncer chose this route, and also went with his own custom button to ad some flare to it. The only way to see any of the mood info, is to of course, click on the button.

Basically, to display only the button for the pop up, and no other information regarding the mood hack in your post bit area, go into your post bit template, and remove all of the added mood attribute variables, except the code for the pop up window.
What it will display, (underneath your username, avatar, usertitle, posts..etc..) will be just the mood button.

09-13-2001, 07:11 PM
Hello all!

This addon was was created to reset the mood profile's on your Forum. The addon has 2 script functions which you can switch by changing variable "$clear_after" in clear_mood.pl.

Mode-1 ($clear_after is set to "off") will let you delete all mood's set on you forums, for example mood's that are 1 minute old will also be deleted. I would recommend you run this from cron once a day at 24:00 hours, but you can setup cron as you would like.

Mode-2 ($clear_after is set to "on") will check how old the mood's are, you can setup your own limit in the script for this. If the mood's are older than the limit you have set in the script the mood's will be deleted. I would recommend running that script from cron every 5 minutes,and set your old limit back to 24 hours. In this case it will delete all mood's older than 24 hours every 5 minutes.

Edit clear_cron.pl you will find in zip. Follow the instructions in it.
Upload the clear_cron.pl to your /cgi-bin/ derictory and chmod it to 755.
Edit your cron table (ask your hoster).

For: vb 2.x.x + mood hack v 2.03 (and higher i hope ;))

To change: upload 1 file (+ config cron)

Instructions: in zip.

You will get support in this thread.

(C)2001 by Stasik the hack can`t be edited or destrbuted without copyright notice.

09-13-2001, 07:14 PM
That file you have up there doesnt come with the smilies :mad: . if you could post them. that'd be nice. :)

09-13-2001, 07:29 PM
Originally posted by Goldfinger
That file you have up there doesnt come with the smilies :mad: . if you could post them. that'd be nice. :)

you have your own smilieys correct? The hack uses smilies that you have in your directory, or code that you add to your new smiiles. Please read the "Modifications" script for more info on this.

I had tried before to include the smilies, however,
I cannot attach the smilies i have, because the file is to big, even after zipping them. If you wish to pm me with your email addy, i can send you the file via email.


09-13-2001, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by Stasik
Hello all!

This addon was was created to reset the mood profile's on your Forum. The addon has 2 script functions which you can switch by changing variable "$clear_after" in clear_mood.pl.

Mode-1 ($clear_after is set to "off") will let you delete all mood's set on you forums, for example mood's that are 1 minute old will also be deleted. I would recommend you run this from cron once a day at 24:00 hours, but you can setup cron as you would like.

Mode-2 ($clear_after is set to "on") will check how old the mood's are, you can setup your own limit in the script for this. If the mood's are older than the limit you have set in the script the mood's will be deleted. I would recommend running that script from cron every 5 minutes,and set your old limit back to 24 hours. In this case it will delete all mood's older than 24 hours every 5 minutes.

Edit clear_cron.pl you will find in zip. Follow the instructions in it.
Upload the clear_cron.pl to your /cgi-bin/ derictory and chmod it to 755.
Edit your cron table (ask your hoster).

For: vb 2.x.x + mood hack v 2.03 (and higher i hope ;))

To change: upload 1 file (+ config cron)

Instructions: in zip.

You will get support in this thread.

(C)2001 by Stasik the hack can`t be edited or destrbuted without copyright notice.

I will have to give this a try later on. Thanks for the hard work on creating this for the mood hack. It is greatly appreciated. :)
And yes, there will be more mood add ons and features in the future, so we may have to integrate this in on the next time around. :)

Again, nice work.

09-13-2001, 07:37 PM
Hey it works if you just follow the STEP by STEP instructions. No one should have a problem install this great hack. Good work guys.

09-13-2001, 07:41 PM
In your instructions it said that some of the files are to big for notepad. As a suggestion i use PHP Coder to edit php files. Its a great program. Check it out.


I hope this helps :).

09-13-2001, 07:53 PM
Originally posted by Goldfinger
In your instructions it said that some of the files are to big for notepad. As a suggestion i use PHP Coder to edit php files. Its a great program. Check it out.


I hope this helps :).
im glad to see somebody read the instructions for a change.lol
I will have to check that out..i grow tired of having to download the big files like functions, or member.php into my offline folder just to make a couple of quick changes, and word pad is just a completey screwed work pad for this type of thing. I do not like auot reformatting anything when it comes to scripts, or even html for that matter. Thanks for the heads up. :)

09-13-2001, 08:02 PM
Just finished upgrading without a hitch,
Thanks For the hack TORA TORA

09-13-2001, 08:04 PM
glad to hear that web. thank you for the lookout, and the help on getting this thing back on track. :)

09-14-2001, 03:48 AM
like a charm man!

09-14-2001, 06:07 PM
wow...38 downloads with no troubles...that is pretty damned good i think...:)

09-14-2001, 06:10 PM
I had one last night. HAHA

Night Demon
09-15-2001, 12:08 AM
Is there anyway you can make it so the mood hack doesn't show up under the persons name, who doesn't use it?

Power of Omega
Junior Member

Registered: Sep 2001
Location: Missouri USA
Posts: 4



Day Rate:

Status Message:

Mood Last Updated.

Make that not show up, since he doesn't use it?

09-15-2001, 12:18 AM
That would take a lot more coding to make it not show up for a user that doesnt use it. Believe me :).

ToraTora have you tried that program out yet? i use it for all my editing cause it lets me do a search for lines of code which makes it really easy to install hacks :).

Night Demon
09-15-2001, 12:38 AM
Darn. I need to learn PHP. :(

09-15-2001, 03:22 AM
Actually, it wouldn't take too much extra coding...

09-15-2001, 08:07 PM
there are a few things are being worked out on it, to evolve it a bit more, so we will add this to the to do list. :)

09-15-2001, 08:10 PM
Originally posted by Goldfinger
That would take a lot more coding to make it not show up for a user that doesnt use it. Believe me :).

ToraTora have you tried that program out yet? i use it for all my editing cause it lets me do a search for lines of code which makes it really easy to install hacks :).

yeh, i used it a little bit, but i have to download the MDOS update file i think for it. I had a few errros with it when i tried using a few things with it.
I currently use a pretty slick html editor rite now, so it is going to be awhile before i get the total hang of the php editor, but yes, it is a real nice program. Thanks for the information, :)

09-15-2001, 09:37 PM
can ugive me a url of it? such like perlBuilder?

09-15-2001, 09:55 PM
The link for the php builder is in this thread somewhere...

09-19-2001, 03:47 PM
86 downloads....ah...how is this working for everybody that downloaded it?
It would be nice to get some kind of feedback on it. :)

09-19-2001, 04:02 PM
only 5 times addon :(

09-19-2001, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by Stasik
only 5 times addon :(

i had to re-edit this...wasnt sure at first what you meant...lol...

yeh, its a good script though Stasik. Dont worry..theres more things on the way that may benefit greatly when used with that script. :D

09-21-2001, 02:59 PM
I sure hope I am posting this in the right place. I have followed everythign to the "T".. when I go run the install. I get this..

The requested URL /cp.css was not found on this server.

Any idea on how to fix this?
Thanks in advance.

09-25-2001, 01:41 AM
you have the install file in the wrong area of your files. you have to have the install file, in your vb root directory. The style sheet it is looking for, is your vb style sheet.

09-28-2001, 08:20 AM
How do i make it so it show memebers status ONLINE\OFFLINE??

so its lit up when there online and off

BTW thanx for this Great hack

09-29-2001, 12:07 AM
I followed the directions, but need to know where to enter info for the mood - per the modifications.txt file it's automaticly linked to my smiley file (which is I've got a fairly extensive smiley collection that I didn't want to reload) but I'm not seeing how to set this up as 'joe member'.

Does this come from the control panel? I'm just not seeing where/how this is activated from a member perspective... I followed through the steps and I'm not seeing an option on how to change moods/set up moods.


09-30-2001, 06:22 AM
Hmm Anyone KNOW?

09-30-2001, 12:14 PM
Originally posted by Tweak
How do i make it so it show memebers status ONLINE\OFFLINE??

so its lit up when there online and off

BTW thanx for this Great hack

Maybe the next release i will add it, because it would be pretty simple, but my feelings for releasing anything here free of charge anymore is slowly dwindling due to the sudden resurgance of BS towards free released hacks in general.

09-30-2001, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by Wing
I followed the directions, but need to know where to enter info for the mood - per the modifications.txt file it's automaticly linked to my smiley file (which is I've got a fairly extensive smiley collection that I didn't want to reload) but I'm not seeing how to set this up as 'joe member'.

Does this come from the control panel? I'm just not seeing where/how this is activated from a member perspective... I followed through the steps and I'm not seeing an option on how to change moods/set up moods.


for one, you need to name your smilies, to the code you want to represent the dropdown "mood" or "reason" etc. so, if there is a smiliey in your smiliey collection on your board, that lets say...represents pissed off (which i am currently)
and you have added "pissed off" for a mood, than your code should look like this

<OPTION VALUE=":<">Pissed Off</OPTION>

the smiliey "code" is in between the " "

These changes, are made in the mood5 template...

secondly, in the instructions, there is a description, of adding a link to connect to the mood.php file. That is how all members enter their information.

Third, there is no member options. The mood hack is either on, or not installed. The only option, is a option that most choose, that just displays the java button for the mood.
The only thing that shows in the post bit area, is the mood button, and not the text for (mood: reason: etc..). That way, if a user does no enter information into the mood, you wont have blank spaces in your post bit area, behind the text that describes the mood, reason...etc...just the button....people have to click on the button, to see the mood of any user, who has posted in a particular thread.

and last but not least...please...read the instructions...this was all covered in there. all of it.

09-30-2001, 07:37 PM
The problem was in my unzip...

for some reason Step 12 didn't unzip, so I missed that step.

I love it!

09-30-2001, 10:14 PM
:( K thanx i understand man. you do nice work alot of us appreciate it.. to bad theres Lamers on here as well. ruins it for all of us

10-02-2001, 12:43 AM
Whats up!

was wondering....

everyone LOVES the mood hack-but they dont like the amount of vertical space it takes up in postbit...

can u(if u have time) come up with a way to display this horizontally-say...at the top or bottom area of the actual message area-similar to where the yahoo,aim icons are placed-but maybe at the top??

i DID try-lol-but i keep screwing up the tables haha

if u can help-that would be great-if u have no time-i totally understand...

tx again 4 this!!!


10-06-2001, 01:10 AM
i have three or four versions on the display route actually worked up, that allow the mood information to be viewed several different ways, however, this will also be included with its next release sometime later.

10-07-2001, 06:11 AM
Just a tid bit of info to anybody that may have problems with the display of the smilieys...its actually pretty frusterating, to realize that most of the people having prior troubles, could of solved it by simply turning back on the smiley code in the signature.
That is correct...after I had troubles getting mine to display on my new board...i realized that the smiliey code was off in the sigs...i turned it back on, and everything displayed properly.

It is a very small oversight, however, for those board admins who have had users abuse the signature areas with images, or smilieys, and had to turn it off to sort of combat the problem, should also be notified ahead of time, that the mood smiliey code displays will not display with the smiliey code off in sigs. :)
Im thinking that Bald Bouncer might know about this one better than i do...lol..

11-20-2001, 03:16 AM
The pop-up window button shows user's mood doesn't work. When I click on it, it's still blank page, can anybody help?

11-23-2001, 08:39 AM
there is only a few things that would prompt this type of error.
Simply put, it pops up the mood window, however, nothing shows. This means that you have not entered in the correct code, or have not entered in the code in the member.php file correctly.
Have you created the mood template? Do you have the right address in place, for the mood popup to hook up with the mood window?

Basically, and I do mean this in the best way, re-read the instructions.

Close to 400 downloads, and not one problem mentioned that wasnt user error. ;)

11-23-2001, 09:31 AM
thank you, I've found the problem, sorry for bothering you.

You were exactly right, the problem was because I copy the code over the }, which was suppose under it. Yeah small mistake in code made big different.

Thanks, happy thanksgiving.

11-23-2001, 09:55 AM
Originally posted by Nam
thank you, I've found the problem, sorry for bothering you.

You were exactly right, the problem was because I copy the code over the }, which was suppose under it. Yeah small mistake in code made big different.

Thanks, happy thanksgiving.

constructive criticism, or bug squashing is never taken by me as "bothering me".
If there would of been a consecutive problem with the hack Nam, I would of gladly helped you out until we figured what exactly was going wrong with it.

Have a great weekend yourself Nam, and take care. :)

11-23-2001, 10:19 AM
Tora Tora!
Great Hack, Thanks for taking your time to make it

11-23-2001, 10:48 AM
no prob computerguy. I appreciate the compliment, and should let you also know there is more coming later for this hack, which will make life much easier for everybody, with a few options to pick from on how you want the mood hack to work.

some of the new features are:

1) new image folder and script using the new image folder, rather than using the smiliey vb code of vbulletin to enable smilieys, after uploading new smilieys for the mood into your smiliey area.
This will allow board admins, to have a seperate smiley folder, rather than bog down their existing smilies area, which also displays in the java smiliey box. (a person can really rack up the smilies if they have a smiliey for every mood.

2) If a person wishes to use the showthread/post bit mood area, the mood area will not appear, if the user has not selected anything from the mood area.

3) reduced smiliey size which will be part of the script, which will also keep your tables in check.

4) style sheet, and mood button courtesy of snyx, with a pop up that will be avaliable to the user from the forums front page, rather than having to go into the usercp area.

I am still taking suggestions on the mood hack, to give it at least one more major update with the newest additions above, so now would be a great time to voice your concerns, or suggestions of what you would like to see in the mood hack.

11-24-2001, 03:24 AM
i get this error whenever trying to view anyone's profile

Parse error: parse error in /home/partylou/public_html/tof/member.php on line 1417

11-24-2001, 03:30 AM
and also how do i change the colors for this page to match my forum


11-24-2001, 04:00 AM
ok got everything working....but how do i edit the colors for the little pop-up box when you click on the Mood button that is in the postbit....


great hack!!

11-24-2001, 04:06 AM
ok sorry for all the posts, but i've got her allll set....wonderful hack....i love it, thanks for this one!!

11-24-2001, 08:51 AM
Glad you like it, and even happier to see a response from somebody that has downloaded it, and has it installed. :)

Very nice looking board you have set up as well |DarkManX|. Great job with the theme orientation of the holiday season.

11-24-2001, 02:56 PM
sounds like a great hack bro!

When do you think you are going to get around to realeasing a hack, with the above features, I AS i think it will be greatly appreciated!

Also make the new one work for 2.2.1

Thanks, goodluck!

11-24-2001, 10:51 PM
my showthread.php is loading slowly for my 56kers

what would the code be if i just wanted it to show the mood with the smilie, and then the word "mood" was a link to that lil pop up box....any ideas on this


11-25-2001, 01:44 PM
also, how would i fix the online.php so when someone was changing there mood it says like editing mood instead of "unknown location mood5.php?s=1234709874983243..."

thanks :)

12-18-2001, 01:19 AM
Hey there toratora, this hack looks great, good work :)

just a few questions before i try and install,

at this example of it


they have only 1 line mentioned in the postbit

mood: horny :kiss:

with the rest in a pop up window.

Is that part of the standard hack, or a hacked hack?

excuse my dumbness if this is mentioned in the documentation, but its 20 past 3 in the morning and its all getting a bit blurry :)

i ask cos my postbit is allready huge and i can't really have al the mood stuff there, but 1 line plus a pop up would be fantastic :)



12-18-2001, 11:13 AM
No offense intended, and excuse me if I am missing something but why don't you guys explain what these hacks do or show an example in the very first post when you release them?

12-20-2001, 04:25 AM
well, at one time, there were several ways of looking at what the mood hack did, what it looked like, and a dozen or so screen shots of its infancy, to the current status throughout its development, however, if the links in my signature at VB do not lead to the pics anymore, try the search method, and maybe they will be there..not sure.
I can post some pictures of what the mood hack has developed into, however the computer i have been using is way way old, and doesnt have enough memory installed for screen shots..lol..so, in a month, if not sooner, the mood hack will be re-released here and that will be the last time she gets a work-over. :)

This link looks awfully familiar: http://www.form-kaos.com/board/showthread.php?%20postid=60272\


snyx did some modifications to the origional mood hack after i installed it over there, so im not sure what you all have going on there now..lol..but, everything is user friendly, and option ready.

The mood hack postbits, are a option. I myself have elected to use just the java pop button, with color class code to give it a nice look, rather than the pale gray look that java buttons do.
Than, from that button, you can see the whole mood panel of the user you click on.
I added in the admin panel, the mood option text field, that works and looks similar to the signature profile field, to view the text a user adds in (in case the person adds a few colorful words that miss the censor).

Other than that, i have it set up quite nicely now, and hopefully in a day or two, i can at least provide some screen shots for you. :)

12-24-2001, 09:35 AM
excellent, that would be great, thanks a lot :)


01-08-2002, 03:23 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Psychdrone
Also make the new one work for 2.2.1

01-08-2002, 05:38 AM
Just one bug I found:

In the mooderror template:

Change this:

<a href="/vb/mood5.php?s=sessionhash[sessionhash]">Back</a>

to this:

<a href="/forums/mood5.php?s=$sessionhash[sessionhash]">Back</a>

I think there is a $ missing, and change the directory to whatever the forums directory is in, or else the back link won't work. Which is not a big problem, but just wanted to point it out.


01-08-2002, 07:21 AM
glad you like the hack. I forgot about that little back link, as i pulled the hack directly off the board i had been testing it on at the time..lol..so, yes, it would be a good thing to change that accordianly.

thanks for the compliment. :)

04-07-2002, 08:04 PM
<font size="3">BACK FROM THE DEAD</font>

Tora Tora,
Would it be possible to adjust the hack where it would be possible to use vb code in the comments box?

04-07-2002, 08:14 PM
No problem web. Just hit me with a email, and i will send you the modifications to allow it. :)

04-07-2002, 08:19 PM

10 seconds after I wrote that we figured it out.


05-11-2002, 08:10 PM
This is a sweet hack... I just installed it, tweaked it a little and it works like a charm!

Thanks ToraTora!

05-17-2002, 09:46 PM
Which file am I supposed to download?

05-17-2002, 09:53 PM
Actually, is their a version with all the new features out yet? (read back in the post)

I'm on 2.2.5

05-18-2002, 01:23 PM
There have been a ton of reworks that i have done with the hack since back than, and i still have a couple more to work out that will make the hack more dependant as a stand alone hack (even though it seems to keep up with whatever version is released..the 3.0 version of vbulletin is going to change alot of that i am sure..lol..) while still holding with the "keep it simple" premise.

I appreciate the compliments that have been given towards this hack, and will try and bring forward the newest version once i have a little more free time to correctly document it. :)

Thanks again.

05-18-2002, 05:41 PM
Ah Okay.


05-18-2002, 06:28 PM
Originally posted by Dalius
Ah Okay.


not sure what you mean by that remark, but the question that was asked above in regards to whether or not it would work on 2.2.5 was answered i think, and that the file that was asked about dowloading is the same one that has been attached to this thread since it was released, thus meaning in short, it will work for 2.2.5

07-17-2002, 03:51 PM
no screenshots?

07-28-2002, 01:12 AM
I wasn't being Sarcastic, I was thanking you. :P

07-28-2002, 01:23 AM
Any version made for 2.2.6?
Sorry if the question has been asked


Sweet Cheeks
11-27-2002, 02:56 AM
First I want to thank you for such an awesome hack, its one of the main things in my site everyone LOVES!

I just have one question, is it possible to block a certain usergroup from using the mood feature? Thanks in advance for your help :banana:

12-31-2002, 04:28 PM
Hi I am getting this error..

Database error in vBulletin 2.2.9:

Invalid SQL: ALTER TABLE user ADD mood varchar(25) NOT NULL
mysql error: Duplicate column name 'mood'

mysql error number: 1060

Date: Tuesday 31st of December 2002 06:23:42 PM
Script: http://www.divamoms.com/forums/forums/vbmoodinstall.php?step=2
Referer: http://www.divamoms.com/forums/vbmoodinstall.php

Can you please tell what I am doing wrong ?

Thank you!

01-24-2003, 12:48 AM
just came up with this idea and wondered if it was possible

is it possible to have it so you can hover over a mood and it shows you

Mood: Happy
Reason: EBS is live
Day Rate 4 Stars

and then you still got the button that you can click to pop the little window up


01-25-2003, 05:05 PM
another thing i was wondering is would it be possible to only display the Mood, Reason, Rate if you've set a mood 0_o

02-18-2003, 10:00 AM
ok new query, how do you uninstall this hack?

03-04-2003, 01:02 AM
Quick question. I followed all the steps but when I was installing and came to the page that says

Next Step . . . Modifications

and I click that link I get

The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.