View Full Version : Has anyone come across a mod to modify schedule run task upon entry of user?

03-06-2012, 07:48 PM

I've found out from vbulletin.com forum, that the RSS feed robot only runs schedule task upon user entry of the forum, has anyone got a mod to run schedule task at the times I set which is not dependant on the user entering the forum. Sumit about working on an image footer which triggers the schedule task script. I sort of what to abolish this and have it run at set times

Regards Lukescotty

03-06-2012, 08:07 PM
There's this mod: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=164477 It's old but looking at it, it looks like it just lets you disable the image. Then you also have to set up a (*nix) cron job to run cron.php (a vb script) at specified times. So assuming that still works in vb4, you don't really need the mod if you know how to set up cron jobs on your server.

Edit: Here's a thread on vbulletin.com where someone requested it as a feature, and there is discussion about how to do it with no mods: https://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php/392395-Ability-to-run-Scheduled-Tasks-via-real-system-cron-VBIV-13733

BTW, I'm klh on vbulletin.com, so I'm the idiot who told you to come here and is now sending you back... :)

03-06-2012, 08:23 PM
thats so funny, thanks again!!!

regards Lukescotty

03-08-2012, 03:13 AM
the RSS feed robot only runs schedule task upon user entry of the forum, has anyone got a mod to run schedule task at the times I set which is not dependant on the user entering the forum. Sumit about working on an image footer which triggers the schedule task script. I sort of what to abolish this and have it run at set times

Regards LukescottyBecause it's important that an empty forum, with no visitors, has the latest feeds? Why? I mean, if a tree falls in the forest...