View Full Version : Feedback required for theparentsclub.co.uk

03-05-2012, 07:44 PM
Hi, I'm looking for some feedback for my parenting site. http://www.theparentsclub.co.uk. What can you suggest, should I add/remove anything? Any feedback will be much appreciated.

Sage Knight
03-06-2012, 04:53 AM
Remove the drop shadows from the notice you have, it's ruining the look of the theme. The WGO section text are rather large, personally I like a smaller and compact WGO. Also you should change the hover/selected text color on the navbar tab color from black to white, IMO.

And I'd remove the ads for now, till an active member base is not established.

03-08-2012, 05:37 AM
Everything Sage said plus create yourself a favicon of your logo and re-assess what content you are using for adsense as mature dating uk isnt the best for your sort of forum!!