View Full Version : Review please

03-02-2012, 11:31 PM

This is my friends and I's ToonTown Fansite.


Please proceed to the Forums after viewing the homepage. Please rate honestly, and feel free to browse through the skins we currently offer. Our Blue skin is currently our default skin. We just started out in November and are trying to get on Google's first page for keywords we know everyone searches to find a new TT Fansite. If anyone has any tips to get on top, can you also do that as well?

Off Topic;
It is the ToonTown Forums and ToonTown Fansite pages on Google. We're on Page 2 for both (Ranked 17ish?). However, for keywords like toontown online fansite, we are ranked 3.

03-02-2012, 11:38 PM
Those are some pretty nice themes. However, for Blue, Cog HQ, and Pink, you might want to make the copyright text at the very bottom white for better visibility / appearance.

03-03-2012, 03:11 AM
The colors hurt my eyes a bit, but I believe it goes with your theme. You might want to make a theme less stressful on the eyes.

03-03-2012, 04:39 PM
I have to agree with dano. The colors are just a bit too loud.
Is the topic the toon town characters from who framed roger rabbit?

03-03-2012, 08:18 PM
Those are some pretty nice themes. However, for Blue, Cog HQ, and Pink, you might want to make the copyright text at the very bottom white for better visibility / appearance.

Alright, thank you. I will change those later on today.

The colors hurt my eyes a bit, but I believe it goes with your theme. You might want to make a theme less stressful on the eyes.

What skin are you talking about? We are known for our Pink skin hurting eyes, lol. Thank you for the feedback, currently the Cog HQ skin designed by my other tech isn't so eye-straining. :)

I have to agree with dano. The colors are just a bit too loud.
Is the topic the toon town characters from who framed roger rabbit?

Lol, no. ToonTown is a MMORPG for Disney (for kids, but lots of adults play it with their family, as well.) We are one of a few websites that have a successful fansite just for the game.