View Full Version : poll options missing

03-01-2012, 02:33 PM
We are running vB 4.1

When you start a new thread, there are no options to start a poll (either for users or admistrators). Should there be?

If yes, how do I reinstate them?
If no, how do I enable polls?

Many thanks
peter (a vB novice)

03-01-2012, 03:48 PM
The option to add a poll should be underneath the text area on the New Thread page, in "Addtional Options", "Post a Poll". The permissions to post a poll is part of the usergroup, so you could edit the usergroup in question and see if "Can Post Polls" is set to Yes. You can also set that option on a per-forum basis by going to "Forum & Moderators" -> "Forum Permissions" and clicking "Edit" for the usergroup under the forum in question.

03-02-2012, 11:07 AM
Many thanks kh99, v. helpful.

I did try that, in fact, but no doubt I missed it - I'll have a look again.