View Full Version : Home Page Issues

02-28-2012, 09:47 PM
Searched but couldn't find anything

When users go directly to the site "http://racersinc.net" it takes them to the home page that says they do not have access. When logged in as admin the home page shows email and such so I guess it's understandable why they do not have access.
I need for it to auto redirect them to the forum page "http://racersinc.net/forum.php" OR somehow make the home page mimic the forum page .. Hope that makes sense. I'm a newb. Any help on how to get this done would be greatly appreciated.


02-29-2012, 01:10 PM
Hmm...to be honest I'm not sure what's going on. Do you have the publishing suite with the cms or the "classic" vb version?

02-29-2012, 06:59 PM
I wish I was cool enough to even know what you're talking about lol. I'm a total hack. Learning as I go. Version is 4.1.1
The guy that set it up for us cant figure it out either. Guess I need to watch some more tutorials

02-29-2012, 07:20 PM
They're different vb products - "classic" is just the forums and "suite" has the content management system and the blog. You obviously don't have a cms or blog on your site, but I was thinking maybe you have them but disabled them by removing permission to them and that's why the error is showing up.

You said if you log in as admin it shows email and such - can you elaborate on that? I'm wondering what page is showing.

You could also try asking on vbulletin.com, if you haven't already.

03-29-2012, 06:04 PM
We have the blog options for users. I have even noticed when I log in from different computers that I, as an admin, cannot log in. It keep redirecting me :(