View Full Version : Find replace text

02-27-2012, 03:50 PM
Using v3.8.7. Is there a mod which allow to find a replace text in a forum message?

I announce in a forum message files for several platforms. The release numbers of the files are always the same, f.i.: file_v1234_sh4.gz, file_v1234_i386.gz, file_v1234_win7.gz, etc.
Everytime when a new release is available I have to change everywhere v1234 manually.
My question is if there is a mod which allows admin and mods to find text in a forummessage and replace it. In the example above something as: find _v1234 replace with _v1235

02-28-2012, 01:27 PM
Not really a mod but if you install "impex" there is an impex tool called "cleaner.php" that will do find and replace throughout all posts on your forum.

You have to manually edit the php file to set it up but it's a lot easier than manually changing dozens or hundreds of posts.

If it's just a handful of posts probably quicker to just do it manually though.

Anyone interested in making this mod can look to cleaner.php for code that will do it.