View Full Version : I cant access the "Advertisements" Section in the AdminCP anymore ?

02-24-2012, 11:26 AM

i am still running a vB 4.10 (Forum-Only, no Portal!). Today I wanted to change something in my Advertising settings on the forum. But when I click on "MANAGE ADS" or "ADD NEW AD" nothing happens. White page (with AdminCP Menu on the left as usual).

All other things in the AdminCP work.

I admit, I didn't checked that a few weeks, but before it worked. And I didn't do any changes to the Board in the meantime. The files are still in the folder "ad.php", nothing that I can see has changed.

But still, I can't seem to get the Advertising stuff to open up so I can do changes.

Any idea ?

P.S: Are there any vB Mods out that currently are dangerous to use ? Some security issue that was discovered in the last 4 weeks ?

02-24-2012, 02:14 PM
Disable your Firewall/Antivirus-Tool oder Server-Firewall.

02-24-2012, 03:57 PM
Here is a page from the manual about troubleshooting blank or 'white' pages: https://www.vbulletin.com/docs/html/blank_pages

And yes, if you installed ibproarcade, you would have gotten a notice about it being quarantined because of a security issue. You need to hit the Install button on any modifications you install so that you get the notice if something is wrong with the mod.