View Full Version : Parallelism in rebuilding threads

02-19-2012, 01:40 AM
Hi all,

I am using the cli.php script to rebuild threads from the command line. It still takes a very long time on our production server. I came up with the idea of creating multiple copies of cli.php (e.g., cli1.php, cli2.php) where each instance is set to do a subset of the threads. For example cli1.php is set to do threads with threadid < 500000 and cli2i.php is set to do thread with threadid>=500000.

Is there any reason that I should not do this? I'm mainly concerned that there might be a reason why the threads need to be rebuilt sequentially but I cannot think of a good reason that this would be true?

If this works and is safe I can get an operation that takes over a day on our site down to perhaps 6 hours with appropriate parallelism.

Thanks for any advice.
