View Full Version : Rolling information as members leave

02-12-2012, 10:18 AM
I am looking for a reasonably inexpensive (I make no money from my website) plug in that can easily how various members data, and as members leave they just roll off the list.

Background: I run a military forum for newbies that are about ready to leave for boot camp. I get these members about 3 months before they leave and each member enjoys watching their names rolling up the list until their day comes for them to leave. I do this manually now. I need it done automatically. I need it for both 4.1.x and 3.8.x.

What I want:
I want something similar to Cyb-Advanced Forum Statistic (201274) that have columns of different information that will gather information that the user puts in his profile. The list will look at this information and will display the information they put in. I want the ability to add various columns that I may add later. I need to display on one or two lines, and need to have both the people coming up the list(white), along with those that have just recently left (red).

I just need it done at a reasonable cost.

Here are some pictures so you can see what I'm looking for:
Picture 1 - Is a snapshot of Cyb Advance Forum Statics 201274. I don't want it on this page, but just wanted to show how Cyb displayed his. Mine would be in a seperate area on the forum (probably below the banner?)

Page 2 - If the User Profile page where the code will extract the information from.

Page 3 - Is what I want to display. I need this to revolve around the ship date. Currently I'd like to see: Ship Date: User Name: Rating(Job): Flying from: Purpose of joining:

How this makes sense. Please let me know how much this will cost, and if you accept a military discount... :D


