View Full Version : Email Options - SMTP relay issues

02-08-2012, 06:22 PM
Hi Guys, I'm currently using vBulletin CMS version 4.1.10 on GoDaddy's Linux 4G hosting.

I just found out today that if I sent out a mass mail to my users (through GoDaddy's relay) that I am limited to 1000 emails per 24 hours.
Now to get around this, I am able to use my work's relay service.

As an alternative, I have tried to enable SMTP for outgoing mail so I have configured the proper fields in the Email options to do so; including mail server, user, password and port 2500 for sending mail.

I am receiving the following error message:

Showing Users 1 to 1 of 1

1 - <user name here> ...... Emailing
Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: unable to connect
to tcp: (Connection refused) in
[path]/includes/class_mail.php on line 742

LINE 742 states:
$this->smtpSocket = fsockopen(($this->secure == 'ssl' ? 'ssl://' : 'tcp://') . $this->smtpHost, $this->smtpPort, $errno, $errstr, 30);

The page eventually refreshes and says emails sent successfully but I never actually get them.

Is there something I can do?



02-08-2012, 08:05 PM
Well, the error message looks like vb isn't able to connect to that server. Normally a mail server would be protected to control who can use it. Do you think that it shouldn't be reufusing your connection?

02-08-2012, 09:31 PM
Just to correct slightly to what kh99 said. Its not "vBulletin" that can't connect, its the server/php.

Godaddy Blocks ALL outgoing smtp connections, I believe.

02-08-2012, 09:48 PM
Hi all, thanks for the responses.

The SMTP relay I use for sure doesn't block usage. I set up the domain and accounts myself as we are a reseller on a hosting provider.

I have emailed GoDaddy about this issue and haven't heard back from them yet. I will probably give them a call regarding this to see if I can figure out the issue.

it might be very true that they don't allow connections to SMTP outgoing unless its from their ports 25, 80 and 3535.

I will let you know the updates as I receive them.


02-08-2012, 10:26 PM
Hi all, thanks for the responses.

The SMTP relay I use for sure doesn't block usage. I set up the domain and accounts myself as we are a reseller on a hosting provider.

How does it validate a connecting server?

It might be GoDaddy (I don't know a lot about that), but why would it block port 2500?

ETA: nevermind, it doesn't matter - I'm able to connect to your server via telnet so it seems something else (like GoDaddy) must be blocking you.

02-08-2012, 10:45 PM

Godaddy does in fact block outgoing ports on their Shared hosting. You need to use port 25, 80 or 3535 for relay.

Unfortunately to bypass this I would have to upgrade to their Dedicated or Virtual dedicated hosting, and to be honest, I'm not interested in spending 30-40 dollars a month on that lol.

Thanks for your help guys, much appreciated.

02-09-2012, 07:38 AM
You could switch to hostgator... Hell, they'll even transfer your files for you too if you want.

02-09-2012, 12:06 PM
port 80 works best with godaddy