View Full Version : Grid - How-To?

02-04-2012, 03:35 PM

i want a special grid.

Its like the standart-grid but with 4 or 5 boxex above the main-box.

I make a little screen (attachmend)

Anyone know, how i solve this?


02-04-2012, 05:37 PM
Create a grid that has a header in that space, then flatten the grid and edit it to add those five boxes.

02-04-2012, 05:46 PM
Sorry but i dont know exactly how i doe this....

I found this grid:

<div id="doc3">
<div id="hd">
<div class="yui-u yui-header">
<ul class="list_no_decoration widget_list" id="widgetlist_column1">$column[1]</ul>
<div id="bd">
<div class="yui-gb">
<div class="yui-u first yui-panel">
<ul class="list_no_decoration widget_list" id="widgetlist_column2">$column[2]</ul>
<div class="yui-u yui-panel">
<ul class="list_no_decoration widget_list" id="widgetlist_column3">$column[3]</ul>
<div class="yui-u yui-panel">
<ul class="list_no_decoration widget_list" id="widgetlist_column4">$column[4]</ul>
<div id="ft">
<div class="yui-u yui-footer">
<ul class="list_no_decoration widget_list" id="widgetlist_column5">$column[5]</ul>

But how i must change the header-part?

02-04-2012, 05:55 PM
You'll need to modify this area to add in five <divs> all with a class that sets the widths to about 19% or so:

<ul class="list_no_decoration widget_list" id="widgetlist_column1">$column[1]</ul>

02-04-2012, 06:36 PM
Thank you Lynne.
How i set the widths?

Is this correkt?

<ul style="width:19%" class="list_no_decoration widget_list" id="widgetlist_column1">$column[1]</ul>

and this 4 times in div class yui-u yui-header?

02-04-2012, 06:48 PM
Yes, except make sure to always change the id and the $column number (those need to match and be unique - column[1] with widgetlist_column1, column[6] with widgetlist_column6, column[7] with widgetlist_column7, etc)

You may need to add more style like float them left, but you can figure that out afterwards.

02-04-2012, 06:56 PM
Yes. Thanks for your great and fast support/help. I'll try it later and give feedback than.

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One Problem now:
The boxes are below of each other but i want them next to the other.

My code:

<div id="doc3">
<div id="hd">
<div class="yui-u yui-header">
<ul style="width:24%" class="list_no_decoration widget_list" id="widgetlist_column1">$column[1]</ul>
<ul style="width:24%" class="list_no_decoration widget_list" id="widgetlist_column2">$column[2]</ul>
<ul style="width:24%" class="list_no_decoration widget_list" id="widgetlist_column3">$column[3]</ul>
<ul style="width:24%" class="list_no_decoration widget_list" id="widgetlist_column4">$column[4]</ul>
<div id="bd">
<div class="yui-gb">
<div class="yui-u first yui-panel">
<ul class="list_no_decoration widget_list" id="widgetlist_column5">$column[5]</ul>
<div class="yui-u yui-panel">
<ul class="list_no_decoration widget_list" id="widgetlist_column6">$column[6]</ul>
<div class="yui-u yui-panel">
<ul class="list_no_decoration widget_list" id="widgetlist_column7">$column[7]</ul>
<div id="ft">
<div class="yui-u yui-footer">
<ul class="list_no_decoration widget_list" id="widgetlist_column8">$column[8]</ul>

I tried to give everey ul-tag his own div class="yui-u yui-header"-tag but didnt work too....

02-05-2012, 05:13 AM
Instead of using <ul> tags, try using <div> tags and make sure you float them all to the left. If you have more problems, please post a link so we can see the actual grid in use and see what is going wrong.

02-05-2012, 08:12 AM
Hello Lynne,

I change the code now to this:

<div id="doc3">
<div id="hd">
<div class="yui-u yui-header">
<ul style="width:24%;float:left" class="list_no_decoration widget_list" id="widgetlist_column1">$column[1]</ul>
<ul style="width:24%;float:left" class="list_no_decoration widget_list" id="widgetlist_column2">$column[2]</ul>
<ul style="width:24%;float:left" class="list_no_decoration widget_list" id="widgetlist_column3">$column[3]</ul>
<ul style="width:24%;float:left" class="list_no_decoration widget_list" id="widgetlist_column4">$column[4]</ul>
<div id="bd">
<div class="yui-g">
<div class="yui-tvb-l25 first yui-panel">
<ul class="list_no_decoration widget_list" id="widgetlist_column5">$column[5]</ul>
<div class="yui-tvb-l50 first yui-panel">
<ul class="list_no_decoration widget_list" id="widgetlist_column6">$column[6]</ul>
<div class="yui-tvb-l25 first yui-panel">
<ul class="list_no_decoration widget_list" id="widgetlist_column7">$column[7]</ul>
<div id="ft">
<div class="yui-u yui-footer">
<ul class="list_no_decoration widget_list" id="widgetlist_column8">$column[8]</ul>

And it works! :)

One little question:

Is it possible to add space between the boxes?

Look at the right side, there are to many spaces.

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Ok, dont work :(

It work for a while but now it didnt work (the left area below the header-parts switched to the right)

02-06-2012, 08:48 AM

02-06-2012, 05:48 PM
I need a link to see the grid in order to see what is wrong.

Also, I would suggest looking at your site with the browser set at different widths.

02-06-2012, 06:18 PM
Hello Lynne,

ok, i'll make a little area with this grid, than u can take a look.

I post the link than.

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So, u can take a little look :)

If i use an other browser-width, than it works. But how can i use it on 1024-width?

Browser-Width which dont work:
until 1440x900

02-06-2012, 07:56 PM
You have a few things wrong... you only use the class first for the first box in a row (in your class bd div). And your header shouldn't use yui-u ,but should use yui-g. So, make those three changes and then see how it is.

02-06-2012, 08:02 PM
ehm....dont understand exactly.

i have change header to yui-g but what you mean with the other? (bd div)


Ahhhh xD Sorry, now i understand :)

Ill try it.

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Soooo....now the last question :)

How do you think can i make a better look? Because there is a many space on the right side.

Is it possible to change the boxes to 25% (4x25%=100%) or do you have any other idea to solve this problem?

02-07-2012, 12:44 AM
Actually, see how it is done here - http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/examples/grids/grids-gg.html

05-31-2013, 09:20 PM
Actually, see how it is done here - http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/examples/grids/grids-gg.html

Is there finally a grid making program out? Does Dreamweaver have a grid making system?

05-31-2013, 10:40 PM
No grid making program that I'm aware of.

06-01-2013, 12:06 AM
No grid making program that I'm aware of.

Zach, any sites or tutorials you can refer me too? I cant find any good tutorials that explains the grid system for vbulletin. I went to the YUI site lynn linked but its not vbulletin friendly. Thanks