View Full Version : How can I hard code the Image Saver Links

02-03-2012, 01:50 PM
I have the site that includes tech threads that have images.

Many people use Photobucket for their pictures. My only issue is if some of these people decide to cancel their image accounts, I lose all the tech threads.

Is there a way to grab them and keep them in the thread to avoid this issue?



02-03-2012, 03:33 PM
I've never used it myself, but maybe this mod: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=253309 ? You might want to scan the mod thread before installing it to see what users are saying.

02-03-2012, 03:49 PM
Thanks...that is exactly what I need but I'm not confident of that mod.

I'll look for others.

Thanks for the heads up.