View Full Version : New captcha

Tom D.
02-02-2012, 07:52 PM

there is a new captcha available, without the need for text input.
Just drag a few images of one kind onto a images of another kind.

It can be used within all systems which are programmed in PHP, so vBulletin is supported as well.
The use of ASSIGNCAPTCHA is free. Please test it and tell us what you think about it.


Best regards

This is not intended to be spam. BirdOPrey5 from vbulletin.com gave me the hint to put our introduction here, because vbulletin.org is the right place for PHP based modifications like ASSIGNCAPTCHA.

02-02-2012, 11:40 PM
Too much effort for captha. People have to find click 4 images and drag these to 4 other images. Thats too many actions IMHO. People will just give up and leave.

Tom D.
02-03-2012, 12:45 AM
People will just give up and leave.

I don't think so. Because with Google's recaptcha, people enter 2 words (4-8 chars each), which are often nearly impossible to read. They do it because that's the condition of the website they want to visit. 50 million times a day or more. So why shouldn't they do it with another captcha? Maybe you just should give it a chance.

Nevertheless, thank you for your opinion, Alfa1. ;)

Best regards

02-03-2012, 01:57 PM
And some savvy bot programmer will figure out how to make his puppets work that one too.
Besides what does this have to do with pre-sales?

Tom D.
02-03-2012, 09:56 PM
And some savvy bot programmer will figure out how to make his puppets work that one too.
... which has to be proven. Beyond that: as stated in our FAQ (http://assigncaptcha.com/index.php?page=faq&language=en), we think that every captcha that prevents a website form just a few months from beeing flooded by robots is worth to exist.

Besides what does this have to do with pre-sales?
Nothing, you're right. But how can somebody introduce a new captcha which can be easily embedded into vBulletin, if it is not possible to post into a vBulletin forum because you have to be a licensed user? Please tell me. This forum was the only one which was open for any registered user.

Best regards

02-03-2012, 10:19 PM
Nothing, you're right. But how can somebody introduce a new captcha which can be easily embedded into vBulletin, if it is not possible to post into a vBulletin forum because you have to be a licensed user? Please tell me. This forum was the only one which was open for any registered user.
Try the contact us link at the bottom of this page.

Tom D.
02-04-2012, 01:45 AM
Try the contact us link at the bottom of this page.

Thank you Alfa1, I just did that.

02-06-2012, 03:00 PM
If you were offering a free Captcha I or someone would probably be happy to turn your code into a mod that vBulletin admins could easily install on their forums- but the fact you intend to sell advertising through it suggests this is a commercial venture. If it's commercial then that is why you aren't going to be allowed to advertise it for free on many sites. If it was commercial you should buy a VB license so you could offer a download from your own website a VB admin would be able to use, it would make you more money in the long run.

As is you don't offer something someone could easily integrate into vBulletin if they don't have vBulletin Template and php skills, so I don't expect you will find many fans here.

Not to mention it is too many mouse clicks- what is the point of having to move all 8 images? Seems like if you only moved a select 2 or 3 images to the right spots that should be sufficient.