View Full Version : Restoring CMS Default?

01-31-2012, 09:33 PM

I was changing the CMS layout and some how it killed it. Is there anyway to restore default settings? This is the 1st time this has happened to me. http://mypokerhub.com/content.php

To access forum theme http://mypokerhub.com/forum.php

Please help me out ;)

02-01-2012, 05:52 PM
Hey Jakub :)

What are you canged exactly? If you change the template, then you can restore/rebuild them
ACP -> Styles & Templates -> Your Stye -> CMS
Then rebuild the red templates (if you made changes there).

Another method is, you change your layout:
ACP -> vBulletin CMS -> Layout -> Edit your layout you use.
There you can move the widgets at any place you want.